In what is shaping up to be a historic year for gamers, I’m delighted to share an important new milestone with you. PS4’s North American debut on November 15th was PlayStation’s largest ever, with more than one million gamers picking up a PS4 in just 24 hours. Now, with PS4’s global launch expanding to a total of 32 countries worldwide, including Europe and Latin America, I’m proud to announce that more than 2.1 million PS4s have been sold.
It’s an impressive and record-setting accomplishment for our company and for our industry, and we couldn’t have done it without you. I want to personally thank PlayStation fans, both old and new, for your vote of confidence. The best part: the PS4 journey has just begun. In addition to an incredible lineup of PS4 games from the best developers in the world, we will continue to introduce valuable new features and services to PS4 in the months and years ahead.
While PS4’s capabilities will continue to evolve, our commitment to gamers and breakthrough entertainment remains steadfast. We believe that videogames represent the pinnacle of artistry and entertainment, and we will work tirelessly to make sure that PlayStation remains the best place to play.
Thank you for your passion and your support — we couldn’t have done this without you.
Thanks for the update. I was interested in knowing how big the launch in the EU was. Impressive numbers and reflects very well on Kaz, Shu, Jack and Andy. No wonder there was a disturbance in the network when a million new PS4 owners tried to log on, download the system update and redeem vouchers.
I keep seeing people here and elsewhere saying they can’t find a PS4 in the stores. I pre-ordered mine and still stood in line @ midnight just for the fun and to get started as soon as possible.
So, yay for us, because we’ll be getting a lot more great PS4 games with this large an install base.
oh boy… it would be an amazing thing if the PS4 console were sold by US$ 3,999.00 in the US. That’s one thing that for sure would change history.
I’ve got mine, although it didn’t like the Samsung 1TB hard drive I tried to install in it. It gave me the “Blue Light of Death” but workd fine when I put back in the OEM 500GB HGST hard drive.
The model of the Samsung HDD I tried to install has been confirmed working by other buyers, according to NewEgg reviews of the drive, and it works just fine in my PC. So I don’t know what’s up, but I don’t wanna risk another BLoD or waste any more money buying hard drives. Guess it’s gonna be 500GB.
Well I have been with Sony since ps1 and I’m a little concerned they say one thing and do something different everyone who is pleased with ps4 aRe just happy to have a new system I bought mine on release night and have had different problems everyday since launch like the new kinect like camera for example on n a2k14 if u curse u get a tech but nothing else said verbally even works in game on xboxone u can call plays not on ps4 I’m thinking about maybe going with xboxone cause the gaming on ps4 leaves little if any comfort for the price
Also, I love the voice command. I can even start my movies using…”PLAYSTATION…..START” Please add more voice command options. Hopefully devs will add this to games. Skyrim with voice command (on another console) was great.
I guess you have a reason to be bragging but don’t ever get so ****y again and think people and developers will flock at a 600 dollar console that’s impossible to develop for with the 5th PlayStation.
Also, please, fix the Japanese game industry. I’m so sick and tired of first person shooters taking the most popular games. Push the PS4 so much in your homeland that every Japanese gamer will run out and buy one. Don’t tell them to buy western games instead push Yakuza and Shun Musou 8 and only promote Japanese games.
As much as how Sony is the darling of the video game industry right now, they lack the games that instantly made the PS1 and PS2 generations a buy at day one.
The moment Xbox One gets the better games and must have imports, I’m not hesitant to move there, even when price is a factor.
Hy andrew can you please help me with something i been waiting on a refund for a protection plan for a vita i had but its been 30 days and i have not got anywhere with calling you guy can you please help me out with this
You’re welcome! You can pay us all back by continuing to deliver the games in the genres we love-that is, Shooters, Platformers, RPGs, Arcade-style, Sports, the whole 9!
Stay out of the microtransaction boat sinker and you will continue to do great things. If you flip and make exclusive titles riddled with microtransactions like the xbox one I will take you back to the store or gamestop if i am out of the return window. I think you guys have did a great job listening to what the gamers want and I think you should continue down that path. If not you will suffer just as microsoft has with these sales this time around. People believe it was the price point that made people choose the ps4 over the XBONE but its not, for gamers its having a console that focuses on the gaming portion of the system and touches everything else second. Please Sony whatever you do, do not sell us premium priced games and then nickle and dime us the rest of the way.
