Payday 2 Out Today, Plan the Ultimate Co-op Heist

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Payday 2 Out Today, Plan the Ultimate Co-op Heist
Payday 2 Out Today, Plan the Ultimate Co-op Heist

If you’re reading this, Payday 2 is almost out — and the Overkill team is off on well-deserved vacations planning our next heist. It’s hard to express just how excited we are about the game finally being available for everyone to play. But soon, everyone will be able to mask up and get their heists started for real!

If you’re new to Payday, you’ve got a lot to look forward to. Payday 2 is an intense and dynamic first-person four player co-operative robbery game unlike any other. It’s equal parts RPG and action game now, allowing players to rob banks, jewelry stores, art galleries, and a hell of a lot more. Even, uh, unusual jobs. Our angle, even on the first Payday, has been “make a game where you feel like you are the bank robber” and we’ve referenced everything from Breaking Bad to Heat to make that happen. We want to make players feel like they’re really experiencing all the tension and high-stakes action of a life of crime.

Veteran Payday: The Heist players are going to remember the intense four-player heisting with the old Payday gang of Hoxton, Wolf, Dallas, and Chains back together again with Bain, their trusted planner. But they’re going to be blown away from all the new additions. Now a player can really pull off the perfect heist, without even firing a shot, with the addition of real stealth and deep team play-based skills. There are 144 skills and four archetypes (Ghost, Mastermind, Enforcer, and Technician) that allow players to make the kind of robber they want to be. There is a working money-based economy, so you’re actually robbing places to get money for things you want, whether its masks, mask mods, money for training or that rare optic.

Payday 2 has five times as many missions as Payday: The Heist. We have vastly improved gunplay and combat and immensely dynamic and replayable missions, some of which stretch over multiple stages. Even a Payday where players can get masks and weapons mods that they can customize. Last, but certainly not least, there is a huge visual and audio leap from the first game and a safe house to test out your gadgets and see the fruits of your labor in your own personal vault. I also need to mention the game’s incredible soundtrack from Payday: The Heist audio director Simon Viklund.

As for DLC, we have a full year of it planned. We can’t talk about it much…but everyone likes an armored car hit, right?
Mask up. The Payday 2 world is your bank. Get robbing.

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  • the game is not out. cant download it or buy it in a store. massive screw up… want my money back

  • @ velvet sounds solid. Do you know what class your choosing? We should avoid double ups if possible.

  • im looking at using Dallas or hox as an enforcer/tech with a sprinkling of mastermind and ghost

  • #HMNavy
    u played 50 games on ps3 ,u completed none of them , 2 games a month for about 3 hours! most of the content u own is for free!You’ve gotta be f.cking kidding us!
    Jeez r u mad? u r a customer for 15 years ,…my a$$!
    Stop talkin bull,go play PC and wait for an amazon delay!

  • The true heist was taking our money and not delivering the product on said date.

  • is it out now its 3:01 pm est

  • #202 What is 50 * 60?

  • @ HMNavy you need to just leave your a hate breeder. just piss off mate we dont need your kind here. gamers should be happy easy going people you just seem to want to rant or start a fight….

  • >>198
    It’s supposedly coming out late. Should be in before midnight TONIGHT, or so I’m hearing. PSN just needs to update their story at regular hours on a regular schedule for this kind of scenario.

    Also, I’m hearing rumors that they are saying that they never promised a midnight release. I find it funny that they didn’t release the game at midnight due to scheduling and “people can’t be there 24/7 to update the store” but they CAN change the text box that said WHEN the game was going to be released to cover themselves.

  • Considering you are not intelligent enough to write a complete sentence I will answer that for you. $3000.

  • @201 lol
    And this happened when end game dlc for bf3 released it took all day just to get it. So I’m used to it. I only wish that Sony would do updates at night so we wouldn’t have to wait all day.

  • Does anyone want to make a kickass duo with me?

  • @180 HMnavy, thats Sony compensation for breaking their word 10$? I won’t mind that but i want an explanation of why can’t Sony keep their word.

