Call of Duty: Ghosts ($59.99)
Call of Duty: Ghosts Digital Hardened Bundle ($119.99)
- Call of Duty: Ghosts Season Pass: Get four epic DLC Map Packs*, each delivering a collection of fresh Call of Duty: Ghosts multiplayer content. Plus, you’ll receive the Team Leader digital content pack, a Season Pass-bonus that includes a unique MP character head, weapon camo, reticle, player patch, player card and player background, playable in-game upon purchase.
- Free Fall Dynamic Bonus Map: This brand-new dynamic downloadable multiplayer map drops you into a shattered skyscraper on the brink of collapse. Frantic action is thrown into overdrive as the skyscraper continues to fall throughout the match, evolving gameplay in real-time.
Call of Duty: Ghosts – Season Pass ($49.99)
*Save vs buying map packs ala carte.
PS3 Games
Puppeteer ($39.99)
NHL 14 ($59.99)
Street Fighter X Tekken ($29.99)
PSN Game
Dragon Fantasy Book II ($14.99, or $11.99 for PS Plus)
Sanctum 2 ($14.99)
Hunter’s Trophy 2 – Australia ($9.99)
Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter HD ($12.99)
PS Vita
Killzone: Mercenary ($35.99)
Dragon Fantasy Book II ($14.99, or $11.99 for PS Plus)
PS2 Classics
Mystic Heroes PS2 Classic ($9.99)
Aliens: Colonial Marines Ultimate Bundle ($29.99, or $17.99 for PS Plus)
Call of Duty: Black Ops & Black Ops II Game Bundle ($81.99, or $73.79 for PS Plus)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Game Bundle ($76.49, or $68.84 for PS Plus)
PlayStation Store Highlights
PS Vita Summer Select wraps up this week with Dragon Fantasy Book II, and brings the heat with Killzone: Mercenary. Puppeteer is out on PS3, along with new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty Black Ops bundles. For PS Plus members, Galaga Legions DX is free this week, along with some new discounts!
Head over to check out the web storefront to peruse this week’s new games. And as always, please leave your thoughts in the comments below. You can also chat about this update in the PlayStation Community Forums.
PlayStation Plus
Learn more and purchase online or go to the PlayStation Store to activate instantly. To learn more about this week’s Plus offerings, check out this week’s PS Plus post.
Instant Game Collection
Galaga Legions DX
Dragon Fantasy Book II – Plus Price: $11.99
Call Of Duty: Black Ops II with Revolution Map Pack – PS Plus Price: $44.99
Call Of Duty: Black Ops II & Season Pass – PS Plus Price: $84.59
Call Of Duty: Black Ops with First Strike – PS Plus Price: $29.99
Call Of Duty: Black Ops Ultimate Edition – PS Plus Price: $74.69
Call Of Duty: Black Ops & Black Ops II Game Bundle – PS Plus Price: $73.79
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 with DLC Collection 1 – PS Plus Price: $28.39
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Ultimate Edition – PS Plus Price: $69.74
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 with Stimulus Package – PS Plus Price: $19.99
Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Bundle – PS Plus Price: $19.99
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Game Bundle – PS Plus Price: $68.84
Doodle God – PS Plus Price: $4.49
Aliens: Colonial Marines – PS Plus Price: $8.99
Aliens: Colonial Marines Ultimate Bundle – PS Plus Price: $17.99
Aliens: Colonial Marines DLC Bundle Pack – PS Plus Price: $8.99
