Killzone: Mercenary MP Open Beta in Late August; Closed Beta Live Now

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Killzone: Mercenary MP Open Beta in Late August; Closed Beta Live Now

Readers of the PlayStation.Blog,

We’re excited to announce that the Killzone: Mercenary closed multiplayer beta (for which signups were held a short while ago and already concluded, if you’re just tuning in now) is now LIVE. To those who got in, you should already have the necessary information to jump in and get going.


Killzone: Mercenary MP Open Beta in Late August; Closed Beta Live Now

Note: If you received a multiplayer Beta voucher as part of the promotion via PlayStation Home, please note that your voucher is for the Open Beta in late August, not for the closed Beta launching today.

To those of you who didn’t get in or are just hearing about this now, worry not: we’re going to open the multiplayer beta right on up in late August – details will be coming really soon, so stay tuned.

And really, who doesn’t like a good open beta? They’re a bit draftier. They let in more natural light. Better for Agoraphobes and such.

Killzone: Mercenary hits shelves in North America on September 10th, 2013.

Comments are closed.


14 Author Replies

  • Dfinately annoyed – People getting codes who DONT have a Vita. WTF are you doing?

    I have had my Vita since Day 1, bought a stupid amount of games on it and even the Collectors Editions of Killzone. Just. Not. Impressed.

    Oh Well, either way, my pre order for this game is in place and paid off – just really annoyed I couldnt get a look now! I have finished Uncharted GA that many times now!


  • @149.

    This is a Closed Beta. They can’t let in plus subscribers into a closed beta because there are just far too many people. They have held good on the promise of early access to betas. Usually for public beta plus members get early access. Closed betas are a different story.

    BTW I am also getting that error code soon as the first save screen pops up and I can not access the beta forums as described in the email directions.

  • The previous poster was right. Getting my friends list and block list combined down below 90 got rid of the error. Strange.

  • Will our saves cross over to the full game? (Money unlocks, etc?)

  • Awesome! Now all I’m missing is a Vita.

  • Well after playing a few rounds i can honestly say that this is why i paid $250.00, this is the quality gaming on the go that i was expecting since day 1, dont get me wrong Uncharted was good, Gravity was good, Little Big Planet vita is the ultimate version in my opinion and Sly Cooper Thieves in Time is freaking great but this game technically is vastly superior to any of the games mentioned before, this beta make Nihilistic look like students, they developed 2 games and came nowhere near the quality i see in this beta, this is why i paid $250, you cant get this quality gaming on the go on any other device, this is well above anything else i have ever played on a mobile machine.

    From now on this is gonna be standard on which every single fps will be compare to, you guys are raising the bar, there is only one thing i would add and thats more players (12 to 16 would have been EPIC) , maps are great, weapon selection is superb, graphic OH MY GOD, i cant believe them graphics are online multiplayer, as i said before Killzone Mercenary will be the standard when it comes to fps on the vita.

  • I’m get the beta code from the GameStop facebook page.

    From what I have played, it’s look amazing, great graphics, great audio too, but, the controls, why we can’t remap the buttons?

    And the constant connections problems? Damn, this horrible, in 3/4 of my gameplay is to try to connect to the server and receive the connection error. I just want to play this game, i’m a huge fan of Killzone, I have all the games for PS3 and PSP.

    Sony and Guerrilla Cambrige, work on a turn around on this connections errors, plz!

  • Play Periods:
    Play Period 1: Thursday August 1st, 7pm to 12am (Eastern Timezone)
    Game Mode: Mercenary Warfare

    Play Period 2: Sunday August 4th, 7pm to 12am (Eastern Timezone)
    Game Mode: Warzone

    Play Period 3: Tuesday August 6th, 7pm to 12am (Eastern Timezone)
    Game Mode: Guerrilla Warfare

    Play Period 4: Thursday August 8th, 7pm to 12am (Eastern Timezone)
    Game Mode: Mercenary Warfare

    Play Period 5: Sunday August 11th, 7pm to 12am (Eastern Timezone
    Game Mode: Warzone

  • @psn_tokeio, your so delusional if you believe that the only that that isnt legit there is fuel, youve never seen no timestamp glitch, maybe not with such a low trophy count,

    Look at the likes the hakoom etc there all got no timestamp trophies meaning there games will show as 2000 years,

    Go ask mommy for killzone she might buy it for your or maybe get you ps4

  • okay this just ticks me off. I can’t believe they give codes to non vita users and I, a day one user don’t get in oh well. Screw u sony I’m going back to microsoft

  • sorry actually bout that It’s ok maybe I can get in tomorrow or something

  • Hawk, chill, it’s random. Don’t be that guy. The open beta’s soon.

  • @remanutd5 that’s good to hear, this makes me want the game all the more now.

  • but if theres a open beta for everyone to join then whats the voucher for then is it so you can join a day earlier or what im so confused i dont have a coucher for the open beta i hope that we dont need it though.

  • oh man i didnt getan guess am not am really bummed though b/ c i really wanted to play it i hope i win one of the giveaways i signed up for *sigh*

  • Didn’t get the code, yet no-Vita owners get codes

  • Hi does any one know if this was a legit beta sign up place…

    I signed up and no beta but I also saw SONY had their own beta link so I’m not sure if this was a hoax. :( Also if I did not get a code from Home I can still play Beta? Is that what I’m hearing?

