We’re kicking off this month’s PlayStation Plus freebies with Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen. This vast role playing game includes the original title with a few key changes like fast-travel. If you’re unfamiliar with the franchise, it allows you to fight massive creatures (and some of them you can even climb on), hire specialized friends (also known as pawns) to help you in combat, all while exploring an expansive world with a new region, Bitterblack Island, thanks to the Dark Arisen expansion. This is a great title to get lost in while you await your PlayStation 4.
You can take advantage of all these PS Plus benefits after tomorrow’s PlayStation Store update.
Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen (PS3)
Free for PS Plus members, Regular Price: $39.99
Game Title | PS Plus Price | Sale Price | Regular Price |
SOULCALIBUR: Broken Destiny | $13.49 | $14.99 | $24.99 |
Mortal Kombat PS Vita | $10.79 | $11.99 | $19.99 |
Dead Or Alive 5 Plus | $21.59 | $23.99 | $39.99 |
Real Boxing | $6.29 | $6.99 | $9.99 |
Guacamelee! (Cross-Buy) | $8.39 | $10.49 | $14.99 |
Last Chance (Leaving on 11/12)
Instant Game Collection
Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee HD (PS3)
Mortal Kombat PS Vita
Dead Or Alive 5 Plus
Real Boxing
Reality Fighters
Guacamelee! PS Vita
We’ll be back next week to add another title to the Instant Game Collection as well as any other benefits, like super sweet discounts.
If you’ve got feedback on today’s Plus update make sure vote in the poll and leave a comment below. To discuss all things PlayStation, including this update, you can also head over to the PlayStation Community Forums where you’ll find topics you can contribute your thoughts to, or start one for yourself.
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