Star Wars Pinball and Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower are both coming to the PlayStation Plus Instant Game Collection with tomorrow’s PS Store update! You’ll also want to be one of the first to get your hands on the astounding Killzone: Mercenary via the beta. You’ll also find a timed trial of the acclaimed PAYDAY 2.
You’ll also find great sales including the final week of the PS Vita Japanese Games Sale, the Fan Expo sale celebrating our developer friends and neighbors in Canada, and did I mention… Divekick? The fighting game that took the fighting game community by storm is coming this week as well. All of those sales come equipped with a lovely PS Plus discount as well!
Take it all in, then let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
August 20th PlayStation Plus Update
Zen Pinball 2: Star Wars Pinball (PS3 and PS Vita)
Regular Price: $9.99, Free for PS Plus members

Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower (PSP, Compatible on PS Vita)
Regular Price: $9.99, Free for PS Plus members

Divekick (PS Vita, PS3) (Part of the PS Vita Summer Select event) (Cross-Buy)
Regular Price: $9.99; PS Plus Price: $7.99

Killzone: Mercenary Public Beta Access (PS Vita)

Ms. Germinator (PS3 and PS Vita) (Cross-Buy)
Regular Price: $9.99; PS Plus Price: $7.99

PS Vita Japanese Games Sale – Week 2
Various Discounts

PS Vita Japanese Game Sale
Game Title | Normal Price | Sale Price | PS Plus Price |
Street Fighter X Tekken PS Vita | $39.99 | $27.99 | $19.59 |
Dead or Alive 5 Plus | $39.99 | $19.99 | $10.00 |
Ragnarok Odyssey | $29.99 | $20.99 | $14.69 |
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection PS Vita | $29.99 | $20.99 | $14.69 |
Dynasty Warriors Next | $34.99 | $17.49 | $8.75 |
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 PS Vita | $39.99 | $19.99 | $10.00 |
New Little Kings Story | $19.99 | $13.99 | $9.79 |
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Splitz | $29.99 | $20.99 | $14.69 |
Muramasa Rebirth | $34.99 | $27.99 | $20.99 |
Last Chance (Leaving on 8/27)
Instant Game Collection
Street Fighter X Tekken Ps Vita
Dead Or Alive 5 Plus
Ragnarok Odyssey
Metal Gear Solid Hd Collection Ps Vita
Dynasty Warriors Next
Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Ps Vita
New Little Kings Story
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Splitz
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
Guacamelee! Ps Vita
Lights, Camera, Party!
Might & Magic Clash Of Heroes
Critter Crunch
Tales From Space: About A Blob Premium Bundle
Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack
Tales From Space: About A Blob
Nun Attack
Max Payne 3
Max Payne 3 Ultimate Edition
Exclusive Beta Access
Killzone: Mercenary Public Beta
Fan Expo Sale (PS3 and PS Vita)
Various Discounts

