Appy Entertainment is excited to bring our award-winning physics puzzler, Trucks & Skulls, to Playstation Mobile later on today. This is a subtle game that invites you to explore your feelings and pick pretty flowers, a game that firmly positions itself at the center of the games-as-art debate, a game that…
Oh, wait. It’s not that at all. Trucks & Skulls is the game where you SMASH NITRO-BURNING MONSTER TRUCKS INTO PILES OF LAUGHING SKULLS.
We made Trucks & Skulls because we wanted to blow stuff up. It really was that simple. We felt the physics-puzzler genre could use a good boot to the backside with a game full of things that explode, so we created the loudest, most obnoxious, most explosive game possible. Trucks & Skulls is a fuel-soaked, heavy metal ball of boom. Playing our game is guaranteed to raise your blood pressure, and lower your IQ.
The physics model used by the game is quite sophisticated, but you should check your sophistication at the door — this really is an angry and exuberant game that doesn’t take itself seriously. There’s no hidden meaning. Trucks are good, Skulls are bad. Destroy Skulls!
We’re pumped up to see this game made available for PlayStation’s audience — and we’ve added levels unique to this version of the game, along with special truck skins for our new players, and there are even some extra advantages you can purchase with the currency you earn inside the game — but really, this is a game all about hitting things, and hitting them hard. You can reach out to us on Twitter.
Have at it! And remember… destroy Skulls!
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