Home, sweet home. After a week of free-flowing Kölsch and pork chops thicker than my neck, I’m glad to be back in sunny San Francisco, catching up on all the news from Gamescom.
Two bits that seemed to make people happy this week: PS4 launches in North America on November 15th, and all PS Vita models are now $199!
Man, how about all those new game trailers? I am so ready for some N++! Other highlights for me: Resogun, Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture, the new inFAMOUS Second Son trailer, Wasteland Kings, Hotline Miami 2, Volume, and Borderlands 2 on PS Vita.
What was your favorite game announcement? And, of course, what are you playing this weekend?
- I’m playing: Ducktales Remastered, Saints Row IV, Divekick
- I’m watching: Gamescom trailers! (N++ yesssss)
- I’m listening to: Hotline Miami soundtrack, Kara
What We’re Reading
This Week’s Top 10 Posts
- Gamescom 2013 Live: Watch the PlayStation Conference Today
- Borderlands 2 Coming to PS Vita
- PS4 Launches in North America on November 15th, Gamescom Wrap-up
- Hands on: Battlefield 4 Multiplayer on PS4
- PS Vita Now $199.99 in North America
- PS Vita Summer Select: Four New Indies Get PS Plus Discounts
- Gamescom Indie Avalanche: N++, Volume, Hotline Miami 2
- The Walking Dead on PS Vita Out Tomorrow
- Building a New London for The Order: 1886 on PS4
- Grand Theft Auto V Day 1 Digital Pre-orders Start Today on PSN
- Atlus bringing 2D fighter AquaPazza to US
- Metrico morphs infographics into a challenging, beautiful world
- DriveClub’s social challenges built around potential for virality
- Sony’s Gamescom press conference in less than two minutes
- Housemarque’s RESOGUN Coming to PS4
- Instant goosebumps: The Music of rain
- Very quick tips for Saints Row IV
- Velocity 2X Has More Than Meets The Eye (Dev Q/A)
- No ‘game over’ in Beyond: Two Souls, but Jodi can die
- Review: Divekick!
- Divekick review: A much needed kick in the face for fighting games
- Saints Row 4 review: The Saints rule everywhere
- Saints Row 4 review: suit and tie
Most-Watched Video of the Week
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