The holidays are here, and we’re happy to be launching Pinball Arcade on PS4 tomorrow! We’ve been working hard all year on remastering and relighting the classic pinball tables in our game to take advantage of the PS4’s power. And you’re getting a table on PS4 for free.
That table happens to be one of the best pinballs of all time, Tales of the Arabian Nights, which was designed and manufactured by Williams in 1996. We can’t wait for people to try it who may never have tried pinball before. Pinball is a much deeper game than some people think.
Out Tomorrow
The digital version goes live this week in North America. The blu-ray is also getting delivered to a few retailers this week — a great stocking stuffer for anyone who likes pinball (hint hint).
We’re launching with all of our Season One content available. That’s more than 20 tables worthy of first ballot Pinball Hall of Fame inductions. In fact, nine of the top fourteen ever, according to pinside.com are available from day one on PS4. We’re humbled to get to recreate these masterpieces for all of the real pinball fans out there.
Lighting Tech
Since we started re-creating pinball tables digitally, a decade or so ago, we’ve wanted to implement point lights — the illumination of light from specific points. Pinball tables are a great way to show off this technology. Some tables have more than 100 points of light that have been designed to flash on and off during the different modes and features of the table. I’ll always remember the PS4 for being the platform that we developed this on first.
Also adding to the eye candy is the amount of real-time environment map reflections we can add. Pinball tables are made up of lot of plastic and metal parts. Lots of chrome, combined with lots of colored lights going on and off makes for a beautiful light show!
Since we first released the Season One tables on PS3 and PS Vita, we’ve been making fixes and improvements to our engine and each table. These fixes will soon be released for those platforms in a big patch that should be out in January. The PS4 version will get this updated gameplay on day one.
We want to give players who own the PS3 and PS Vita content a discount on PS4. There have been some technical hurdles, but we’ve been able to work with PlayStation to implement a loyalty discount on PlayStation Store for the Season One Table Packs. Players who own all of the Season One tables can buy either of the Season One Packs for half price!
Happy holidays to all of you guys from everyone at FarSight!
If I buy the Season 1 and Season 2 Bundles for the PS3/Vita, how can i get the PS4 version for half price? I see that it’s on PSN+ for a discount already. Will the discount be half off of the PSN price if i am already a member? Thanks
I own all of season one tables on the ps3/vita, and yet when I look at the price for the them on ps4 it isn’t discounted with any loyalty price that I have been reading about. I believe it was a 50% discount. Now honestly I’m not happy about the no cross-buy but I am happy if the tables are discounted higher for people who already own them on other sony devices, but like I side I’m not seeing that. Can you please explain the details of how that works, I’d really like to know because 15$ even if I already own the tables else where isn’t as bad as 30.
@ZOMBully the discounted version is a separate listing in the PSN Store you need to search for it.
Isn’t there supposed to be a discount for PSN Plus Members? All I saw was the game download for free then in the game the choice to purchase at full price.
why was this even added, what a WASTE OF TIME AND A DOWNLOAD. first off you put this out on ps3 on ps plus once and that also was a waste of time and space. i should of known it was a setup again. you get ONE TABLE. ONE and it says you have to buy the rest. this game isnt even good enough to pay for. everything about ps4 is a letdown. i think sony threw in the towel because they have skimped down on every single thing. they are so hard up for cash they took away the cd player and mp3s. they gutted the system so badly that theres not even a rca multi out for my surround sound. and no power switch so they could save on the parts. great now ill have to wait another month or 2 just to see another free game which will prob be just as awfull. ps3 has nothing great either to play
p.s. i think the ps4 graphics for this game might actually be worse then the ps3 graphics or if anything they are equal. so glad i paid so much for a system that performs on the same level of ps3 pffft
i just bought the season one pack 4 ps3 i see no discount on ps4 plus im miffed i gotta pay twice
I also do not see a ps plus discount for the season 1 pack on PS4 or the web store. It was appearing earlier in the day but it’s not showing up now. A shame as I was ready to buy tonight.
I hate the flapper response time. It feels laggy. I really wanted to like these tables too. The game looks really good! The lights in tables corresponding with the ball bouncing of the bumpers are all in perfect synch with each other.
But the timing of the flappers make for a overall bad experience. I tried 4 different tables, 3 different brands and spent over an hour playing. The result was the same on the tables I played.
If you press the flappers 3 or more times in quick succession, the timing and feel seems OK. But I don’t play this way. I generally wait just until the ball meets the flapper before I lay the smack down on it (getting the timing right on a real table will cause the ball to “pop” the table glass!) and sometimes I like to cradle the ball with the flapper for a precision hit. And trying to pitch the ball from one flapper to the other is very frustrating. Also on a side note, I’d like to have the option to make R2 & L2 my flapper choice. My hands where actually starting to cramp up using R1 & L1.
The flapper is the most important part of the table and overall experience. If that’s not just right, the rest is a fail.
Where’s the KISS table!
If making a KISS table is not in the works, it needs to be ASAP!
Please tell me a KISS table is in the works? Did I mention that I need a KISS table!
Make it happen!
Why can i get the discounted tables for PS4 when i own all tables (bought individually)?