Aliens: Colonial Marines Big Hunt DLC – PS Plus Price: $3.75
Aliens: Colonial Marines – Stasis Interrupted – PS Plus Price: $3.75
Aliens: Colonial Marines Reconnaissance Pack – PS Plus Price: $2.50
Aliens: Colonial Marines Movie Map Pack – PS Plus Price: $2.50
PS3 Demos
- Hunter’s Trophy 2 – Australia ($9.99)
- Sanctum 2 ($14.99)
- Diablo 3 ($59.99)
- EA SPORTS FIFA 14 ($59.99)
Price Change
- Rocksmith – Bass Expansion (Now: $9.99 Original Price: $29.99)
- Assassin’s Creed III (Now: $29.99 Original Price: $39.99)
Other Sales
- Aliens: Colonial Marines – Reconnaissance Pack (Now: $4.49 Original Price: $9.99)
- Aliens: Colonial Marines – DLC Bundle Pack (Now: $14.99
- Aliens: Colonial Marines – Bug Hunt DLC (Now: $7.49 Original Price: $14.99)
- Aliens: Colonial Marines – Movie Map Pack (Now: $4.99 Original Price: $9.99)
- Aliens: Colonial Marines – Stasis Interrupted (Now: $4.99 Original Price: $9.99)
- Aliens: Colonial Marines (PS3 Full Game) (Now: $14.99 Original Price: $39.99)
- Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Bundle (Now: $24.99 Original Price: $29.99)
- Call Of Duty: Black Ops Ultimate Edition (Now: $82.99 Original Price: $94.49)
- Call Of Duty: Black Ops With First Strike (Now: $39.99 Original Price: $49.99)
- Call Of Duty: Black Ops II With Revolution Map Pack (Now: $49.99)
- Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 With Stimulus Package (Now: $24.99 Original Price: $29.99)
- Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days: The Doggie Bag (Now: $2.99 Original Price: $5.99)
- Rocksmith – Born On The Bayou By Creedence Clearwater Revival (Now: $1.99 Original Price: $2.99)
- Rocksmith – Drift Away By Dobie Gray (Now: $1.99 Original Price: $2.99)
- Rocksmith – In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida By Iron Butterfly (Now: $1.99 Original Price: $2.99)
- Rocksmith – Mississippi Queen By Mountain (Now: $1.99 Original Price: $2.99)
- Rocksmith – The Man Who Sold The World By David Bowie (Now: $1.99 Original Price: $2.99)
- Rocksmith – Whipping Post By The Allman Brothers Band (Now: $1.99 Original Price: $2.99)
- Sleeping Dogs The Year of the Snake (Now: $3.49 Original Price: $6.99)
PS Vita Add-ons
- Pro Table Pack 15 (Cross-Buy) ($7.99)
- Table Pack 15 Pro Upgrade (Cross-Buy) ($3.99)
- Table Pack 15: Champion Pub And Whirlwind (Cross-Buy) ($4.99)
- Additional Quest: The Iron Lady’s Tears Of Red (FREE)
- Cossack Warrior Costume ($0.99)
- Mayan Warrior Costume ($0.99)
- Saracen Warrior Costume ($0.99)
- Viking Warrior Costume ($0.99)
PS3 Add-ons
Dead Or Alive 5 Ultimate: Core Fighters
- Ultimate Sexy Ayane – $1.99
- Ultimate Sexy Christie – $1.99
- Ultimate Sexy Helena – $1.99
- Ultimate Sexy Hitomi – $1.99
- Ultimate Sexy Kasumi – $1.99
- Ultimate Sexy Kokoro – $1.99
- Ultimate Sexy Leifang – $1.99
- Ultimate Sexy Lisa – $1.99
- Ultimate Sexy Mila – $1.99
- Ultimate Sexy Momiji – $1.99
- Ultimate Sexy Pai – $1.99
- Ultimate Sexy Rachel – $1.99
- Ultimate Sexy Sarah – $1.99
- Ultimate Sexy Tina – $1.99
- Ultimate Sexy Costumes (Bundle) – $14.99
- Weapon System Pack 1 – $3.99
- New Stage & Bgm Pack 3 – $2.99
- Original Costume Pack 1 – $5.99
- Original Costume Pack 2 – $5.99
- Uniform Pack 2 – $0.99
- Uniform Pack 2 (Season Ticket) – $0.79
- Uniform Pack 3 – $0.99
- Uniform Pack 3 (Season Ticket)- $0.79
- Prequel Costume: Nami – FREE
- Costume: Robin – FREE
