Each year, we like to celebrate the New Year by giving you huge discounts on some great games from the previous year. Last year, we discounted 13 celebrated PS3 games as part of the 13 for ’13 sale and this year we are taking it up a notch with the 14 for ’14 sale on PlayStation Store. Starting tomorrow, we’re bringing you 14 PS3 games AND 14 PS Vita games at up to 50 percent off, with PS Plus members receiving up to 75 percent off.
Starting tomorrow, January 14th, and running through January 20th, we’ve got a sweet lineup of 14 PS3 games and 14 PS Vita games on sale. Check out the 14 PS3 games that are part of the 14 for ’14 lineup below:
Game Title | PS Plus Price | Sale Price | Original Price |
BIT.TRIP Presents… Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien | $3.75 | $7.49 | $14.99 |
Crysis 3 | $5.00 | $9.99 | $19.99 |
Deus Ex Human Revolution: Director’s Cut | $13.49 | $14.99 | $29.99 |
ENSLAVED: Odyssey to the West Premium Edition | $5.00 | $9.99 | $19.99 |
F1 2013 | $20.99 | $29.99 | $59.99 |
Far Cry Blood Dragon | $3.75 | $7.49 | $14.99 |
Lone Survivor: The Director’s Cut (Cross Buy) | $5.24 | $7.49 | $12.99 |
Pool Nation | $2.25 | $4.49 | $8.49 |
Puppeteer | $7.00 | $13.99 | $39.99 |
Rain | $3.75 | $7.49 | $14.99 |
Rayman Legends | $35.99 | $47.99 | $59.99 |
Tales of Xillia | $10.00 | $19.99 | $39.99 |
The Wolf Among Us Season Pass | $13.49 | $14.99 | $19.99 |
Thomas Was Alone (Cross Buy) | $2.50 | $4.99 | $9.99 |
We couldn’t leave PS Vita out of the mix, so we’ve also got 14 PS Vita games on sale through January 20th. I know, that’s 28 games, but we couldn’t help ourselves. Check out all 14 PS Vita games below:
Game Title | PS Plus Price | Sale Price | Original Price |
Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two | $7.50 | $14.99 | $29.99 |
Killzone: Mercenary | $9.00 | $17.99 | $35.99 |
LIMBO PS Vita | $3.75 | $7.49 | $14.99 |
Lone Survivor: The Director’s Cut (Cross Buy) | $5.24 | $7.49 | $12.99 |
METAL GEAR SOLID: PEACE WALKER | $6.99 | $9.99 | $19.99 |
PIXELJUNK MONSTERS: ULTIMATE HD | $3.75 | $7.49 | $14.99 |
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time PS Vita | $6.75 | $13.49 | $26.99 |
Soul Sacrifice | $9.00 | $17.99 | $35.99 |
SPELUNKY (Cross Buy) | $3.75 | $7.49 | $14.99 |
Stealth Inc: A Clone in the Dark (Cross Buy) | $4.19 | $5.99 | $9.99 |
The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season | $5.00 | $9.99 | $19.99 |
Thomas Was Alone (Cross Buy) | $2.50 | $4.99 | $9.99 |
Velocity Ultra Vita | $2.00 | $3.99 | $7.49 |
Worms Revolution Extreme | $3.75 | $7.49 | $14.99 |
As an added bonus, if you are a Sony Rewards member, you can earn 10x points when you purchase any game that is part of the 14 for ’14 sale through January 20th. Redeem your points for PlayStation Store cash, a PlayStation Plus subscription, games and more! Not a member? Join Now.
Make sure you head over to PlayStation Store tomorrow to start taking advantage of all the discounts through the 14 for ’14 sale. What games are you going to grab?
I have the physical version of a couple of those, but I could sell them, rebuy the PSN version and STILL make a profit
Killer price on Xilia and pupeeteer
Anyone know how MGS:Peace Walker plays on vita? Its just the psp version, but can you use the 2nd analog stick?
