We’re kicking off this month’s PlayStation Plus freebies with Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen. This vast role playing game includes the original title with a few key changes like fast-travel. If you’re unfamiliar with the franchise, it allows you to fight massive creatures (and some of them you can even climb on), hire specialized friends (also known as pawns) to help you in combat, all while exploring an expansive world with a new region, Bitterblack Island, thanks to the Dark Arisen expansion. This is a great title to get lost in while you await your PlayStation 4.
You can take advantage of all these PS Plus benefits after tomorrow’s PlayStation Store update.
Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen (PS3)
Free for PS Plus members, Regular Price: $39.99
Game Title | PS Plus Price | Sale Price | Regular Price |
SOULCALIBUR: Broken Destiny | $13.49 | $14.99 | $24.99 |
Mortal Kombat PS Vita | $10.79 | $11.99 | $19.99 |
Dead Or Alive 5 Plus | $21.59 | $23.99 | $39.99 |
Real Boxing | $6.29 | $6.99 | $9.99 |
Guacamelee! (Cross-Buy) | $8.39 | $10.49 | $14.99 |
Last Chance (Leaving on 11/12)
Instant Game Collection
Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee HD (PS3)
Mortal Kombat PS Vita
Dead Or Alive 5 Plus
Real Boxing
Reality Fighters
Guacamelee! PS Vita
We’ll be back next week to add another title to the Instant Game Collection as well as any other benefits, like super sweet discounts.
If you’ve got feedback on today’s Plus update make sure vote in the poll and leave a comment below. To discuss all things PlayStation, including this update, you can also head over to the PlayStation Community Forums where you’ll find topics you can contribute your thoughts to, or start one for yourself.
OMG, never played this but it look’s epic cant wait!
Got to say I’m happy with the IGC this month. Good games and mixing up the genres. Would have been nice if Strangers Wrath was a cross-buy/play but I’ll still take as is.
Not as impressed with the sale (or the 2nd part coming next week). Not a bad price on Guacamelee but other than that we’re back to fighters again including ones IGC already had. Still, I’ll be playing the stuff I got on the sale of the dead so it’s not like I need anything more right now anyway.
Amazing! I just need a bigger HDD now :(
I always buy games that will NEVER come to the PSN IGC like
Yakuza games and Atelier games
My Wallet is Still Waiting for Yakuza 1& 2 HD as well as Yakuza 5
How about Guacamelee DLC?
Any reason why guys won’t answer the questions in the PS4 FAQ? There were about two nonsensical answers to non-questions.
When will PS4 owners, like myself, enjoy music ownership?
Gaucamelee is definitely crossbuy? I’m dying to play it. And Dragon’s Dogma! Can’t wait for the update. You guys have been absolutely killing it.
I enjoy tons Kingdom of Amalur Reckoning last IGC and I’m looking forward for Dragon Dogma, I hope we get to see Metal Gear Rising or The Last of us on IGC soon Thank you all members of PS plus for all this great job.
PlayStation plus is a fantastic program. With the release of the PlayStation4, PlayStation plus is required for online multiplayer, I hope that with this, the fantastic deals that PlayStation plus offers do not go away. I have faith in you PlayStation, that you will keep up the fantastic deals and keep us happy. Thank you.
@ 20.I bought a 1TB HDD for 65.00 total.And loving it.I have 93 games installed and still have 538 GB left.Super easy to install as well.If you got the cash.Well worth it.
I wont be able to get a ps4 until next year. However I do have a ps3 and I’m a ps+ member, will I be able to download ps4 titles on my ps3 so they show up in my download history so when I am able to finally get a ps4 I will have them?
@111 you can put PS4 games in your download history by logging into store.sonyentertainmentnetwork. com and doing it that way
Not really interested in this game myself but I’m super stoked on the day 1 PS4 games! Also Kingdoms of Amalur is still keeping me busy, great addition!
A m A z I n G………..
Dragons Dogma! Finished the original, I’m excited for this expansion!
The only reason I can think of not to keep your PS3 once PS4 is out is if you have to sell your PS3 to afford a PS4, but whatever.
I’d like to see more DLC sales and less frequent sales overall on the exact same items please.
I played Guacamelee. Awesome game. Looking forward to Dragons Dogma. .
Oh yay…Dragon’s Dogma is a perfect game for the IGC….I couldn’t be more thankful…..a game that I dont wanna buy but I wanna try….yes the best choice ever…same goes for Binary Domain.This will be one of the best or the best month of Plus for me.On another hand what a shame these discounts.Guess I’ll hold on my money for some sweet Christmas sales.
Its already 1pm and the pricing has not been revised to reflect the blog specials. What gives?
what time do the PSN updates appear?
Need to play dragons dogma :P
I LOVE Dragon’s Dogma. I have the original but haven’t been able to afford the new one (yay school |D), so this is a great boon for me!
Also, may I ask when Soul Sacrifice is scheduled to be released on PS Plus?
So what exactly is Dark Arisen? Does this free PS+ version only include DA, or does it actually have the original Dragon’s Dogma game with it? My reading comprehension is a little lack-luster it seems.
It includes the original game’s content.
Guys, do you know why Dark Arisen does not have the option to download in the background?
Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen is the worst game ever downloaded it played it for 5 minutes and then deleted it. It was the worst game ever come on playstation get a lot more better games for free if not I’m switching to Xbox
MK on the vita is pretty fun. I think I paid $15 for the cart. Probably worth the $10.49
Downloaded Dark Arisen and it’s stuck at 85% installing for the past hour, pretty bummed about this. Anyone else had this happen?
dragons dogma doesn’t install right. stops short of 93% then just stays there for about an hour till it freezes. anyone else having this issue?
whenever i see someone complain about a lack rpg’s on plus i wonder is it
but then i know i’m 150 comments in so the people who i need an answer from will never see the question
also i’m considering getting a 500g ps4 down the line and a small hard drive ps3, not sure which version of the three.
pop in a 1tb hard drive for that ps4 and put the 500g in my second ps3. throw my japanese and uk psn+ accounts on that one.
Googled a bit and this issue with Dragon’s Dogma is nothing new. People have claimed 12+ hours required to install it, and people that have forced their PS3 to shut down during the install hang, have claimed HDD corruption. Why would you guys keep this up when these are widely known issues with the PSN version of the game? I’m at 85% and it was over and hour before it went from 84 to 85. I don’t want to risk shutting it down, but I also don’t want my system on that long. This is ridiculous that it hasn’t been addressed.
Had the dragons dogma issue where the game didn’t want to install. called Sony and this is how they helped me install the game.
1st. shut the PS3 off then turn it back on. when the system prompts you to click ok to the “file restore” click ok (do not exit back to the home screen)
2nd. delete any corrupt files for Dragons dogma..i suggest pressing triangle over the dead file and clicking on information so that the file size loads up..
3rd. turn the system off and wait till the red light is on…ress and hold the power button till the system poiwer cycles back to the red light.
once the system if off.. press and hold the power button again till it beeps once—continue to hold the power button till you hear 2 additional beeps then let go..
this will bring you into the recovery menu..
connect your dual shock and select file restore…if im correct it should be the 3rd option…
wait till the system has recovered/repaired and removed the necessary files …when its done it will shut off then on.,. re download the game and your good to go.
i am not responsible for what happens to your system but this did work for me.
add me if you guys would like.. jak_0neill thats a zero before the N
called Sony about dragons dogma and this is how they helped me install the game.
1st. shut the PS3 off then turn it back on. when the system prompts you to click ok to the “file restore” click ok (do not exit back to the home screen)
2nd. delete any corrupt files for Dragons dogma..i suggest pressing triangle over the dead file and clicking on information so that the file size loads up, because if you try to delete the file while its still counting the size it will freeze…
3rd. turn the system off and wait till the red light is on…press and hold the power button till the system powers on then cycles back off to the red light.
once the system is off..
press and hold the power button again till it beeps once—continue to hold the power button till you hear 2 additional beeps then let go..
connect your dual shock
this will bring you into the recovery menu..
select file restore…option #3…
wait till the system has recovered/repaired and removed the necessary files …when its done it will shut off then on.,. re download the game and your good to go.
i am not responsible for what happens to your system but this did work for me.
jak_0neill thats a zero before the N
Wow 2 crappy months in a row. I can’t believe how positive the comments have been. I haven’t heard of any of these games. Where is the good games? Like AC3 or Motostorm. Humble Bundle is giving Batman 1+2 Fear 2+3 and more for under 5 bucks. I got the whole Worms Collection for 6 buck. Sony needs to step up or all my gaming is moving to the PC. I would like to see some more kid friendly games in plus. There seems to be NOTHING for kids.
Over 4 hours to install Dragon’s Dogma. Hopefully these types of issues, including the download speed, are resolved with the PS4
Man I’m not even finished with last month’s games and this new batch looks fantastic! Been dumping hours upon hours into Kingdom’s of Amalur and now I get to kill a bunch of times on Dragon’s Dogma. Thanks to the discounts I picked up Fatal Frame 1 & 2 for $4 total, then Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. I swear this service never disappoints, thanks guys.
this game seems very jank graphically. if it’s at all possible please don’t take that as an insult or a complaint. it did however inspire me to return to demons souls.
btw geartik why wouldn’t you set your ps3 to download and install DD while you were at work or asleep?
Dragons Dogma is one of the best RPG,s if not THE best RPGs I have played. The combat and pawn system is beyond amazing.
How about starting to add the size of the game in hard drive space required on your console? I have 320gb HD and from time to time space is an issue in which games I will purchase from month to month or add to my Instant Games Collection.
PS PLUS should have a different game of the month this month. Dragons Dogma is similar to the game of last month…
Why not an action game? Or an adventure game?
Two months in a roll with an action role-playing… I’m sorry… but It could be a different game. :(
Wait a second! When was Oddworld released for the instant game collection? I heard it was coming out this month. Or is that the PS3 version, and the PS Vita version is getting added this month?
Dragon’s Dogma is still listed as being free for Playstation Plus subscribers on http://us.playstation.com/psn/plus-latest/ but it is not showing up as being free when actually trying to download it. All other PS+ listed games are free to download. Is there a bug on the web site or in the PS+ system?