Fan Expo Sale (PS3 and PS Vita)
Game Title | Normal Price | Sale Price | PS Plus Price |
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon | $14.99 | $10.49 | $7.34 |
Guacamelee! | $14.99 | $10.49 | $7.34 |
Guacamelee! PS Vita | $14.99 | $10.49 | $7.34 |
Nun Attack | $2.99 | $2.09 | $1.46 |
Might & Magic Clash of Heroes | $14.99 | $7.49 | $3.75 |
Critter Crunch | $6.99 | $3.49 | $1.75 |
Tales from Space: About A Blob Premium Bundle | $7.99 | $4.99 | $2.50 |
Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack | $9.99 | $3.99 | $2.00 |
Tales from Space: About A Blob | $7.99 | $3.99 | $2.00 |
Lights, Camera, Party! | $29.99 | $14.99 | $7.50 |
You’ll find all the content detailed above with their Plus benefits active when the PlayStation Store updates on 8/20. We’ll be back next week with more details on the game arriving to the Instant Game Collection as well as any other benefits we can share.
If you’ve got feedback or thoughts on today’s Plus update, leave them below, or, if you’re looking to engage with more of the PS community, make sure you head over to the PlayStation Community to discuss this week’s news, find other topics to contribute your thoughts to, or start one for yourself. See you in the comments!
Looking forward to the awesome discounts! definitely picking up Blood Dragon and the Killzone Beta! I would love to see some discounts on DLC.
So both Star Wars Pinball and Darkstalkers Chronicle is going to be on PS+ tomorrow? At least this is better than offering one a week. Next month, offer something else on PSP that’s isn’t a fighter. I mean you have Gods Eater Burst and Metal Slug XX. Why not do what DrSmoov suggests?
Also Morgan, can you delete maxideaccion’s comment? He’s been spamming it at every blog post and will not stop doing so.
Yea im not to happy with this weeks IGC: hopefully next week it gets better, i still have HITMAN to play until then :)
Are there no other options for surveys? I have done a couple on Survey Monkey which are far better than the ones currently used. For instance, you can have a lot more space than what we are given to write our thoughts even though I notice that it was the first time that a survey had that.
Also I assume that you only want us to pick what was our TOP favorite thing of the week/month, but for example this week the sales were my favorite, so it would be nice to have multiple option and then have as a second question where if you liked nothing this week or if you liked nothing because you own it all then select this one.
About the freebies for Plus this week… Pinball and another fighting game?
I already have Star Wars Pinball, but I’m really looking forward to playing Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower on my Vita.
Great update. I would love to see movie discounts too. Since the improvement of Videos Unlimited I find myself using the service more but still find the prices a little high compared to the competition.
PS4 CLAN IDEA ****************
Let’s talk ps4 for a minute
Since we’ll be able to have 200 friends here’s an idea. Sony needs to start brings fans of certain genres together. fighting games, puzzlers, pinball lovers etc etc. Create a community feature so like minded gamers can meet up chat compete and celebrate the ps4.
Be nice to have a puzzler community competing in awesome games like Bejeweled Critter Crunch or Clash of Heroes
Fighters would love to duke it out in dive kcik the next tekken or the next MK
Let us rpg lovers meet up and grind it out with Dragon’s Crown or an of those great mmorpgs coming to the ps4 next year
Of course their are the shooters out their that’d be no problem getting them ready but a LoU community with competing factions would be epic
Sure gamers could start the idea off but if the Social Media crew pushed it we could see huge potential. Get the picture sure we could start the communities ourselves but
Should I buy Divekick or Blood Dragon? Ah, decisions decisions…
Forgot to ask something. So if we get the “Star Wars Pinball Pack” for free tomorrow, do we also get the Star Wars Pinball level DLC for Zen Pinball 2 as well? Because I remember if you already own the level DLC, you get the Star Wars Pinball Pack free. Hope that applies to PS+.
No more PSP fighters please, I think we have enough and they are still niche titles, and pinball, seriously they’re fun for a while but not much replay value, and for me this is a niche of a niche game… So if you want to please my niche titles I’d love more JRPGs and WRPGs and some racer games too…
Already have Star Wars pinball on my 360 so I guess I can download it again to get some trophy’s. I hope next month we get blown away somehow with some stellar games. I really enjoyed Runner 2 last week hopefully I can get in more playtime on it this week when i am free.
I love PS+ and thank you for the content we get. I never moan I never comment. But you gotta do something with all these PSP fighting games I really don’t like fighting games and it would be like giving us PS2 games every week for PS3 that wouldn’t cut it right? There are so many other good PSP games that you could give. I understand you don’t wanna give too much away. But give us vita players a break from crappy fighting games. If there was an extra charge for Vita PS+ I wouldn’t pay it in a million years so lucky for Sony i guess there isn’t.
“OMG another week without exactly the free stuff I asked for last week!! PS+ is so NOT WORTH IT! I’ve only gotten games like lbp:k, hitman:absolution, sleeping dogs, battlefied 3, XCOM, Saints Row the 3rd, and MORE this year for FREE. Like omg those games alone are only worth OVER $50!!! Well maybe I’ve gotten a lot more than what I pay for the service but I SHOULD BE GETTING ALL THE BEST STUFF FREE EVERY WEEK!!”
^^^This is what the comments basically start to look like after a while.
As a long-time member of PS+ I can vouch that over the long-term, PS+ is simply an amazing service. Thanks to PS+ I’ve gotten to play so many amazing games for free that I wouldn’t have otherwise. I just bought a PS Vita 6 days ago and my 32GB memory card is almost completely stocked with free content that touches literally every genre of gaming. Now I’m blessed with this 2 week sale that is putting up 80% of the games I’ve considered buying for the vita on a %50 or higher discount. Like c’mon.