- Prequel Costume: Ace – FREE
- Prequel Costume: Nami – FREE
- GAS MASK – $0.99
- 50000 BUCKS – $0.99
- 145000 BUCKS – $2.49
- 300000 BUCKS – $4.99
- 650000 BUCKS – $9.99
- 1700000 BUCKS – $24.99
- 3750000 BUCKS – $49.99
PS3 Avatars
- Super Street Fighter Arcade Edition Avatar Don – $0.49
- Super Street Fighter Arcade Edition Gen Avatar – $0.49
- Super Street Fighter Arcade Edition Guy Avatar – $0.49
- Super Street Fighter Arcade Edition Rose Avatar – $0.49
- Super Street Fighter Arcade Edition Sagat Avatar – $0.49
- Super Street Fighter Arcade Edition Seth Avatar – $0.49
- Super Street Fighter Arcade Edition Avatar Bundle – $0.99
- Super Street Fighter Arcade Edition Dudley Avatar – $0.49
- Super Street Fighter Arcade Edition Gouken Avatar – $0.49
- Super Street Fighter Arcade Edition Sakura Avatar – $0.49
- Super Street Fighter Arcade Edition T.Hawk Avatar – $0.49
PS3 Themes
- Amazing Earth: Deep Sea Dynamic Theme – $2.99
- Amazing Earth: Dynamic Palm Trees Dynamic Theme – $2.99
- Aquatic Bundle Dynamic Theme – $2.99
- Digital Blasphemy Bundle I – $3.99
- Digital Blasphemy Circumpolar Clock Dynamic Theme – $2.99
- Digital Blasphemy Extra Solar Clock Dynamic Theme – $2.99
- Dynasty Warriors 8 – Custom Theme – Jin – $0.49
- Dynasty Warriors 8 – Custom Theme – Other – $0.49
- Dynasty Warriors 8 – Custom Theme – Shu – $0.49
- Dynasty Warriors 8 – Custom Theme – Wei – $0.49
- Dynasty Warriors 8 – Custom Theme – Wu – $0.49
- Kingdom Hearts Hd 1.5 Remix Dymanic Theme – $1.99
- Rage Comics: Mother Of God Dynamic Theme – $2.99
- Research Facility Dynamic Theme – $2.99
PSP Themes
- Amazing Earth: Arctic Iceberg – $1.49
- Amazing Earth: Australia’s Coast – $1.49
- Amazing Earth: Grand Canyon – $1.49
- Amazing Earth: Hawaiian Sunset – $1.49
- Amazing Earth: Indian Ocean Overlook – $1.49
- Amazing Earth: Rainbow Falls – $1.49
- Amazing Earth: Volcano – $1.49
- Destination: Brooklyn Bridge – $1.49
- Destination: Golden Gate Bridge – $1.49
- Destination: Greek Sunset – $1.49
- Destination: Hong Kong – $1.49
- Destination: La Rush Hour – $1.49
- Destination: Long Beach – $1.49
- Military: Desert Heat – $1.49
- Military: Night Vision Recon – $1.49
- Phil Wohr: Saint Kaylin – $1.49
- Utherworlds: Death Dealer – $1.49
PS3 Videos
- Bioshock Infinite Burial At Sea Episode 1 Trailer
- Bioshock Infinite Clash In The Clouds Trailer
- Borderlands 2 Season Pass Trailer
- Defiance: Castithan Charge Pack
- Nba 2k14 The Reign Begins Trailer
- Puppeteer Launch Trailer
- WWE 2k14 Become Immortal Trailer
- WWE 2k14 Ultimate Warrior Trailer
@RTEDFFGXZAQW455 Your talking to the wrong person, the person that replies to anyone who disses Sony is the one with the Rush avatar. Now, I only tell them to switch to Microsoft if they don’t like how Sony is turning. Look how many times maxideaccion posted that comment. Even if he was a subscriber, that still doesn’t change the fact he can back up the save file via cloud storage. So I can tell he’s doing it to scam Sony.
@96 you both forgot Re;Birth1
Is Killzone: Mercenary goind to be free (or at least discounted) for PS+ subscribers anytime this year?
This update sucks and looks like s**t.
LOL at Aliens Colonial Marines for $9. Terrible game for what I’ve seen my brother and reviews I’ve read. Only think I got this week was Gala and preordered Rain for next month.