Is it Baseball Season because you guys totally hit it out of the park with these sales! Thanks for not forgetting the Vita!
I will be picking up ENSLAVED: Odyssey to the West Premium Edition, Puppeteer and The Wolf Among Us Season Pass.
Any chance of this sale coming to Europe?
This is crazy I bought Killzone on Dec 25th for $36 and now it’s $9. I could have saved myself $26. Can we please have a little more heads up on this?
I would rather buy more games for less, than less games for more.
Might have to charge the credit card to get some of these games at a great price.
this new discounts makes me want to kill myself. I just bought like a month ago tales of xillia for $40, now it cost $10? thnx sony you just give me a pain in my back
Everyone crying about no sales last week happy now?
$10 for Xillia is incredible!! Its too bad i already platinumed the game. Unfortuanetly, the only other game i’m even remotely interested in is Wolf Among Us, but i don’t wanna buy a season pass for a game that Tell Tale takes for every to put out.
I really wish those digital only jrpgs on vita, Atelier Meruru and Totori, were offered on sale. I refuse to spend full price on those games.
I would grab Xillia and probably blood dragon. Thanks for the sales.
Wow. Time to get Killzone, Lone Survivor, Spelunky, Stealth Inc, Thomas Was Alone, and Velocity Ultra.
I have a question about the bonus Sony Rewards points. I have enough PSN Wallet money for these games, so I don’t need to buy more PSN credit with my PlayStation card. Would I still get the bonus rewards points?
Pupeteer! OH yeah!
Damn it! Shouldn’t have bought Soul Sacrifice on PS+, Now I can’t take advantage of the $9.00 sale to keep the game forever without PS+. D:
But it shouldn’t be much of a problem anyway, since I’ll probably renew my PS+ membership anually…
Amazing sale! Kind of scary to have the feeling that some of these will drop for free with Plus, but at least I’ll get to keep these after my sub ends (which will be never, I’m already good until june 2016). Either way, I’m really looking forward to this.
SUBEYCBEXNEJN XBF!!! HOLY COW! I’m so excited for this sale and I’m already poor as it is! I hate/love you guys! I’m going to pick up Killzone Mecenary, Puppeteer (Got it from my friend but I have to support it), Tales of Xillia, Lone Survivor, Velocity Ultra, Stealth Inc., & Crysis 3. SO MANY GAMES!!!! I don’t even have space on my Vita for all Killzone, Lone Survivor, Velocity & Stealth Inc. but who cares!
Yaay thats what I’m talking about….ha I knew it would be worth to wait…Farcry Blood Dragon you’re finally mine…oh may get Velocity Ultra too.
And all of you people who still dont have Runner 2….please don’t lose this chance….I got it for free with Plus but I would pay $20 for that game easily…Runner 2 is by far the most fun game of 2013.
Also I already got both but KZ Mercenary for $9.00 and Puppeteer for $7.00…man this is an insane discount.
Nice deals, but I cannot help but to wonder if any of these games will be in the Instant Game Collection in the next month or so….I have read how others felt like they were screwed when they bought a game on sale and then Sony gives it away for its + members weeks later. Just a concern…not a complaint.
nothing for ps4 :(
Awesome deals!!!! omg tales of xillia, kill zone mercenaries, sly cooper “TIT” gotta be mine for sure!!
Tales of Xillia is definitely getting added to my collection, and possibly Crysis 3.
(On a side note, once again let’s notice a megapublisher -Ubisoft- really overvaluing its title. *cough*RaymanLegends*cough*)
Still though, this whole selection of stuff definitely makes up for the awful sales the past two weeks.
Puppeteer $7.00
The Wolf Among Us Season Pass $13.49
ENSLAVED: Odyssey to the West Premium Edition $5.00
maybe Mercenary $9.00 but don’t have VITA yet LOL.