  • is it out on the PSN store????

  • okay so it’s after 3:01pm EST and still can’t download it, NOW what’s the problem? lol

  • anyone? when is it supposed to be available for download now?

  • #211 Sony offered my the $10.00 PSN credit for my troubles after I spoke with a manger. If they do not offer you the same thing, then they are doing an injustice to all of their customers by not treating us equally. I would suggest everyone that pre-ordered this game to at least get the $10.00 for your troubles. Make Sony pay for their mistake.

  • if i do that do they take the pre order away?

  • @214 Or you can be patient and enjoy the game. Waiting makes me excited and when I play the game it is more fun.

  • did they say when we’re gonna be able to download it? … I thought it was 10 minutes ago? …

  • i know i mean come on i was ok waiting till 3:01 cause thats the right time but now its over due

  • #216 They will not take the pre-order away. Also if you are upset about how the release was handled for this game rate this blog post, it was posted by an employee of 505 games. This may make them reconsider utilizing the digital services offered by Sony since they cannot operate it properly.

  • Unfortunately, I pre-ordered in store and they won’t receive it till Wednesday. It’s still says pre-order available today.

  • so nobody knows now? it may not even come out today? lol

  • #218 Sony does not have a regular schedule for updating the store. They have very unreliable engineers employed there if the 2011 network compromise says anything.

  • @219 how do i get a hold of them?

  • so it’s tomorrow now? … lol…

  • post the customer service number and the name of the person you spoke with

  • I called customer support. Givin me some bull saying its already up for 2.2mb, and I told him that was the preorder theme that came with it. He like was oh. Well give it some time because they are “updating it”. He didn’t offer any 10.00 thing for my troubles. I just got treated like a rag to one person to another just saying sorry. Then he asked me how long have I had my ps3 because I bought it used like a month ago. lol xD

  • @224 i have no clue and im not going to guess ill just wait for them to fix this

  • @226 ahaha PS3 customer support is a joke

  • @226 that’s exactly what I assumed would happen if I tried to call :(

  • why would you want to refund your pre order now when the store going to update in the next hour or so?

  • in the next hour or so … lol, or 6… or 12…. or 24

  • #HMNavy

    I guess u r not aware of the fact that everybody can see the stuff u bought for PS3,r u? u only own 55 games and most of them are not from the store! almost all of it was for free! fallout heavy rain demon souls and maybe resistance are the only games u played longer than 5 minutes! where are ur 3000$ now???? all PS3 content together isnt worth 3k and nobody cares about ps1 or 2 stuff u bought 20 years ago!

    u just made a fool of urself!

  • im just gonna wait then take my anger out by killing some cops once this game comes out

  • @velvet
    Nah man go ahead, I’ll accept later tonight. I call wolf!!

  • Subjugator you’re the only fool here mate, stop trying to boost your internet ego over nothing

  • @232 how do you know what games he plays and how long he has ben playing them? aha

  • They told me it should be up by today or tomorrow! TOMORROW?! lol

  • #parobol
    u r nothing else but an another baiter,….read ur posts ,wipe the sand out of ur pu..y and grow up!

  • @236 he takes the time to actually sit down and look at it all just so he can try and come back and try and put down the guy for the way he enjoys playing games

  • just another narcissist

  • Words don’t hurt me bud, try against someone else. :)

  • I plan on choosing wolf as an enforcer/mastermind class or enforcer/tech class. “Beast rage mode” and a bit of cunning is my strong suit

  • And try to not type like a child before you tell someone to “grow up” if you even know what that means haha.

  • David goldfarb just tweeted that it will be available by 2pm pst. so … yeah …

  • lol alright, so another 2 hours, then it’s back to the forum to complain again and try and figure out why it’s still not available for download, see ya all then!

  • #parobol

    ok lol keep enjoying games u dont play! an btw hatin me for being smart doesnt make u any better!

  • Who said I hated you man? … haha like I said… perfect example of a narcissist O.o

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