@Welmosca I have the same issue as you, sir. Sometimes I’ll try to download something on Vita and I’ll get ‘preparing to download’ or a similar notification. This will stick, keeping me from accessing the home button or anything else. I’m forced to hard reset. Upon restarting, I can re-download the item, no problem. I’ve also noticed that the icon of the thing I’m downloading also doesn’t load correctly sometimes when this occurs. I always pray that no data will be corrupted when I hard reset like that. So far, so good, but it’s weird, indeed.
Related to this update, my mind is pretty much always on Soul Sacrifice DLC =) Looking forward to trying Galaga later, though (he’s the guy that smashes the watermelons, right?). Kudos, Sony!
@thelookey6 I’m sorry, but were you talking to PrimeroIncognito or me? Because I don’t remember anyone other than yourself and RTEDFFGXZAQW455 directing your comments to me today. I’m not the one telling everyone that PS+ is 97 cents and that PS+ is worth everyone’s money. I said this so many times because you make me keep repeating myself. Now I’m telling people to switch over to Microsoft if you don’t like what Sony is doing. I took back what I said about them thinking that they would suck, but they’ll do just fine against Sony as long as Nintendo can go down in the grave. So I’m not saying anything negative, your the one who should stop being so denial against my posts. I’m pretty sure people would agree to me.
Lets have an xseed sale pleaseeeeee:D
i dont feel like reading through all the comments to see if this has been addressed before, but why in the Diablo 3 demo description does it say it “includes all five powerful hero classes…” when in actuality in demo play you can only choose from 2? something i would have to address with blizzard personally, i guess?
ummm…..where is the Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 dynamic theme?? i cannot seem to find it :S
But if you played mk2, You don’t really need to play any other game in the series, mk2 is the best
Gamerzlimited : “the person that replies to anyone who disses Sony is the one with the Rush avatar.”
No, I don’t. Not everyone. It depends on the context and the particulars involved.
Some people have legitimate complaints, and those who do usually express themselves in a respectful manner. And I will ignore even those who throw tantrums if either the complaint is legitimate or if I can tell it’s just a little kid.
I only go after the Grade-A jackasses – attention seekers who go out of their way to be disruptive, those who peddle conspiracy theories of evil corporations trying to milk us dry (even though they’re in full control of how they spend their money), those who post just to be rude and never offer any constructive feedback, and those who complain for the sake of complaining over something minor, among other infantile things. The sad part is, almost all of them are grown-ups… who haven’t grown up.
It’s peons such as those who I feel need to be spoken to the way that I do, in hopes of snapping them out of those atrocious habits. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Some people are receptive, others want to remain mediocre for the rest of their lives. I can’t force them, but I can try.
lol sorry about my last comment but
After playing Victory, I don’t really feel like playing any more games in the series, Still excited for Fairy Fencer F though
I really hope Re;Birth or FFF has explorable dungeons that are longer than 2 floors, And they recycle dungeons much less than they did in Victory
Crap, I didn’t notice your name Ninja until now, lol
Hey Sony, wanna tell me why Nintendo whooped your @$$ since 2006 in both consoles and handhelds?
this is the only place i know for sure a rep will see what im saying. Can you PLEASE tell someone to switch the ps store layout back to the old one or work on a new one. I use to browse the store daily with and buy tons of games and ever since the change i only go in to dl my free ps plus game and then leave. even doing that is a extreme lag fest task. its such a uneasy uncomfortable unenjoyable process. i just bought aliens in the ps plus discount the dlc and i was booted offline as soon as the purchase was complete. i get booted out of the store alot for no reason. its been a year now of this. please put in a word somewhere about this. please print this out and give it to someone! there is a 27 page long thread about it as well in the forums. ive had ps plus for years now and this is the most miserable experience ever going thru this layout to get to my games. and when my ps3 crashes and i have to redownload all 200+ psn games you can imagine how long it takes on this slow slow store layout!!!
p.s. aliens is a very fun game to everyone saying “i heard thats the worst game ever”, the price at 9 bucks is well worth it. the reviews of people complaining about it is not really because the game sucks its because they thought it was going to be a battlefield graphic game and it turned out to be a singularity or wolfenstein graphic game. the game is extremely fun. most people who hate it havent even played it. yes it could of been better, but its a movie game, all movie games have that low budget look/feel to it. i bought it for 20 new 3 weeks ago and have been playing it ever since. i only have 1 more trophy to platinum it. if your a avid gamer you already know what to expect out of a game. theres lower budget looking ones and higher budget looking ones. not all games can be battlefield and call of duty, theres still fun in the lower games.
