LBPC Vita Spotlight: Episode 7
We begin this week with a special selection of LittleBigPlanet PS Vita community levels chosen by the folks over at LBPCentral.com.
If you’re looking for some great portable gaming for LittleBigPlanet, be sure to pay this level a visit and check out all of these great levels that they recommend you play!
In the LittleBigPlanet 2: Team Picks, we head deep into the Gabbagoo Mines this week to discover a sticky, green substance that the Sackfolk of LittleBigPlanet just love to use climbing walls and running across ceilings. There’s so much fun and adventure to be had in these mines that you will be sure to “stick” around!
Gabbagoo and You
by KomodoBrothers
You can find this level and oh so much more in the latest LittleBigPlanet 2: Team Picks!
The Cave of Wonders
by scarybiscuit
Sackboy and Sackgirl visit the incredible Cave of Wonders in the LittleBigPlanet PS Vita: Team Picks this week. Beware though, as there are plenty of dangers amongst the wonders of this cave.
You can have this level ready to play by heading over to LBP.me Vita and queuing up the new LittleBigPlanet PS Vita: Team Picks!
We always love to see exciting new LittleBigPlanet levels, so if you have any great levels to share with the community or some stunning videos that show off your favorite levels and creations, then be sure to tweet them to us @LittleBigPlanet.
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