Hey everyone! I’m excited to announce that over the next two weeks we’re celebrating Japanese-developed games on PS Vita by giving you sweet discounts on some awesome titles. Starting tomorrow, we’re offering deals on a great collection of PS Vita games, with prices up to 50% off! PlayStation Plus members get an added bonus, receiving up to 75% off.
Visit PlayStation Store tomorrow to take advantage of this week’s deals, and don’t forget to check back on August 20th for the second week of amazing Japanese PS Vita games on sale.
Here is the line-up:
August 13th – 19th
Game |
Regular Price |
Sale Price |
Plus Price |
$35.99 |
$24.99 |
$17.49 |
$35.99 |
$24.99 |
Free |
$14.99 |
$10.49 |
$7.34 |
$39.99 |
$27.99 |
$19.59 |
$10.49 |
$7.34 |
$39.99 |
$27.99 |
$19.59 |
$29.99 |
$14.99 |
$7.50 |
$14.99 |
$7.49 |
$3.75 |
$24.99 |
$12.49 |
$6.25 |
*Correction: Street Fighter X Tekken will be on sale during the second week of the sale, and Sumomi: Demon Arts will be on sale during the first week of the sale.
August 20th – 26th
Game |
Regular Price |
Sale Price |
PS Plus Price |
$39.99 |
$27.99 |
$19.59 |
$34.99 |
$27.99 |
$20.99 |
$29.99 |
$20.99 |
$14.69 |
$19.99 |
$13.99 |
$9.79 |
$39.99 |
$19.99 |
$10.00 |
$29.99 |
$20.99 |
$14.69 |
$34.99 |
$17.49 |
$8.75 |
$39.99 |
$19.99 |
$10.00 |
$29.99 |
$20.99 |
$14.69 |
Which games are you planning on picking up?
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