Season’s greetings! Owen from Mojang here. I have some exciting news that you might be interested in. It’s about Minecraft – a game that’s sold over 30 million copies to date. Minecraft is a game about breaking and placing blocks. At first, you’ll probably build simple structures to protect against nocturnal monsters. Later on, you might work with your friends to create wonderful, imaginative things.
It can also be about adventuring or watching the sun rise over a blocky ocean. It’s pretty. Brave players battle terrible things in The Nether, which is more scary that pretty. You can also visit a land of mushrooms if it sounds more like your cup of tea.
Minecraft: PlayStation 3 Edition will be available to download from PSN on December 17th in North America. Minecraft: PlayStation 4 Edition and Minecraft: PS Vita Edition are also being developed, but we don’t have release dates yet. Expect them sometime next year.
I’ve received a few questions concerning the PS3 edition over the past few months, so let’s clear them up before I get thrown off the blog…
Q: Does Minecraft: PS3 Edition feature everything from the other versions of Minecraft?
Minecraft: PS3 Edition comes with everything present in other console versions. They’re pretty much identical to play, and will be developed in tandem from now on.
Q: Will Minecraft: PS3 Edition feature DLC texture packs and skins?
Downloadable skins and texture packs will be available from PSN soon after release.
Q: Will there be PlayStation-specific content?
PlayStation-specific skins and texture packs would be cool! Fingers crossed, eh?
Q: Will Minecraft: PS3 Edition feature Remote Play or compatibility with the PS4 or PS Vita editions?
We don’t know yet, sorry. We’ll let you know as soon as we do.
Q: Does Herobrine feature in Minecraft: PS3 Edition?
Probably not.
That’s it for now! I’ll do my best to answer any more queries you have below! Merry Christmas/Nadolig Llawen everyone!
Owen – @bopogamel
@anybody asking about price: $20
@anybody asking about cross-buy: unknown
@anybody asking about mods: obviously not because consoles don’t support mods
@anybody asking about PS+ discount: there won’t be any
@anybody asking about custom skins: no
@anybody asking about PS exclusive stuff: none same as the xbox version
@anybody asking about online MP: yes
@anybody asking about split-screen: up to 4 players
there i think i answered most on the most asked questions on this blog
*most of the frequently asked questions…*
sorry i was tired when typing
@202 Have you ever played Minecraft?
please let it be cross-buy on PS3-PS Vita!!! (on PS4 would be a huuuge plus ;))
@203 i’ve been playing since the PC version came out why do you ask?
I’ve read the other comments and I know no one knows, but cross-buy or an upgrade option for the PS4 would be nice.
why still not on the ps store? how long more :/
@ Zamawal4ever later in the evening time as per usual
I’ve been up all night waiting to buy this just to find out that it won’t be on the PSN Store until later this afternoon or evening… Hopefully, when I get off work at 3:30 P.M. (CST), it will be on there. As for now, I’m going to get ready for work and maybe I’ll see you guys on there later on today!
will you be able to play with people on the ps3 in the psvita version.
Congrats, 4J and Mojang on the PS3 edition of Minecraft! I’m a huge fan if it on PC, 360 and PE, I know this one is just going to be great. This is the one game I’d love to have on every type of device I owned, and would get it over and over again. ^-^ Yay, Minecraft!
its the 17th and i cant find it on the Playstation Store, what time zone is it out in, in North America?
What time will it be released?
Will it be free?
can u go to the ender and meet the ender people.
@204 & @206 Nothing planned at this time.
@214 Minecraft isn’t free.
@205 Just curious. I started playing it 2 years ago.
@217 It’ll never be free. Minecraft isn’t free to play.
Is it free?
How much will it cost?
Is it free for PS+ members?
@221 Nope. There’s already list of games free for PS+ members, Minecraft isn’t one of them.
@220 $20
when is psn store maintanence going stop because I want to download minecraft (i’m from north America)
How much will the download cost?
Woops never mind. Should have read ahead.
Such a huge fan of minecraft been playing on pc for years what time is this going to be released??
@223 The store isn’t under maintenance. It doesn’t get updated till later in the day.
@224 About $20.
@225 Prices are subject to change.
@226 Around 5pm CST.
If I buy this for ps3, is it like a cross plat purchase? Like, when it comes out for ps4, will i get it for free like what happened when flower was remade for PS4?
Will this game support splitscreen?
actually there will be psn only content for minecraft, but it will be in skins for your characters some time after launch, thats about it
What time will it be available for purchase?
Any word on Price for the PS3 I want to buy a PSN card for my brothers so they can get it for Christmas but should I get two $20 Cards for them?
@230 It does have splitscreen.
@223 Just wait till its out for the store. There should be a demo to download and the price will be available.
I can’t wait 4 this game oh yea boy
Always been interested in trying Minecraft, now that its coming to PS3, I’m finally going to get to see what all the fuss is about it. Hope it’s just as much fun to play as Terraria!
@237 Minecraft.net I did play Terraria and Minecraft is a lot different from it
its December 18th here in Australia where is it???
will it have all the compatibility and access the PC version has? or will it be like the xbox where itss constantly getting updated and cannot do nearly as much with the game as u can in PC
انا انتظر الى الان !!!!!!!! I waited until now
f***ing xbox 360 minecraft !!!!!!
Let’s play minecraft on ps3 yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss im so happpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppy
@242 No. It’ll be the same as the xbox version.
Nice! Can’t wait to try that out soon!
hopefully they keep on updating the ps3 and x360 after the ps4 and xb1 versions come out
EPIC! Finally! I’ve waited FOREVER!!!! How can you change your skin on the PS3? :D I don’t care! I’ve waited FOREVER! YAY!
It’s 9am, where’s Minecraft?
most likely the same as the 360 version