daaaaaamn! people sure complain a lot about FREE STUFF (yes i know you pay $50 a year…but seriouslly thats pennies for what we get and youre just a CHEAP ASS whiner)
Everybody get dynasty warriors next so we can play!!!!!!
Yeah PS Vita getting the support it rightfully deserve, the system is a beast Doods!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I come here for the discounts first. :)
That said, last week Street Fighter X Tekken was listed as $19.59 for PSN & shortly after was crossed out. No problem, they said it was pushed back a week.
Where is the sale for this game on PSN this week because its not mentioned anywhere?
Marvel Vs. Capcom, and Guacamelee are my definite no-brainers for this sale extravaganza.
DOA, New Little King Story, Soul Sacrifice, Muramasa Rebirth were close at tempting me.
Thanks, for giving us sooo many to chose from.
The IGC games are a little lacking, but then again I still have not had the chance to beat Dokuro (when does it go on sale?), and still trying to platinum Lego Batman.
*AS for PSP games, I would really like to see more sales on those as well, and more HD PS 2 classics (even better if you make them crossbuy).*
There is so much potential for Vita, after seeing graphics from HD, and a few of the others.
But, find it very disappointing, that many fall short of satisfying and fun gameplay mechanics, without having to resort to 2-D.
*Love the continued support for apps, and would love a console setting, for better thumbstick sensitivity, directions, speed, and dead zone.*
Good Luck Fellas, and thanks for trying to listen.
@158 nice idea.
What about making a queue of people who have similar trophies, and closer in distance?
Not really liking the idea that plus will be mandatory for online play though, as it was why I chose Sony over Microsoft.
Far Cry 3, will be added.
And another concern about plus for online , will it be needed to activate, and deactivate systems?
@165 people are entitled to an opinion regarding the content of PS+ that yes people pay for. Sorry but some people don’t have a bunch of money to buy games and sometimes only mainly get games from PS+. I flood tons of money toward Sony being a 100% genuine buyer, Couldn’t give a dam about jailbreaking or ripping them off I don’t buy used games I believe in Sony. If you don’t like the comments your reading don’t read the comments. As there are mainly people’s opinions here.
I had the same issue. Saw the comment to call sony. Did that. It took forever for them to kind of realize what was going on. It was a little painful, and they were not aware of the issue at all.
I eventually got transferred to someone who was able to remove Quantum Conundrum from my download list that I got for free on November 16th, 2012. The date is important so they can find the transaction.
Once he removed Quantum Conundrum from my account, I was able to purchase the Tomb Raider bundle with no issue at all.
Call Sony
Tell them to remove Quantum Conundrum
Then you will be able to buy Tomb Raider bundle.
I hope this helps. :)
Impressive. Most impressive.
wow too many disconts tomorrow for vita, 2 free and i got muramasa, guacamele and maybe another ones.. thanks psnplus
i’m happy with the update. the killzone beta should be sweet and lots of sales
Sony: What was that?
Sony: Please stop shouting. One more time please?
PS+ Users: No more fighting games!
Sony: No more what?
PS+ Users: Fighting games!
Sony: You want more fighting games? Why didn’t you just say so instead of all asking for RPGs in the polls?
PS+ Users: No more! Please!
Sony: No problem, no more RPGs. We will waste no more time. More fighting games, it is.
PS+ Users: (quietly trudge off wondering what just happened)
Sony: More satisfied customers. :)
Exists the possibility of having more titles RPG for PSVita? If not possible on minimum greater variety even the games PSP would be great. Were granted many fighting games recently PSP – Soul Calibur, Tekken and Darkstalkers now.
Excuse the way I wrote, is that my English is not very good.
Any chance we will get any good full game RPGs for PS3 soon? I’ve been begging you guys for so long now. I’m so tired of the long string of awful shooters that all play the same.
Give us a good game. One with a story. One that is fun. One that doesn’t look like a game made for pedophiles. Please.
Something like full games of or DLC of…Dark Souls…3d Dot Game Heroes…Borderlands 2…Elder Scrolls…Fallout…or…anything…
I have platinum for those games, but maybe you can give us something a bit more obscure that is similar to what I am listing.
Please…I want to stay a Plus member, but I can’t afford a subscription for such little content. Please.
Remember kids, Plus is 97 cents per week! Every Monday, the Plus Update reveals what you’re getting for your 97-cent weekly payment.
Is this update worth 97 cents? Absolutely. Undoubtedly. It simply cannot be argued against. In fact, EVERY SINGLE WEEK’S UPDATE has easily been worth more than the 97 cents you dished out for it.
If you say it’s not, you should do us all a favor and go play on the freeway. The rest of us won’t miss you. Seriously, people like you a burden on society and you bring us all down. Think about the starving children in Africa. Think about people sleeping in alleyways and eating scraps out of dumpsters. Think about how good you have it and stop being so damn self-centered. Get a F#$%ING job or something, parasites. Learn what’s it’s like to make sacrifices and contribute to the greater good so you can understand the value of things.
By the way, pinball is awesome. You crybabies probably just suck at it. :)
5 cents would not be worth it if we get nothing of value in return. if you like the so-boring-you-don’t-need-a-single-brain-cell-to-play-the-game content, good for you. don’t be a jerk to people just because we have intelligence and taste. pinball is boring. i suck at it because i don’t care enough about it to not suck at it.