Very frustrating,
Why I cannot get the discounted tables? I bought both season packs on PS3/Vita!
This port is amazing! I can’t believe how much work has gone into the lighting engine. It is a night and day difference between the PS3 version.
30$ for 22 tables is an absolute steal. Less than 1.25$ per table!! Thank you guys, my most played game on PS4 right now! Attack from Mars, Twilight Zone, Theatre of Magic, Monster Bash… These cost anywhere from 7,000 to 10,000$ owning the real machine. People need to recognize what an amazing title this is for that reason alone. Hell I’ve seen Medieval Madness go for 12,000$ in mint condition. Yet here it is, I own it. It’s crazy.
Thank you so much, Farsight studios! This game really is a dream come true.
Also Merry Chistmas Playstation. Loving my PS4!
This game is a measly 30$ for all 22 tables. It’s easily worth twice that. Discounts are nice, but it’s not work missing out or getting worked up over 15$.
They didn’t even have to offer a discount at all. We’re talking about 15$ here. 30$ for all 22 tables is already half off buying each table pack seperately.
Essentially you have people complaining about a game that’s already half off because they want another half off… :rollseyes:
I don’t think it was in poor taste. It’s worth mentioning, he probably didn’t realize it would post 3 times, as he was just addressing each person individually, instead of the comments section as a whole.
Anyways. I don’t want to beat a dead horse, but it’s worth saying: Buying the base game (10$) and each individual table pack in season 1 (50$) would cost a total of 60$. The season pass on PlayStation 4 is already 50% off at 30$. Yet some are losing their **** because they don’t qualify for -an additional- 50% off. That’s very entitlist. The game is worth every penny of 60$. 30$ is a steal and 15$ is basically a huge thank you to the fans.
And I agree the comparisons to Zen are really stupid. Pinball Arcade is a sim , Zen is fantasy. It’s like comparing Gran Turismo to Need for Speed. It’s fine to like both, or prefer one over the other, but they are not the same thing at all.
I don’t think it was in poor taste. It’s worth mentioning, he probably didn’t realize it would post 3 times, as he was just addressing each person individually, instead of the comments section as a whole.
Anyways. I don’t want to beat a dead horse, but it’s worth saying: Buying the base game (10$) and each individual table pack in season 1 (50$) would cost a total of 60$. The season pass on PlayStation 4 is already 50% off at 30$. Yet some are complaining because they don’t qualify for -an additional- 50% off. That’s very entitlist. The game is worth every penny of 60$. 30$ is a steal and 15$ is basically a huge thank you to the fans. If you can’t enjoy the game without heavy discounts, then you don’t deserve to play it in the first place. These are the best pinball machines of all time, designed by the legends of the industry, and are presented to us to own and enjoy forever, for a pittance compared to the cost of a real pinball machine.
And I agree the comparisons to Zen are really stupid. Pinball Arcade is a sim , Zen is fantasy. It’s like comparing Gran Turismo to Need for Speed. It’s fine to like both, or prefer one over the other, but they are not the same thing at all.
THIS GAME IS AWESOME!!! Im pretty new to the whole digital pinball thing but ill say it is worth the money. I played zen on ps3 and it pales in comparison to arcade pinball on ps4, quit complaining these guys earned the right to put a price on these tables/game. They said they worked hard and it shows. Great game every table is good
I only recently discovered the Zen Pinball and am having a lot of fun with it, never knew virtual pinball would actually keep me entertained. LOL. So I will have to check this out next time I turn on my PS4.
I think you guys should at least tell it the way it really is… as good as the free game is.. and it is nice ,
it really isn’t free… you get to download it for free and then you play it a couple times and then when you get to a preset score the game will not allow you to play and asked that you now pay for it….
kinda misleading the word FREE isn’t it??
Bobby, I’m really looking forward to the patch for the Vita. I really hope it fixes all the existing issues. As a huge pinball fan it’s been so frustrating having broken tables for so long after having paid for them, especially knowing how great they could be from playing the ones that work well. I have all of season one and really want to get season two but I made the decision that Farsight didn’t deserve to hold onto any more of my money while I waited to get working tables I’d already paid for. If this patch does fix all the issues then I’ll be happy to become a customer once more.
One question, some of the tables, especially the first launch tables, had much better moving cameras than many DLC tables. Along with fixing the bugs in the tables were the cameras improved? Several tables only scrolled up when the ball was at the very top and only for brief moments and much of these tables features were hard to see.
Thank you. I’m looking forward to finally playing multiplayer Black Knight, among others.
I would like to know when is season 2 the pinball arcade coming out for Ps4.And when is the Ps4 the pinball arcade tournament gonna start.If the pinball arcade tournament started already how come i can’t play it casuse i purchase the whole season 1 on PlayStation store.email me back as soon as possible i like to hear from u.Later.MERRY CHRISTMAS to your online buddy.JOHNNY
Thanks for creating Pinball Arcade and bringing it to PS4!! I love it and purchased season 1 pro, but, I need season 2 asap. Cue Ball wizard is my all time favorite pinball machine and was wondering when it will be available on Ps4? Thanks.