On Tuesday, Sony’s CEO Kaz Hirai gave the opening keynote speech of CES 2014. He spoke about some of the successes (And failures!) that Sony has had in the past, and took the opportunity to lay out his vision for the future of the company, emphasizing that its products and services need to deliver “wow” experiences to its customers.
We were honored that Media Molecule was highlighted in the keynote as a kind of apotheosis of this concept (Yay, us!), embracing the desire to deliver something special and truly unique and “wow” in each of our games. We were excited to work with the team to put together this little video for his prezzo, where we discuss our creative process and vision for our games.
If you didn’t catch the livestream, we wanted to share this video with you here on PlayStation.Blog, as it gives our fans and the gaming community another look into the happenings that go on behind the scenes while we work on developing our creations.
That wasn’t our only involvement though — if you watch Kaz’s full speech you’ll spot our very own Rex Crowle, Tearaway’s creative director, taking part in the live performance shenanigans on the live animation screen behind Kaz.
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