It gives me great pleasure to announce that Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster is officially launching this winter. The team has been hard at work making this beloved game even more beautiful than before, so we’re thrilled with the progress so far. While you wait, check out our latest trailer, which we debuted at Tokyo Game Show this week.
Also don’t forget that pre-ordering will score you a free upgrade to a Limited Edition art book package, which contains several pieces of original concept art from the early development phases of Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2 more than ten years ago. We’ve also gathered quotes and commentary from several of the original development team members, including a special message to you, the fans, from Producer Yoshinori Kitase!
Be sure to follow us on Facebook for all the latest news.
Don’t hold your breath guys, this winter means February. SE is notorious for taking FOREVER to release anything, I mean Final Fantasy XV isn’t coming out until 2016 (10 years to make) and Kingdom Hearts III isn’t coming out until the PS5 releases.
@D-Squad3 I bet you troll because you enjoy it. You never tend to stop trolling and seems to be desperate for attention. What is wrong with you? Are you stupid or something? It’s too soon to say there will be PS5 and only idiots would say that.
Please have Physical Vita releases, My 32GB Memory card isn’t even big enough for what I have. I need both, but can’t afford to erase like 6gb of stuff. The price isn’t a issue for me just need a physical Vita release, also, why isn’t FFV compatible on Vita yet, it’s ruining my FF collection, and please don’t turn around and pretend Type-0 doesn’t exist again, I patiently waited for it, now it’s so clue
@ 7 Heavenfang – Where’d you get that avatar?
Its impressive how not just the graphics changed from PS2 to PS3 but also the quality of CGIs.A friend of mine will be really happy with these FF remastered.
Any word on pre-order bonuses for the Vita versions or Japanese audio options?
I’m not a fan of FF but, I liked FFT Advance, I would like a new FFT or a FFT remake
@51 Yes KH3 just started production and probably won’t be out till 2015-2016. To say that it won’t be released till the PS5 is just stupid to say. Please stop trolling….it’s just annoying!!! I don’t think it will be released in February to compete with Lighting returns. I’m hoping December or even January at the latest. All i want now is a KH 2.5 mix HD collection :)
it’s good to get a release date!!!
Is the Vita version of the game coming out the same time as the PS3 version?
So by the end of the Year 2013 I guess , yep?
FF10 is easily in my top 5 all-time games, but whoa; Tidus’ and Wakka’s faces look…off. Did they redesign those two from scratch or something? Why are their eyes so weird-looking?
Hopefully Square Enix won’t screw us up with the pricing for the Vita version having each game for $40 while the PS3 version is $40 for both.
@Shinigami82402 He does that to every blog post he sees. He enjoys the trolling more than anyone here. And if there will even be a PS5, then that won’t be out until 2020, 7 years from now after the PS4 comes out. More reason not to take him seriously. I tried to ignore him, but he went too far with that post.
I also can’t wait for 2.5 HD Remix as well. I hope that gets officially confirmed.
Official Date??
Been anticipating this re-release since it was mentioned in passing at E3 years ago…BEST FINAL FANTASY TITLE OUT THERE!!!
I’m personally GREATLY interested in purchasing a copy for both PS3 and my Vita —
I realize that this title won’t likely be Cross-Buy (Although Cross-Play was a mentioned possibility)
But, would it be possible to have some sort of discount for the Vita version if you purchase the PS3 copy first?
That would give a lot more incentive to have the game for both systems.
Thank you guys SO MUCH for re-vamping one of the greatest games to ever be released for PS2.
I’m getting nostalgic just thinking about tearing into this game again!
Make it a cross-buy and cross save for Vita & PS3 and I’m sold!
I want to play these on my Vita, and I really want to buy them at retail.
The worst thing that happened to the FF franchise was this game…from here onwards just goes down and down….when can we get the FFVII remake?
I agree that we’ll be seeing this in Q1 2014, probably around Jan-Feb, really looking forward to own one Final Fantasy Title for my Vita (Heck, that’s the reason why i bought Vita in the first place)..Oh well, time to forget i ever saw this and hope time past fast till the day it release XD
Just hope it’s the international Version with New Game + and all
@Gamerzlimited That’s good to know lol!! I think Square Enix has said that it is being made but no time table for a release. I’m sure it will be eventually and hopefully soon. Hopefully it will be KH2, BBS, and DDD (Dream Drop Distance).
@rosendo83 I disagree with you that FFX was the worst thing that happened to Final Fantasy. I think FFX was amazing minus the stupid laughing scene but i respect your opinion. I think XII is where the series started to go down hill. I don’t see a FFVII remake ever happening. They complain about the HD graphics and how the game would translate to todays standards. I think it’s excuses personally on Square Enix. Maybe one day we will get the remake FF fans have been actually asking for and not all these others. Oh yea…another Chrono game :)
If i’m correct the PS3 version is the better version, since you have to buy seperately on the PS Vita. Well in this situation i know what version i’m going to buy the PS3 version of course.
Retail or no buy on Vita ! you should guys ask for the same. A game of 4g (each) on the memory will certanley hurt my feelings more if ii is a DL version at 39.99 or so. Please Square do the right thing, Vita retail release and a Limited edition with both games on Vita.
When i saw for the first time this remake i was excited, now more than 2 years from the announcement i can’t care less for this, too much time for a light improvement.
why is it that this hd port was announced two years ago and is still not out?
oh square enix, that’s why.
Thanks for the post. Day one for me.
Bring us FF Type-0 in english for the Vita.
Make a sequel of it included, or at least have it extended.
Now, I may not have been a fan of Final Fantasy X, or X-2 for that matter, but that aside, as far “HD” versions go, this game doesn’t translate well. It really doesn’t look that much better, and I think it’s because the textures were so low res to begin with, and that is mainly referring to “not the movie sequences”. Those, looks tons better of course, but everything else looks like it needs a lot more work. I understand, how they have the footnote about it still being in development, but some games shouldn’t be HDified. I believe this to be one of them. KH 1.5 conversion, or even Shadow of the Colossus, converted way better.
nice :D
getting the JPN version though :P
I hope it will be this year winter. Not the next year winter when end just when spring starts. I be so upset. I bought my playstation vita for this game. Well I got for other reason but to play this game on a handheld device seems to be the best can play it on the go. I love it. I want this game even if it’s for Christmas. Please just let it be out for 2013.. thats all we all ask. The was set to be out for 2013 so it should be out when it said right. Anyways I be waiting for the first announcement. So hope this game is the same as the Metal Gear were the 2 and 3 is 1 card. cause I want them both. X and X-2 cause the story isn’t complete without them both. Thank you for remaking this for us all :)