We know you’ve been waiting anxiously for PS4 to finally arrive and we have exciting news to share with you today. Starting Day One, a number of your favorite digital entertainment services like Netflix and Amazon Instant Video will be available with more coming soon.
PlayStation is dedicated to giving our fans the best entertainment options on our platforms and we’re proud to share the following services will be available on PS4 starting November 15:
Crackle — A part of Sony Pictures Television, Crackle is a freely accessible multi-platform television network delivering original series such as Emmy Award nominated Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, and hit movies and television programs in a variety of genres.
Crunchyroll — Watch the latest and best selection of Anime right from Japan such as Naruto Shippuden, Attack on Titan, Bleach and more up to one-hour after Japanese broadcast!
EPIX — Authenticated subscribers on the PS4 system can instantly access and stream more than 3,000 titles on-demand, including top blockbusters such as The Avengers and The Hunger Games in HD, classic Hollywood franchises, award-winning original documentaries plus music and comedy specials.
Hulu Plus — Hulu Plus offers unlimited instant streaming of current hit shows like Family Guy, The Simpsons, and South Park as well as original series including The Awesomes and The Wrong Mans.
NBA Game Time — Stay connected to Live out-of-market NBA game action on the PS4 system with NBA LEAGUE PASS Broadband on an authenticated basis for subscribers. Get access to real time stats, complete scores, stats and schedules for every game, and video highlights and recaps.
Netflix — Netflix members can instantly watch a wide variety of TV shows and movies, including exclusive series such as House of Cards and Orange is the New Black, on the PS4 system.
NHL GameCenter LIVE — Instantly stream live out-of-market games in HD quality with your NHL GameCenter LIVE subscription.
Redbox Instant by Verizon — Subscribers can stream from a library of hit movies on the PS4 system and receive 4 DVD or Blu-Ray rental nights every month for new releases at the Redbox kiosk. Everyone can purchase and rent the latest movies on-demand.
VUDU — Watch the world’s largest selection of HD movies and TV shows, including thousands of blockbusters, Hollywood classics and indies. Stream new releases before they¹re available on DVD, or build a collection of favorites without ever paying for a subscription.
YuppTV — YuppTV offers over 150 Indian TV channels Live and on demand, including a selection of over 600 Movies to watch anytime, anywhere.
Music Unlimited and Video Unlimited — Starting day one, there will be a ton of digital entertainment available, including Sony’s own Music Unlimited, which now has a global catalog of over 22 million songs, and Video Unlimited, an on demand entertainment service that gives you access to a huge selection of Hollywood blockbusters and TV episodes from all major networks, and more.
All entertainment apps can be found in the TV & Video section of PS4’s home screen or in the PlayStation Store. Keep checking the PlayStation Blog for more updates on other new and exciting apps that will be coming to PS4.
Please let us know which entertainment services you’re most excited for on PS4.
Yes! Good to know I’ll have Crunchyroll, Crackle, Neflix, and Hulu support on day one!! :)
HBO Go much?
Flixster, what about Flixster. It was mentioned on the PS4 announcement awhile back.
what’s up with youtube? no uploading and now no app?
HBO GO, IGN, VidZone and Flixster are coming soon, just not at launch. It was on the http://us.playstation.com/ps4/apps/ but it seems like they’ve deleted it so we are probably not supposed to know yet!!
Sony must have had a falling out with Google, so don’t expect a YouTube app anytime soon on the PS4.
They won’t even let you use that handy SHARE button to share your game vids on YouTube.
Is Redbox Instant by Verizon going to be forced on us like it was on the PS3 or will we be able to remove it?
I’d also like the
PLAY MY OWN DAMN MP3 app added.. Thanks
@50 Sony Music Entertainment licenses out to many network; while I actually prefer the Vevo app and content (I use it on my iPad a lot). For whatever reason, Sony decided to partner with VidZone to provide this content.
@Others There has already been some upset over that fact that videos won’t be able to be natively streamed/captured to YouTube on launch, which seems odd in that YouTube has been trying to get their user streaming service out of beta for a couple of years (maybe Google wants people to use Hangouts instead?). I also think it’s interesting that Music Unlimited (it’s there, they just tacked it on at the end) is the only service provided out of the gate that streams music.
Obviously with TuneIn Radio making an appearance on both the PS3 as well as the Vita, that it would have been possible to have it on the PS4 at launch, but that would go against their plan of having Music Unlimited as the sole built in music streamer (I doubt DLNA media servers will be tightly integrated since you can’t even rip your own CDs to the HDD anymore).
Sorry for the back-to-back posts but I thought this was worth adding. I would wait until the system actually launches before making formal complaints (I’m happy Crunchyroll made the cut but I also worked there for ~8 months so maybe I’m a bit bias), but with Sony stating that they will not offer Music Unlimited at the extremely discounted rates after the “3 months for $3” promotion is over (which I think is what got a lot of us to even check out the service) and taking away content channels while at the same time not adding any additional/replacements, they better have some more news to offer in the next week or the blog/forum might go up in flames. Just be careful what you say on open message boards, as I can see Xbox fans saying, “Oh if you wanted multimedia so bad with your gaming, I guess you should have bought an Xbox One!” or something to that effect =p.
No TuneIn? :(
@115 Sully, looks like you are absolutely right. While I couldn’t find a cache of the older page, I took the URL of a graphic used on that page and in this case swapped out “epix” for “flixster” and sure enough the content exists as you can see by visiting http://webassetse.scea.com/pscomauth/groups/public/documents/webasset/ps4_flixster_app.png – hbogo, vidzone and ign all provided graphics as well. Interestingly but probably not surprising, “youtube” results in a 404 error.