@PrimeroIncognito Oh, guess I kinda judged you differently. Sorry, all the posts you typed here make me think you actually do that. But it turns out that’s not true.
thelookey6 is a good example of one. That is exactly what he’s doing and he is attacking me because of it. I bet that goes with the people that attack you too. I wish they are more people like you that can talk some sense to him and these Grade-A jackasses.
I think you should just continue trying anyway. They don’t have the power to stop you, so why should they?
@estoc1 And tell me why Nintendo is desperate for money and are making downgrades of their systems (2DS anybody?). Oh wait, because your a corrupted brain dead fanboy and trying to defend them. Admit it, Sony and Microsoft are better. Just you wait, they’ll destroy Nintendo in 2 months. Like people claiming PrimeroIncognito works for Sony (Which is a complete lie), I bet this guy works for Nintendo.
Ducktales Remastered is an amazing adventure game. Everybody should try it, even if you are not a fan of Ducktales :)
Aolso I already ordered Fantasy Book II 16-bit , can’t wait to play it
“Oh wait, because your a corrupted brain dead fanboy and trying to defend them”
Calling the kettle pot black, huh? Graphics wh0re…
And Sony will be gong by 2015 thanks to Nintendo…
@estoc1 Do you have evidence that they will or are you speaking lies? If you think I’m a graphics wh0re, care to explain why can’t the Wii U play these games: Borderlands 2, DmC: Devil May Cry, Dead Space 3, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, Bioshock Infinite, Tomb Raider, Remember Me, Metro: Last Light, and Saints Row IV? Don’t you dare say that it’s because of graphics because some of those games I listed can handle the Wii U easily, the companies choose not to port them.
And what about Microsoft? I still think they’ll mop Nintendo off the floor. I like Sony, but I’m not to say it a people’s faces like what you are doing with Nintendo. Sorry to say this, but it’s the other way around. Nintendo is the one going bye-bye in 2015 thanks to both Sony and Microsoft.
Too bad Carnivores HD isn’t on Vita. I played the heck out of the original back in 99. I’d love to play this one handheld. I’d buy it today if it were available!
Where is discount on PsVita Games?… poor update, poor PS+ for vita owners in september… cmon guys, again!!
@160 go to PS store and look for the latest themes you’ll find it
I don’t usually get involved in these stuff but
“Desperate for money”
What, 3DS has been burying the Vita this whole time, Vita now can catch up with the Vita TV(Which you can also consider as a “downgrade” as well)
2DS is just a “more accessible” 3DS for 3DS Killer app, Pokemon X/Y, 3DS is printing money for them now
The only thing that Nintendo has issues with now is the Wii U, Which would probably catch up sometime when it has more games
@PHEEliNUX If I may have said to offend PS users that also own a 3DS as well, then I apologize. I only said that to piss estoc1 off without realizing that people here also use Nintendo handhelds as well. I just don’t like them because of region lock and using outdated tech compared to Sony and Microsoft’s consoles despite their quality of games. That’s only because it’s been in the market almost a year before the Vita came out. So of course there will be more people owning a 3DS than a Vita. And I wouldn’t really called the Vita TV a “downgrade” because you can play it on the big screen (That’s something the Vita can’t do). Unlike the 2DS, the 3D function is removed and you can’t fold it, that’s all. I used to own Nintendo handhelds before. But ever since my DS and collection of Pokemon got stolen, there’s no way I’m coming back. I’ll try to be happy whatever Sony offers.
If more 3rd party companies actually port their games to the Wii U, then I would give the system a chance. But after seeing how it’s doing right now, I don’t think so.
I want to play NHL hockey on my Vita
let me guess um everyone who called you out on this page called you out by a case of mistaken identity .
you are a suck up and u try to trash talk anyone who has something bad to say about sony and you also said you are offended by a guys comment because he was talking bad about a game that u did not even make. you are a basketcase and we all no it…you are a huge suck up and i will always speak the truth no matter who likes it. i am not hear to make friends because i am …..wait for it …wait for it…….
the- truth- man !!!
