In what is shaping up to be a historic year for gamers, I’m delighted to share an important new milestone with you. PS4’s North American debut on November 15th was PlayStation’s largest ever, with more than one million gamers picking up a PS4 in just 24 hours. Now, with PS4’s global launch expanding to a total of 32 countries worldwide, including Europe and Latin America, I’m proud to announce that more than 2.1 million PS4s have been sold.
It’s an impressive and record-setting accomplishment for our company and for our industry, and we couldn’t have done it without you. I want to personally thank PlayStation fans, both old and new, for your vote of confidence. The best part: the PS4 journey has just begun. In addition to an incredible lineup of PS4 games from the best developers in the world, we will continue to introduce valuable new features and services to PS4 in the months and years ahead.
While PS4’s capabilities will continue to evolve, our commitment to gamers and breakthrough entertainment remains steadfast. We believe that videogames represent the pinnacle of artistry and entertainment, and we will work tirelessly to make sure that PlayStation remains the best place to play.
Thank you for your passion and your support — we couldn’t have done this without you.
Please make enough ps4’s so I can buy one! They are sold out everywhere, even your own site. Xmas is comming up, I will be purchasing the next gen gaming system, so will many others. Don’t force us to buy an Xbox just because it is the only thing in stock in stores.
Thanks sony for putting out this great hardware, we love your brand and can’t wait to see what this generation will bring us.
Also were all working towards the PS9! hehe
You guys thank us by making us pay for something that we already pay for?? Paying for playing online was something that those greedy people at Microsoft came up with! I never thought that you guys would scrap your greatest selling point. And to top it off the PS4 is terrible! I’ve been having issues with the sever, hate that i cant play CDs, MP3s, or ANY of my PS3 games on my PS4! You can’t ever change the theme or wallpaper! Worst of all EVERY SINGLE SHOOTER on the PS4 uses L2 to aim and R2 to shoot by default. This is not Xbox! Just because a controller have triggers that does not mean you should shoot with them! I have been a hardcore PlayStation fanboy ever since the original PlayStation. But the PS4 is by far the greatest disappointment.
@INFIDEL_JIHAD (comment 167)
It’s Sony’s fault because only the PS4 version’s online sucks. I have BF4 on PS3 and bought the digital upgrade. The online skips and lags on the PS4 but runs perfectly on the PS3.
I had no doubt Sony would return to its former greatness; PS4 being no exception. After all, I have been a Sony devotee since I bought the very first Walkman model (with the orange headphones). Sony makes things I’m proud to own.
HOWEVER, It is becoming a little more than maddening trying to simply find information as to when there will be more PS4s available for sale in the US.
It’s astonishing that in 2013 there is an inventory problem … no less from one of the leading producers of electronic technology.
WHY isn’t there any word from ANYONE about supply of PS4s?
They don’t wish to say anything because the minute they say something the people on the internet will twist their words and make it seem like they messed up or are doing this on purpose.
Things would not have been so bad if sony made every store limit consoles to 1 per person. I talked to many people who work at best buy or gamestop or places like that who say people came in and bought 3 or 4 consoles. One person even bought 10 of them and was bragging about how he is going to resell all of them for double what he paid.
Amazon.co.uk had a new batch dated for December 11th, but they were all taken within minutes.
I’m being sensible and waiting next year to buy one. Why buy one now when it’s full of bugs and technical problems, and lets be honest the launch games are pants, except resogun.
I will buy one when The Last Guardian comes out or The Order 1886.
Unbelievable. Best system ever))
No DLNA, 3D-Blu-rays or Audio- und MP3-CDs are supported, we have the year 2013 and all the stuff are working on the PS3, what is with the PS4-Support????
Bad Joke with the community :-(
Congrats Sony. Now keep them coming, I have been trying to get my hands on a ps4 since launch. At this point I know all delivery schedules for all major retailers in sudbury ON Canada. I know I’m not the only one just by how annoyed the Clerk in the electronic department sounds when I call. So let me be a part in blowing Microsoft out of the water, send some more systems!!!
sony I love you and you re welcome I just got ps4 and I have the following: ps4,ps3,ps2,psp,psp street,psvita,ps1
when will a new shipment of ps4 come to Denmark????
Hi People of Sony,
I would love to enjoy playing on the PS4 but I have had no luck locating
a console. I work through out the day like normal ppl do but have no time to
on a scavenger hunt for one. I will wait for you guys to produce more units seeing as
how there aren’t enough PS4′ to go around. I call stores just for them to say “we don’t know when the next shipment will arrive”. So with that said, Please try to make the effort to have a PS4 available for X-mas as i would like to enjoy the console as much as the other dedicated fans of Sony.
Its the first week of December and you can’t find one in Canada anywhere.
Why is there no stock? You do a pre-Christmas release, but have none for Christmas. Unless you’re holding them back…
Congrats! and Thank YOU Sony!
i too am going to join the folks who are a bit angry that they can’t find a darn system. i’ve been calling stores checking that stupid instock site and nothing. xmas is coming and i would hate to have to buy an xbox simply because the system i want isnt there. not like you guys couldn’t use more money……..
So um….. We hit 3.5 million PS4’s yet.
Microconsole.com and Microconsoles.com net org info and co.uk are for sale. Are you interested?
That’s great!
But if only the same could be said about the PS Vita.
Cool!!From videos ive seen The Playroom seems cool!!!
The PS4 it offers an amazing proposal for its buyers. Big releases coupled with great power and efficiency the console, cause the game has an amazing performance … this makes the games even more to give your players real sense of reality … which will provide its players with amazing fun experiences!
Unfortunately in my country, Brazil, the PS4 is an extremely expensive console … The price of it here comes to about $ 2000 (R$ 4000). So it gets very complicated for gamers in the country … there are many … can take advantage of this great technology …
It’s hard to imagine for those who live in the U.S., but until now buying a PS3 is also expensive. The price of it arrives at the absurd $ 500 (approximately R$ 1000). Besides the price of the games are scary … What makes piracy is quite popular and common in the country.