14th is my Bday! Imagine my disappointment when I saw that the sale prices were only for the US…
Biggest sale ever!! Thank you guys!! I will surely grab all the Vita sales later! :D
@SuperStone it is all about patience. Sales are the same everywhere. You never know what will be much cheaper in the next weeks or month. This is software and hardware sales where a lot can happen. And if you have been a plus member for a longer time you should be able to guess that your game might end up in a sale. If you can’t wait then enjoy it for the price you bought it until it hits the bargain bin ^^.
You American folks better buy Puppeteer.
…please… :(
Amazing sale, how am I supposed to clear my Backlog when you have amazing sales like that LOL.
Will buy:
Far Cry Blood Dragon
Wolf Among Us
Maybe Killzone, I sold my copy but at $9 it’s hard to resist.
Tales of Xilla is a darn good steal! I paid $15 for it on Black Friday.
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon, Lone Survivor, Crysis 3 and maybe Wolf Among US
Does the Wolf Among US season pass come with the first episode?
Amazing deals! Puppeteer and Xillia for me. Never played a Tales game so this looks like a good starting point. Thanks Sony!
Looks like I’m getting The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season, The Wolf Among Us Season Pass, FC3: Blood Dragon, ENSLAVED & Xillia.
Hea, look at that, a sale, I remember those. Some good stuff
Sony, you have officially slaughtered my wallet.
Time for Tales, Puppeteer, Blood Dragon, Rain, and Wolf Among Us to be mine.
oh my god killzone cannery. thanks you much i was too cheap to pay full price. gonna get that and worms for my vita.
*mercenary. stupid autocorrect
Not that I don’t love those deals but…Muramasa :(?
Killzone Cannery :P
@77: You get the 5 episodes with the season pass. Be careful of not paying for Episode 1 twice.
Kinda surprised it’s on sale. I also bought it for $20 thinking it wouldn’t go on sale, guess I was wrong. But as I learned since having Plus that you can never expect which games you buy will go on sale. I bought my share of games that have gone on sale and it’s alright. I am supporting Sony and the developers and it’s only a few dollars more I am spending. I am a bit surprised at a few of these games getting repeat sales like Far Cry3 Blood Dragon, Epic Mickey 2 The Power of Two, Spleunky, Bit Trip Runner 2. Still excited for Puppeteer being $7 and Enslaved Premium Edition being $5 so $12 for both games and one includes all the DLC. I never got a chance to beat Enslaved so for $5 it’s a heck of a deal. Already have Lone Survivor, Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon, Rain, Sly Cooper Thieves Among Us which I got for $10 through Amazon and Wolf Among Us. If I didn’t buy any of these games I would probably get them through this sale.
if you haven’t played Farcry 3: Blood Dragon or Enslaved I can’t recommend both enough. Both are 8 or more hours and are solid.
Holy **** Sony what are you doing ?? You absolutely killing it with all these sales lately. Have already brought Ni No Kuni for 8,90$ and feeling like a thief. This is insane, there are some top notch 2013 games that you throw away for under 10$ !!
I really hope that you preparing an amazing move with Playstation Now and all these games that i buy now will be playable on my PS4 in the future ! If you successful manged this then maybe this generation is a legit candidate for the “Golden Century in Gaming”.
*Money flows out of wallet and into Sony’s hands*
I hate you and love you so much Sony.
I believe Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time is a Cross Buy title as well. Regardless, definitely picking that up along with Puppeteer!
Q : What happens to the games I Purchase while on PS Plus and soon to end ?? Do I get to keep the games or do I need to re-new ?? Thank you
Thank you, Sony… and I hate everything in life.
Puppeteer for $7 and Tales of Xillia for $10? Amazing Sale. =)
+ Atropos__: Anything you actually pay money for is yours to keep. The free stuff goes away if you don’t resub.
But keep in mind that DLC you buy for any game is yours, but if you only got the game itself through the IGC you won’t be able to access it. If I download Borderlands 2 for free via the IGC and buy DLC for it, I won’t be able to play any of it if my subscription lapses.
Hope that helps.
Still no ps4 sales?
This sale is awesome!!! I will definitely be getting most of those Vita games. Thank you, Sony.