If you’re reading this, Payday 2 is almost out — and the Overkill team is off on well-deserved vacations planning our next heist. It’s hard to express just how excited we are about the game finally being available for everyone to play. But soon, everyone will be able to mask up and get their heists started for real!
If you’re new to Payday, you’ve got a lot to look forward to. Payday 2 is an intense and dynamic first-person four player co-operative robbery game unlike any other. It’s equal parts RPG and action game now, allowing players to rob banks, jewelry stores, art galleries, and a hell of a lot more. Even, uh, unusual jobs. Our angle, even on the first Payday, has been “make a game where you feel like you are the bank robber” and we’ve referenced everything from Breaking Bad to Heat to make that happen. We want to make players feel like they’re really experiencing all the tension and high-stakes action of a life of crime.
Veteran Payday: The Heist players are going to remember the intense four-player heisting with the old Payday gang of Hoxton, Wolf, Dallas, and Chains back together again with Bain, their trusted planner. But they’re going to be blown away from all the new additions. Now a player can really pull off the perfect heist, without even firing a shot, with the addition of real stealth and deep team play-based skills. There are 144 skills and four archetypes (Ghost, Mastermind, Enforcer, and Technician) that allow players to make the kind of robber they want to be. There is a working money-based economy, so you’re actually robbing places to get money for things you want, whether its masks, mask mods, money for training or that rare optic.
Payday 2 has five times as many missions as Payday: The Heist. We have vastly improved gunplay and combat and immensely dynamic and replayable missions, some of which stretch over multiple stages. Even a Payday where players can get masks and weapons mods that they can customize. Last, but certainly not least, there is a huge visual and audio leap from the first game and a safe house to test out your gadgets and see the fruits of your labor in your own personal vault. I also need to mention the game’s incredible soundtrack from Payday: The Heist audio director Simon Viklund.
As for DLC, we have a full year of it planned. We can’t talk about it much…but everyone likes an armored car hit, right?
Mask up. The Payday 2 world is your bank. Get robbing.
staying pos here…..i dont mind waiting for something im not a child and Muzfakil i added you so watch out. XD
The only thing I want to know about Payday 2 is why, in addition to the standard terms on the PSN store:
Purchase or use of this item is subject to the PlayStation®Network Terms of Service and User Agreement and this item’s use restrictions. This item has been sublicensed to you by Sony Computer Entertainment America. One-time license fee for downloads to up to 2 console systems that are associated with the purchasing account.
…the following has also been added:
No more than one activated PS3 system within a 24 hour period. Content may not be used by any other account. You must sign in to PSN each time you start the game.
Please explain.
*sigh* so anyway I just found a praying mantis outside and put it in a tree *Mr. Miyagi deed completed*
@249 Asking a corporation to explain is 100% pointless. :P
Another 2 hours huh? Well I guess I should kill time and play the first Payday then. o-o
ahaha @250 there was one on my door yesterday and my little sister killed it i slapped myself in the face
back to south park
I still dont get why are you all upset … the pre order said Day 1 Digital, and you all know that psn store update are random… so its the 13th still so its still Day 1. it will be up (supposedly) in 1:30 hrs so why cant you guys wait a little. i know it sucks to have been waiting since 12am but what can you do? … i’ve been waiting since 12am EST, now it is 2:30 EST and im not even complaining. just wait, it is an awesome game so is worth the waiting.
@250. you are epic.
Sounds good velvet.
Ahaha @250 congrats
The game is up for download everyone :) Happy gaming to all. Hope to run into all of u in game.
You do realize that not all of those games were available on PS+ at the time of release correct? Mostly all of my games were purchased the day of release. Either way, nobody could possibly know that I myself purchased all of these games, I could have just rented or borrowed all of them. Also, trophies were not available until 2008 so there are many games I purchased from 2006 and 2007 that do not even register to my online account. As to me not earning all the trophies for each game, dude, I have many work and family obligations to put ahead of video games. I just play in a recreational state. #ArguingWithAChild
Guys and gals, Loot Bag is now available on the store.