@174 yea i know where to go. but when i go to check the newest themes (as of yesterday it would be out for $1.99) i look through and its not there.
but here is a question for you sony. why say a item on the list in the store but when its searched, its not found??
And why did you come up out of nowhere just to offend him?
i guess you dont see my name in his post
i guess you dont see my name in his post
No, I am blind
that was going to be my next guess
Good guess sir
i was like this guy must be a dummy if he or she does not no why i fired back but you cant see lol
Yes, Very funny
@ 144 PrimeroIncognito – Yes I think the same….Burnout has 98 trophies and RDR 91….I dont know if they weren’t able to add more trophies because all their DLCs have trophies but for them being 3rd parties could be the reason….about the rule you said…I think that is the reason…recently one dev said here in the blog that they have a limited amount of points to add trophies on PSN games thus why they dont have a plat.
@ 156 Milkmaniac – Oh thought that it was just me….isn’t that annoying?…not trying to being rude or anything…but having more people with the same problem will make Sony give attention to it….but I’m even more in the dark than you my friend…because after restarting the Vita…I still can’t download anything…and its weird because the items that I tried to download go to my download list.If it wasn’t for PS3 I would be unable to download anything.
How about a look into this hu Sony?…would be really appreciated.
@ 166 melodicmizery – I agree 100% this new store is the worst idea Sony ever had….its really frustrating to browse….I prefer the old store all the way.BTW if your PS3 crashes you can go to “transaction management” and then “download list”…there at least…will still be the old store layout of the download list and its way more fast…I had to redownload all my stuff 1 year ago when my HDD got corrupted.I always use that download list.
Just bought Killzone!! Thank you for making an amazing game!
I Love games and i have made some games as a hobby too, i have bought all playstation system in my life… but now i have moved to japan and i only have a Psvita and NO money left :( (i still haven’t played The last of Us…..) So i’m so happy to play KZ, it does looks like a PS3 game!!
the only things i miss from my country is my big tv and my ps3 lol
Uhm, is it just me, or can no one else seem to purchase Galaga Legions DX? It’s not working on the PSN Store or the online site.
amazing DOA costumes!
@Agent_Heroic: Same here, getting a page does not exist error when trying to download through my PS3 or the Sony Online Store.
@Agent_Heroic No its not just you, I’ve been trying to download it and all i get it is a message that says: “This content cannot be selected at this time.” :/ Sony are you aware of this?
@Agent_Heroic I’ve been trying to download it as well and have gotten the “This content cannot be selected at this time” on PSN and “The page you requested is not available” on the online site. I hope Sony becomes aware of this soon and fixes it.
Hey Sony,
Will your PS4 crash and burn at launch worse than when you crashed at 2006 with the garbage ps3?
@thelookey6 How many times do I have to say it?! I already told you that’s PrimeroIncognito’s job as you can see from his post. He goes after Grade-A jackasses like you and I only tell people to switch over to Microsoft if you don’t like what Sony is offering. That still doesn’t change the fact maxideaccion can back up the Hitman: Absolution save file via cloud storage. You’ll always speak lies and no one should ever listen to you. Only PrimeroIncognito speaks truth and honestly to his words.
@estoc1 There are many pre-orders for the PS4 right now, so your comment is completely false. And you still did not answer my question. Explain to me why can’t the Wii U play those games I listed. Does anyone agree to me that the Wii U is garbage compared to the PS4 and this guy’s an idiot?
I totally disagree(I disagree on that part as well but will just ignore it)
This guy isn’t an idiot, An idiot is much more intelligent
Honestly, I would just ignore him seeing that he is probably a Nintendrone or an Xbot
@PHEEliNUX You mean disagreeing that the Wii U is garbage compared to the PS4? I apologize again. I only said that to piss him off. I’m still waiting for his answer to my question, unless he’s too scared to tell me since he probably knows those games will never be ported, not even the announced Kingdom Hearts III. Really? I thought an idiot means a stupid person.
He isn’t an Xbot because he never brings up anything related to Microsoft. As for Nintendrone, it already proven on his comments. Did you know he hates Grand Theft Auto and Battlefield? Battlefield is subjective, but I think it’s an insult to hate GTA.