Aaaaaand we’re back with another refreshing Recap.
This was a heavy week for new releases — Diablo III, Rayman Legends, Kickbeat, Brothers and more are ready for downloadin’ on PlayStation Store. Better get to it too; we’re inching ever closer to Grand Theft Auto V, and PS4’s November 15th launch will be upon us before we know it.
On PS.Blog this week, we saw 14 minutes of new Watch_Dogs free-roaming gameplay, our old chum Fred interviewed the lovable Shuhei Yoshida about PS4’s user interface and social features, Bungie stopped by to spill some more details on Destiny (and to issue a heartfelt thank you to the fans), I finally got to play Transistor, one of my most anticipated PS4 games, we looked back on 15 years of Metal Gear Solid, the Driveclub team showed us some sweet 1080p footage from the upcoming PS4 racer, and more.
I’ve been lucky enough to be playing Puppeteer for a few days now, and I can vouch for the reviews that have been trickling out — it’s fantastic. This game just oozes spirit and character. I’ve also been prone to spontaneous Spelunky runs, thanks to its availability on PS3 and PS Vita. It takes a few runs for it to really suck you in, but once it has there’s no looking back. Any remaining gaming gaps have been predictably filled by Saints Row IV. Because come on.
What are you playing this weekend?
- I’m playing: Spelunky, Puppeteer, Saints Row IV
- I’m watching: The Office, Breaking Bad
- I’m listening to: Shigeto, The Seatbelts
What We’re Reading
This Week’s Top 10 Posts
- Watch_Dogs: Player Freedom and Multiplayer Functionality
- PS4 UI and Social Features, Shuhei Yoshida on Ease of Use
- Destiny: Bungie on Customization, Class Types, and Multiplayer
- Diablo III Out Today on PS3 With Exclusive Items
- Hands-on with Transistor on PS4
- Metal Gear Solid Turns 15, Remembering the Legacy
- Bungie Says Thank You
- Beyond: Two Souls Demo Coming October 1st
- DRIVECLUB: New 1080p Videos
- Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness Release Date Unveiled, New Features Details
- @Neilan: Also, check out this TLoU cinemagraph that Reddit’s BigMurph26 made
- Spaghetti Western shooter Secret Ponchos inspired by fighting games
- Review: Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse | PSNStores
- Rayman Legends Review – Giant Bomb
- Raccoon City Comes Alive at Universal Orlando
- ‘Spelunky’ Review: Race To The Bottom (PlayStation 3) – Forbes
- Diablo 3 console review | Digital Trends Reviews
- Puppeteer Review – IGN
- Review: Puppeteer (PS3) | PlayStation Nation
- Sony Japan hosts early morning streaming press conference on Monday | Joystiq
- Kickbeat Review – Destructoid
- Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate features Mega Man-style boss progression | Joystiq
Most-Watched Video of the Week
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