BF4 in PS4 SUCKS!!! About 10 days without Online multiplayer from BF4, then if flickers the hell of it during gameplay , about every 5 seconds. BIG LAG while shooting opponents. Battlescreen was working at the beginning and after battlelog update it doesn’t work. You get kicked out while playing or loading to A map. After fix for BF4 servers, well, half a fix, the battlelog menu in PS4 if accessed u get kicked from the whole game with errors reports. Now it still kicking me out when BF4 thinks is ok to kick me. WTF!!! And I can continue with it. What a POS of work Sony and DICE/ EA are doing, specially DICE/ EA concentrating their efforts on anything Microsoft, Xbox One and PC. PS4, wait till they are done fixing PC and Xbox. Thank God I just payed $10 for it, cause thats all is worth. And PS4 taking all the MEDIA Stream and Bluetooth away?!?! WTF? Thought they thought about us the consumer/ gamers!!!! YEA RIGHT!!! Thank God for my PS3 and my Smart BRAVIA TV I can still stream!!! I’m A SONY FAN, all my Media entertainment equipment is SONY and this is how they treat me/ us??? I will be getting the Xbox and thought I would never do that. Thank You SONY for ur hard work!!!!
And the UPDATE for today…..
PS4 CRASH is not happening when there is a large amount of friends playing!!! They just are embarrassed to say is that is crashing due to an overload of data when there is 64 players and Levolution is happening, or there is a lot of players with rocket launchers and grenade launchers and there is multiple explosions!!!!. Instead of fixing the Audio for the video shares, why they don’t fix the glitches that happen every 5 second in the screen, like you are freezing for a second every 5 seconds. We need to have some type of customer law in digital purchases, if not working like supposed to u get ur money back. Do you want to buy an Xbox One or PS4 that just works randomly? Frak no!!!
Thanks Sony and EA/ DICE for the support!
Until now Sony has provided the best console ever like it always will.
I am looking forward to get a PlayStation 4 but there is a lot of pre-orders and orders for the best console ever. So when it is available, I will definitely get it because I know it will be successful like its predecessor.
In my opinion PlayStation 4 is the best place to play.
Keep up the fantastic work!Sony!!!
And looking forward for next gen console!!!!!
Adam Nabil
And I have been using more the BF4 for PS3 than the one for the “next Gen-Console” because it sucks!!!!
Ha saw a video of the PS4 launch on Germany…damn that was some crazy s***….I’ve never seen something like that.Funny stuff….I ain’t getting a PS3.5 anytime soon.
Until now Sony has provided the best console ever, like it always will.
I am looking forward to get a PlayStation 4 but there is a lot of pre-orders and orders for the best console ever. So when it is available, I will definitely get it because I know it will be successful like its predecessor.
In my opinion PlayStation 4 is the best place to play.
Keep up the fantastic work!Sony!!!
And looking forward for next gen console!!!!!
Adam Nabil
Until now Sony has provided the best console ever, like it always will.
I am looking forward to get a PlayStation 4 but there is a lot of pre-orders and orders for the best console ever. So when it is available, I will definitely get it because I know it will be successful like its predecessor.
In my opinion PlayStation 4 is the best place to play.
Keep up the fantastic work!Sony!!!
And looking forward for next gen console!!!!!
Adam Nabil
@TOORBO Damn sorry to hear your having that much trouble with BF4 … I’m getting the bluescreen error but not all that other stuff … It happens to me every other game … DICE has had a really rough launch this year with BF4 thats for sure …
Not quite sure how that is sony’s fault though?
@ Welmosca LoL 3.5 that genuinely makes me laugh 256mb ram devoted to games on ps3 256mb devoted to video … Hmmm Ps4 8Gb Gddr5 30x or so more than ps3 … The ps3 was great in it’s time but the Ps4 takes a
Dump with a capital D on the ps3
And if you wanted to get technical Ps4 3.5 Gb for OS 4.5 Gb for games
Sony always wins baby!
Glad to see the PS4 doing well so far. I can honestly say that this is the most excited I’ve been at launch for any of the Playstation consoles and glad to see that a lot of other people are equally excited. I hope this is going to be another great generation of PS gaming. :)
Congrats Sony, well deserved!
Bring more to Canada!
Is it possible to turn off the blue light on the ps4 completely? I see that being a total distraction while playing a game or watching a movie in the pure dark.
Will there also be a new dualshock 4 standard controller soon minus the lightbar and speaker? I would rather have 30hour battery life then silly gimmicks.
Please bring a new dualshock 4 out with a battery life of 25-30 hours minus the speaker and lightbar. give people the choice option. I don’t like the fact that ds4 lasts for 6-10 hours.