I suppose that the apps that aren’t on the PS3 already probably won’t be there for Canadian PS4 owners. Any idea when we will finally get NBA Game Time? and also Youtube is missing :\
is the PS4 gonna get a YouTube app after launch. please Google, release a YouTube app for the PS4 ASAP.
And just think these apps are just the beginning there will be more incoming!!!!!!!!!!
Bring the plex app and iheart to psn!
I hope that YouTube comes on soon, because aside from Netflix this is the most important app for me that I use on my PS3.
Oh, and I wouldn’t hold my breath on Spotify coming to PS4. As long as Sony is pushing Music Unlimited, I don’t think they would be willing to let a rival music app on their system.
Please use names when replying. Sony has been deleting a lot of comments and the replies using numbers no longer make sense.
Anyway, why do people find it odd that Music Unlimited is the only music app (and only way ANY music can be listened to on the PS4). You do realize Sony owns it right?
Pls give us HBO GO
@guitarpete987 and @SpooNManX they allow for competitors to be on the Playstation when it comes to video ( VUDU, Amazon ). So why not allow competitors for music too?
So, is HBO Go confirmed to be coming at SOME point?
SCoopat: People would protest if they nixed Netflix and Amazon VOD from the PS4.
Sort of how everyone should be protesting about the lack of being able to play our own music on our PS4.
The only people that seem to care are music lovers. The iPod crowd and people who never knew you could play your own music on many PS3 games, don’t have a clue.
Twitter integration
Ability to have our own “Apps” meaning Websites Applications
The Weather Network
A better improved Life with PlayStation
PlayStation Home
the list can go on and on…
I’d be happy if the PS4 can do as much as the 7 year old PS3… MP3, DNLA, YouTube, use 3rd party Bluetooth headsets. Then add the ability to Share your game videos to YouTube.
I think pretty much all of that is expected by most PS3 owners.
Google+ is a must, not everyone uses facebook.
The problem for me is not CDs. It’s not being able to use DLNA to access the huge lossless music library I have stored on my MyBook NAS. Why can’t I do this when I can do it juts fine on my PS4? This just stinks! I’ve already sent Sony several nasty e-mails.
Phil – Aereo and Youtube would be excellent. Aereo is great stuff.
please get the timewarner cable app so i can watch my cable on my console!!!
directly embed the PlayStation Blog within the PS Dynamic Menu
directly embed the PlayStation Blog within the PS Dynamic Menu
directly embed the PlayStation Blog within the PS Dynamic Menu
directly embed the PlayStation Blog within the PS Dynamic Menu
directly embed the PlayStation Blog within the PS Dynamic Menu
directly embed the PlayStation Blog within the PS Dynamic Menu
directly embed the PlayStation Blog within the PS Dynamic Menu
directly embed the PlayStation Blog within the PS Dynamic Menu
Got to have minez Netflix
Big LOL PS4 is coming up and the xbox 360 still has more apps
WHERE IS YOUTUBE????????????
and cant use Bluetooth headsets day 1 C’mon now what a JOKE
Cancelling Sunday Ticket was just disappointing… if you don’s want to sell the subscription please let who does have DirecTV to use it… I am looking forward to the Ps4 but there are alot of disappointments. The main reason I bought my Ps3 on day one was the reverse compatibility… I will not buy the Ps4 for a while because of this horrible lack of hardware. I would have paid an extra $100 for this option…. There will for sure be a delay before I buy a new one…
The ps3 really has the best user interface when it comes to Amazon and Netflix. Crackle is also pretty good. YouTube used to be slow and clunky but now it is awesome on the ps3 with a much greatly improved user interface especially with speed, video quality and scrolling search. I gotta believe YouTube will soon be on the ps4 after launch…. I would like to see a much better internet browser.
PLEX or DLNA, MP3s, YouTube, Pandora.
Skype please, and integrated into the console like Xbox. This was one feature I was looking forward to having before cancelling my Xbone preorder.
So…. As an American in Japan nothing at all that I can use. cool. Pretty stupid that even if I pay for the service I still cant use it just beucase I am in Japan. Its not like Japanese people are going to some how be able to get american credit cards to pay for American Net Flix and watch TV shows and Movies in English.
What about UK apps? I guess netflix only
As a subscriber to Music Unlimited, Amazon Prime, Netflix, and Hulu Plus, I’m glad those apps will be available day one on PS4. Thank you!!
Do you think HBO Go will show up on the PS4 or will it only be on Xbox???
This is BS. I’ve got BOUGHT MOVIES on my VUDU app for my PS3, I was kinda ASSUMING that all apps would be passed down to the PS4, with new apps alongside it? What is this about? This is total BS…*smGDh*
NOW…we’re talking. :-D
Where is HBO GO!?! Why cant SONY make this happen?
I just went back and read more comments after posting and seems like EVERYBODY wants HBO GO!
Anybody at SONY reading/listening to your consumers?
Since Crackle is owned by Sony, you know what would be nice? If Crackle was free for Playstation Plus Members <3 *hint* *hint*
Oh and I’d prefer an Xfinity APP as HBOGO doesn’t work to well with Xfinity.
I wish I lived in USA. I want all those apps too! Living in Europe sucks D:
Crunchyroll and NBA for Vita please.
Youtube app,hello!