We went from 2.2MB to 6.6MB. It’ll be any day now.
Oh, wait, the game’s downloading, cheers!
@259 He just sounds like a creeper to me. Might be a pedobear. :P watch it
@259 not to be rude, but you are acting like a child too
Just to inform everybody. Overkill tweeted that the game will be released on the 13th for steam and between the 13th and the 16th for consoles.
You have a poor definition of child haha. Indoctrination for the win right?!
@263 okay so… SyrupCakeEater just claimed it was available and up for download now… and now you’re saying that it might be from now until the 16th for consoles? So… is Syrup just lying to piss people off more for fun, or, is it actually up for download? I’m getting sick of turnin my console back on xD
Downloading now 4gb all the d-bags can stop crying now
#258 says its up for download lets go check =o
Its up! YAY!
@ 263 your a little late. im downloading the game right now. it was only 30 mins late cause there was store maintenance with the update. so anyone who didnt flip out like a child grats you you hope to see you in game!
Aww yea downloading it! :D
Just everyone knows if you plan on going to gamestop you won’t get it there, There was a delay on shipping from 505 and gamestop hasn’t gotten any copies of Payday2 in so the only way to play any time in the next few days will be off the PS:Store so you may not have it just get but count yourself luckier then some.lol
Sweet looks like I”ll try and download it again :)
Now its time to wait 2 hours going to turn off all electronics so it downloads faster
same here….stay safe psn! this is velvet signing off
In what way poopy-face?
try to download now, I was able to start downloading the full game.:)
I cannot understand your pre-teen female text messaging writing. When you are ready to write and behave like an adult and engage in productive conversation send me a message, otherwise, stfu.
Lucky people… I got another 5 hours before my shift is over…. god I hate 12 hr shifts…
You can download it now :)) add me to play !!
yay, its working
65 %
It’s up!
gamestop is getting their copies in on friday :(
Grab your mask and gear. It’s time for a pay day gentlemen.
actually u r not arguing with a child but with an adult! what annoys me is that u claim u spent 3000$ in the shop or for ps in general and than u started gettin upset about a game delay ,….and we are talking about hours not days or weeks!the way u said it is what made this whole thing a farce!
u r right about the online account and the family stuff (totally agreed), and i couldnt care less about ur profile ,just looked it up out of curiosity but i think it would have been more mature and helpful without antagonizing everybody by saying console suxx blabla!
of course they dont refund ,thats the risk u have to take once u agree to the terms!
Have fun everybody ,…..whatever system u gonna play on !
i agree i,m very disheartened and disappointed at Sony they make awesome systems televisions games and much more but they can’t seem to keep a promise to make a simple game download available when they say it will be. Very disappointing indeed. As in compensation for a lie not much will really do for me but i’d like an apology at the least. Please Sony try to treat your consumers better than that in the future even if you can’t see it, it still upsets us that you let us down.
Can anyone on the east coast tell me if they are able to download Payday 2. It is still showing as a pre order on my ps3? Thanks
@288 its still showing as a preorder but when you click it you can buy it and download it right now. although when i downloaded i got no lootbag so im assuming preorder bonuses are over now.
Oh and it needs an update of 100 kb ps bug fixes?
all u people crying about the download version should feel better the disk based game doesnt get released till friday at gamestop so u have to wait a few hours i have to wait a few days and u dont see me crying about it
Full game is now on playstation store. – 4:15pm eastern time
@295 PREACH! i cant wait so i bought the psn version and when my collectors edition comes in on friday i’m selling the disc to a friend.
Can’t wait to get in on this. The wait kinda sucked. I wanted to pull a heist before work, but then I’m sure I would have been late to work.
For GameStop, they said anytime from now until Friday it will launch, they are waiting until all stores in USA have it.
Add me so we can rob together!