I would love it if someone designed a controller to charge up automatically by some kind of inferred from console to controller without the need of cables.
Anyhow well done on selling 2.1 million consoles sony. I will be buying one next year when The Last Guardian releases.
If anyone in charge is reading, no sense in quitting while you are ahead. Please go through the following requests by XBox fans to Microsoft and implement them as soon as you can:
– Notifications when friends come online, you receive a friend request
– View (and easily rate) recent players
– Smarter Voice commands (‘Play Killzone Shadowfall’, with disambiguation for duplicates)
– Background music
– Custom backgrounds
Congrats to Sony! But, a lot of us want to know when you guys will be shipping more units to the stores in the US? They’re still sold out online and I can’t find one in any of the stores around my area. Hopefully more units ship out to the stores before the holidays, but until then I’ll continue to game on my PS3.
Picked my PS4 at launch in Ireland loving it so far! you guys just gotta keep more services to the PS4 as Ireland dosent have a lot at the moment! dont forget about us! :)
I got my PS4 on black Friday and i couldn’t be happier, best $400 dollars I’ve spent. I can’t wait for the new system updates!
Congrats Sony! Wishing the best for this generation and BEYOND!
Thank you Sony and PlayStation for an amazing launch! While all the games are MOSTLY great (ahem BF4), you as a company have been amazing! The OS is amazing and I can’t wait for more features to be added! Your vision is clear, gaming is where it lies! Thanks for great marketing and smart decisions!
Enquanto isso, aqui no Brasil estamos com problemas ao realizar qualquer tipo de transação na PS STORE BRASIL, pois a Sony simplesmente não atualiza a PSN Brasileira para realizar a cobrança em Dollar, já que nossos bancos(aqui no Brasil) não aceita a conversão da moeda Real(R$) para o Dollar(US$) no momento da compra.
Estou com um PS4 e sem poder Jogar ONLINE, por que não consigo assinar a PSN Plus!!!!!!
Sony rocks!! thanks for the fun guys!!
Congratulations, Sony !……… The Best
PS4 is amazing! You did a great job Sony. I’m looking forward to the future of PS4!!
Loving my ps4 and the ps4 experience. Great addition to the PlayStation family. However it didn’t come without problems. Fixes I would like to see are:
-being able to turn off ps camera mic (especially when in a game)
-controller battery indicator should show up by pressing ps button, not only holding it. (Like on ps3)
-The ability to see how long ago a friend last logged in (like on ps3)
I know the ps4 will just get better. Don’t stop what you’re doing, and congratulations.
you could sell one more if i could find it anywhere :(
I just missed the Amazon restock. The hunt continues…
god bless you Sony.
Congratulations, To Sony and Playstation ! I am so happy I got to take part in this launch. The excitement counting down the arrival of PS4 was wonderful. Opening the box and getting to know my PS4. Hooking up the PS4 camera jumping into to the Playroom. Streaming on Twitch my own live game play Just WOW! Playstation Plus is the greatest thing any brand has ever offered to the consumer.
Playstation is truly the ART OF PLAY ! Thank you so very much. I love you guys…
That is AWASOME!!! keep up the good hard work that you do Sony!
I’m wondering how long does it take to manufacture an additional 1 million consoles? Is the QA process more extensive for x86 hardware?
Is it true that retailers in N. America will get new supply of PS4 consoles in Q1 of 2014?
Congratulations!!! I’m proud being a PS player!
I am glad to have a PS4, after watching the launch in Europe. I am very happy to have th PS4 it was very chaotic. Checkout the video on kotaku.
awsome playstation is finally back on top got mine on launch day loving it so far
This new gaming console is gorgeous, and for that I say thank you! I can’t wait for more games to choose from. I wish that you guys would focus now on not letting all of us down by allowing Microsoft to buy out everybody for exclusive and early content! Step it up, for us!
Congratulations Sony, What a fantastic achievement to get. Very proud owner of the Playstation 4, and what an unbelievable console to own.
Keep up the astonishing work!
Congratulations to all those in the PlayStation nation ☺
For the love of god I’m begging you guys to put out a lot more stock.
Come on, it’s christmas! If you can’t supply for the holidays, I’ll be forced to resort to the Xbox One.
I don’t have a ps3 or any other console to bide my time with. I was really counting on the ps4 for christmas.
Blue Wave & Magma Red Dual Shock 4, is there a possibility I’ll be purchasing these color varied controllers in NA before the Holidays?
2.1 million sold worldwide! I’d call that Greatness Achieved!!