Hello fellow Sony fans! Tyrone Rodriguez with Nicalis, Inc., here. I’ve been given some time to introduce you to something vvvvvvery awesome. When last I posted on the official PlayStation.Blog, I told you a bit about 1001 Spikes on PS Vita. Today I’m going to introduce you to the incredible world of VVVVVV (pronounced like the letter “V” six times etc), coming to PS VVVVVVita!
What’s this VVVVVV I speak of? Thought up by professional nice guy and game designer Terry Cavanagh, VVVVVV is a game where you’ll die a lot. Yes, I know it sounds like 1001 Spikes, and I know that it has lots of spikes, but it’s a totally different game. Stick with me, I promise this will be awesome.
So VVVVVV. I’ve never been one for spoilers, but the story goes something like this: you’re Captain Viridian (like the color) and you, your ship, and your crew are stranded in some crazy alternate dimension that, of course, is in the process of imploding. Of course it is. Your crew has been lost in this weird dimension and you’re the leader; it’s your job to go find them and maybe save the dimension. Maybe. That’s all I’m going to give you as far as the story.
The play is where VVVVVV will really trap you and keep you hooked. There’s no shooting, and there’s not even a real jump button. Instead, you can move left or right, and you can invert Captain Viridian’s gravity. This is the main play mechanic, and also how you’ll solve puzzles and navigate through the game world. Pressing the X button while on the ground or ceiling will cause Viridian to spontaneously ascend or descend. While airborne, Viridian can move left and right as well. It might sound like a jump, but it’s not. You’ll literally stick to ceilings, which will technically become the floor.
The gravity switch is an insanely awesome concept that allows for hundreds upon hundreds of clever puzzles. What you’ll find after a few minutes of playing is that you need to change and redefine your perception of a platformer, and how you think and find solutions to the challenges in front of you.
You’ll probably die a lot. Because of that, checkpoints are strategically placed throughout the world. And there are no lives. You basically will keep going as long as you can, as long as it takes to save Dimension VVVVVV.
While you’re doing your best avoiding death and saving your companions, you can appreciate the chiptune music by Magnus Palsson.
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