Holy mother of the puppies of purgatory, my friend was right. Such a huge multitude of people who are horribly ungrateful for what they get in PS Plus.
Everything is subjective is what the big issue is. Some people love fighting games, some don’t. When people don’t like what they got they ***** about it to no end.
Then again I don’t really buy plus for all the free stuff. I got plus the moment they offered cloud saves. So for me I am paying 50/year for cloud saves, and just happen to get an unbelievable amount of free stuff on top of that. So I am content.
In my mind though if you are paying 50/year so you can specifically get the free games you want, you’re doing it wrong. You should be grateful that poor Morgan puts up with all you whining children.
My hat is off to you, Morgan. You’ve quite a crowd to deal with. :)
:( man not the right games for me this weak
@ Starmark
Heh… thanks for the laughs, junior. You dislike pinball because you suck at it, I promise. If you were good enough to ever get a good game going, you’d not only be having a damn good time, but you’d realize the brilliance of the game itself and appreciate the experience… if you’re really as smart as you pretend to be, that is. Pinball has multiple layers of engagement to it… the more you play, the more you see it… it’s actually a very complex game and requires CONSTANT CRITICAL THINKING skills (as well as sharp reflexes!) to be any good at it. Don’t hate the game or the people who love it just because your abilities to read and react to real-world physics and decision making skills are inferior.
Just curious though… can you give me an example of those complex requires-trillions-of-brain-cells-to-play games that you’re alluding to? What kind of games do you like?
Will Darksiders II ever come to plus for free or did I miss it.
@ Starmark
Hmm… I just noticed that you had posted above me right ahead of my first post. I see the types of games you’re interested in, and I took a look at your profile too. Seems we actually have similar tastes in games, dude. Ha…
I don’t know how you missed out on the awesomeness that is pinball, but whatever. You can’t be good at everything, I suppose. :)
All I was saying is that people need to kill their damn egos and stop whining over small things so much. Look for the good in things, and appreciate what you have instead of always wanting/needing more. All that need for more is a weakness.
Besides, some of the games (or related games) you’re asking for have already been included in the IGC. And the rest? Well, remember, it’s up to the publishers and developers too, so don’t just fling all your poo at Sony.
Poor Sony. I feel so sorry for Morgan and Co. Always taking the heat for everything that they have very little control over in the end. They need co-operation from third parties to make these things happen. You knew that, right?
I will admit that since I rarely play pinball games, one such game might exist that doesn’t totally suck. To paraphrase my earlier comment, the genre does not interest me enough to find out.
I enjoy story. I enjoy well-written plot. I enjoy strategic gameplay. Even if you feel that pinball has all these things, then that is your opinion. You are entitled to it.
I do not tell you to kill yourself because of it.
Instead of trashing people because their opinions differ from yours, go ahead and enjoy the kind of games you like. Leave everyone else alone. That is the only point I am attempting to make here.
I don’t have any more energy to waste on you. Either you get it or you are a jerk. Regardless, I’d rather play pinball than trade any more words with you.
Blood Dragon will be mine, thanks
Yay! I already got Star Wars Pinball and I love it!
Can’t believe it’s gonna be free for PS+ subscribers!
@ Starmark
So you won’t tell people to kill themselves, but you’ll them they’re “jerks” with only a single brain cell who aren’t worth any more of your time. Almost the same thing, bro.
And I didn’t say they should kill themselves because of their tastes in games, for Christ’s sake. Don’t twist my words. It’s the ungrateful, the self-centered, the greedy, and other assorted undesirables who should remove themselves from society in the interest of the greater good. (Not that they ever will, but my point is made.)
Anyway, I’m done. Got stuff to do. Later.
Guacamelee is cross buy.
will this be a morning update or a night update?
very nice, this version of pinball is actually good compared to that godawful version posted somewhat recently.. the physics feel real. was gonna buy the starwars pack but decided to hold off, then i seen it was comin free this month. glad i got ps+ again.
further note, it’s sad to see primalincognito still flooding the forums with his horrible outlook and encouraging everyone to never speak up about what they are receiving for their money spent. i’m guessing he must be paid by sony. sad.
Thank you for keeping me up to date on all of the latest sales.
Get rid of knytt underground and pinball game then we can have 2/3 ps vita title and 1 psp title rotate every month…such bad month for plus if only they get rid of the game we don wan lying around
Playstation Pinball Plus :/
@PrimeroIncognito If you don’t read my comments to your replies, I just want to say that you deserves a thumbs up. Everything you said has valid points. I have no idea what’s wrong with pinball. Having another PSP fighter is understandable, but pinball? I would like to have a “real” pinball machine in my house, but those are expensive. At least Sony can help get my fix for that as long as it’s the good ones. Anyway, keep doing what you have to do. I got your back. :)
@ryanchunt It is sad to see that your against his posts. He’s just a fan like the rest of us. Unlike you, I bet your one of those greedy trolls who wants everything. Sad.
Thanks for the discounts, everyone should get might and magic clash of heroes is a fun game! and it has online matches.
I’m getting guacamelee and little king story.
That muramasa sale is great but i want the game card.
And i will give it a try to the pinball tables, not a fan of those.