As hinted back in August by Shuhei Yoshida, President of Worldwide Studios, we’re excited to announce that starting today, PS Plus members can begin pre-loading Killzone Shadow Fall now for a special FREE multiplayer extended open weekend from 12/28 through 12/31.
Through this promotion, the PS4 owners who don’t yet own Shadow Fall can easily try the game’s acclaimed multiplayer mode, and experience first-hand the excitement that thousands of videos and livestreams have already spread via the PS4’s powerful share functionality. Check here for current competitions and tournaments you can watch and/or participate in during the open weekend.
It’s also important for us to reiterate that the Shadow Fall multiplayer experience will continue to evolve and expand with new content and additional features. In fact, a new update will soon go live that addresses many oft-requested features, including the addition of voice chat. Moreover, all additional maps will be made available for free to ensure that the community grows without fragmenting. We’re committed to supporting Shadow Fall, and we’re excited to share more about that vision early in the new year.
Don’t forget to start pre-loading today to make sure you’re on as early as possible on December 28th.
See you all online!
NOTE: Plus members who don’t own Shadow Fall but opt to pre-load and participate in the MP open weekend will also be downloading single-player content (although MP can be prioritized to complete first). Please be aware that while this single-player content will be automatically downloaded, it will NOT be unlocked during this trial weekend.
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