Starting today, we’re happy to announce that you can add funds to your Sony Entertainment Network wallet via PayPal directly through the PlayStation Store on PS3.
In our ongoing effort to offer more choice and convenience, we first launched the ability to add funds to your Sony Entertainment Network wallet through PayPal via the web last January, and, most recently, the ability to add funds to your wallet via mobile devices with the Mobile Billing option.
Adding funds to your Sony Entertainment Network wallet through PayPal is easy on PS3. When checking out from the cart on PlayStation Store, click “Add Funds”, then click “PayPal” and transfer any amount from $5 to $150 (the maximum wallet balance amount). If you’re new to PayPal, you’ll have to set up a PayPal account first to use this option.
Your Sony Entertainment Network wallet can be used to purchase games, add-ons, movies, TV episodes, and more from PlayStation Store.
This is funny, because just two days ago I was wishing I could do this but couldn’t, so I had do it online. Thanks for the update. I am really glad you’ve added paypal in general because I don’t want to put my CC info in (especially after what happened a few years ago) and it can be a pain in the butt to always have to get PSN cards at the store, especially if you want to just buy something and need more money and don’t/can’t go out at that time. So the paypal option is great. Thanks!
i’d rather have mp3 playback,dnla,custom soundtracks without the music service and other current and next gen apps and features….
@4, 35, 36, BBall230: Hostility is a common feature on this blog. Do you never read any of the comments? You have to expect that in a public, anonymous forum, so get used to it.
However, I agree that you posted it in blog from a Sony employee so it’s not like you put it in the middle of the Rachet&Clank post (or did you?) so it does make some sense.
I don’t use PayPal, I would prefer Amazon, too, but more options is almost always better.
Thank you Sony for adding this feature!
Gotta love how Sony Blog staff replies constantly to the suck ups on the Store or Plus posts, but when people want real answers to important questions on the Blog, like this post and the Ultimate FAQ, we get ignored.
So why do you always ignore the important customer questions?
Awsome Update Sony :D
This is useless as it gets. I cant add my international credit card to PSN and the paypal account does not work either.
If you live outside US all that is left is grey market prepaid cards.
That’s a nice addition to and already good store. I still wish we could use gift cards though.
Now if they’d only fix the PS3 PlayStation Store so it isn’t laggy and unintuitive we’d be golden/
so will this apply to the ps4 as well?
sony should really start taking credit cards from other regions, at this day and age this is only an incovenience, neither sony nor the customer gains from this, just the third parties that bring the psn cards from one region to the other, i know this is due to liscenses and other stuff between regions, but is quite silly when even the latin american version of uncharted 3 brougth the online pass code for the north american store, and its not an old issue since the same version of gta 5 had the blimp code the same way.
Woo! Happy about this~
wish i could use paypal from any country to refill my account, its such a pain. gotta buy psn cards off amazon ,
No DLNA/Media Server Support for PS4 and no mp3 support and no external hard drive too! please making happen thank you
Might be minor for some, but for myself, this is huge. Hell with credit cards, thank you Paypal. Mostly, thank you Sony for adding this to the store… Wow, 12 days… AAAARRRGH!!!
Now I could Ebay my old games, and buy downloads directly from Sony.
Will I be able to make purchases on alternate JPSN and EUPSN accounts this way?
YES! ow please add the ability to change PSN account regions for those of us who have moved to different countries since 2006:
Any chance of eventually adding a gifting option like Steam?
There are times I want to buy games for my friends to make use of some of the deals, or just out plain old generosity, but there’s no way to do it other than give them money.
Better super late than never
Now can I somehow combine my EU and US account purchases I mean I am a global traveler it would be nice
i have 2 questions for you guys at sony…
1.) is there going to be some sort of a change-up with the ability to redeem codes at some point in the future?
2.) just out of curiosity when are we going to be compensated on the for every $50 you spend you get $10 in playstation money? i do not recall seeing anything listed anywhere as to when this would happen other than at some point in november. thank you for your time.
Nice! Go Sony! What a great addition! :D
Wow… now people are complaining about a $5 minimum. The crying over insignificant things just never stops, does it…
You’re going to spend it eventually anyway, so why does it matter?
This option only for Paypal with US billing address or worldwide ?
FielVeredus, it’s not working worldwide. I just ordered u$s10 and the operation was cancelled.
First question!!!!!
Canada? we can do it to right, we tend to get left out sometimes -_- and our paypal little diff,
and also, though i am in Canada (this question may not be able to be answered by yall but i try)
Can i allow my mother in law and Fiancee in NC, United States use my paypal account to add funds transferring it to american dollars from Canadian?
People who are still complaining about NO DNLA/MP3 support. THEY ARE ADDING IT..
Please read:
Sony is going to add MP3 Support, DLNA support in the next patch shortly after launch.
This was said on the N4G website.
Not in Brazil ! I can´t add my international credit card due to new banks regulations on international transactions, and we don´t have the Paypal option, or the cards to reedem codes….
Does this mean I can finally buy $1.99 DLC without having to add $5 to my PSN wallet?
paypal support is working but mobile billing is unavailable i can’t choose that option in the “add funds” menu
please help
thanks in advance
Just so you know: if you have PSN accounts for other regional stores (UK, Europe…), you can NOT use PayPal to add funds to your wallet on those stores. For some “security” reasons, Sony has put a region lock in place. Your only way to add funds is still to buy regional PSN cards.
still does not help international accounts. will be delighted when i don’t have to pay 3 bucks more to find psn cards because of sony us addresses only policy
Canadians are begging for Visa Debit support! While the system is newer to us than the USA, it’s a separate system that Sony has to opt-in to with the Visa folks. Please, please add support for them! I’m not a fan of credit cards, nor the fees Paypal extracts with tweaked currency conversions.