  • Was just wondering if there was clan tags that would really make the game competitive!

  • @Shion:

    That’s funny. I see a lot of people playing in-game. Hmm… Maybe they’re playing on their intellevision?

  • i signed up the first day but still didnt get one? if anyone could give me a code i would be very grateful!!!!

  • I have to say I’m quite disappointed in Sony and gorilla as a whole for failure to think of common sense on a beta launch that there would be a system of checks and balances to ensure that people deserving and will be of use I actually on in the system will get in. Feeding me BS about there being more etc etc is beside the point that it was poorly thought out and no excuse for this kinda error in this day and age. I love my vita and I am an early adopter time and time again has this little thing brought enjoyment in so many forms from different people but the moment dev as big as this steps In the ring and fails this hard turns me away from this game for sure

  • Got my code, downloaded the game and played a bit. Love it thus far. I do have some suggestions but I can’t get to the beta forums. Says I don’t have access.

  • People that should be in a closed beta:
    1) Own a Vita
    2) Trusted enough to give good feedback (age 18+)

    A lot of people just play for the fun not to help out by giving feedback. Its fine to play for fun but giving a little feedback can make all the difference. So maybe for the future don’t do the sign up. Look for trusted gamers and you will find them from your feedback fourms for next time.

    People that should be in open beta:
    1) Ps+ users a day or two early
    2) Everybody else that doesn’t have PS+ including those that don’t have a Vita but wont do them much good

    As a thank you for feedback AND playing, how about a nice little gift? Perhaps some in-game money or a weapons? ;)

  • I can’t believe i didin’t get into this beta….i signed up soon as it popped up on the blog, however the method they used to pick people was terrible.

  • Superb visuals. Very amazing for a portable gaming console!
    Also, love KZ!

  • KZ posted that they are giving away more codes today…. Come on Devs . Show some love right here PLEASE!

  • Aram Jabbari
    tanks for the info and i cant wait for play this amazing game

  • its over keys ? :\

  • I started playing the beta last night and all I can say is WOW. This is the FPS we have been waiting for on the Vita!

  • Funny thing is I signed my son and I’s PSN accounts up for the closed beta within minutes of eachother and only he recieved a code. Oh well, guess I will just have to go off his review.

  • can anyone give me a beta code plz i want it so much

  • I can’t access the Beta forums, Can anyone else?

  • Ugh if anyone out there has a spare code I would above and beyond appreciate it. I have been a huge Killzone fan since the first game. Preordered PS4 just for Killzone Shadowfall.

    Really, this should be available to all Vita owners/PS+ members. We are the ones supporting this gameless system and the only reason it’s worth keeping is for Killzone! Why not reward ALL of us who own it. ARRRGH!

  • game looks incredible, that is all.

  • Be patient guys.

    just 3 weeks until open beta.

    You guys all sound incredibly selfish: “It’s not fair that THEY get the beta” or “I’m extremely disappointed in your choosing process, GG”

    It’s RANDOM. RANDOM. >.>

  • @Thirty3Three

    I disagree. Selfish is giving a handout to only a select few for a system that gets no dev support at all and screwing the rest of us even more for owning it.

    Yes I’m angry.

  • I am hoping and praying a second round of codes goes out, I am very excited and interested in this game and shadowfall..

  • This game in all honesty has the best graphics on the Vita. It’s so cool and allows you to do so much on a hand held system.

  • @186

    No. You’re dumb.

    Only a SMALL AMOUNT OF PEOPLE get selected for closed betas. Once the open beta occurs, feel free to join. You’re obvuously immature.

  • Well all i need is wait, didnt get one…

  • where is my beta key not fair next time the application should actually have questions on it so they can tell who are fans and who arent plus then youll know who will actually give their feedback horrible job guerilla this is crap im so mad i signed up like a million times too doesnt that tell u somethin

  • @189

    Not necessarily. I’m just disappointed like many others. But it will blow over.
    For the record, one who chooses personal attacks (you) is the one who appears immature. Contrary to what you might believe, the Vita deserves some harsh words from time to time. Sony’s record of handling it has not been the greatest. Some criticism isn’t all that unwarranted. That however does not dispel my enjoyment of the system.

  • This game is looking killer! Can’t wait to try out the beta in late August and pick the game up on launch day in September.

  • can someone please give me a code if youre not going to use it?????????

  • Thanks for wasting my time with the E3 crap! It was so much fun going through all that repetitively boring stuff to get a beta code. You know, that extra super special beta code that is apparently not special at all? Because wanting to blow my brains out finding keys and watching videos was so worth it now! And thanks for giving all those nice people without Vitas a code. That was totally the bee’s knees. You guys handled all of this so well, I’m honestly thinking about not even getting the game now! NICE!

  • Am I the only one who is watching the direct video feed on the YOU TUBE app of people playing the BETA on their VITA? I’m so seriously jealous i’m even pretending it’s me playing. Ha ha ha.

    I signed up for the BETA as soon as it was announced but I’m not a BITTER BETTY. I’ll be paying full price for this bad boy in only 1 months time anytime. Comes out 4th Sept in New Zealand. BETA video footage shows that this game is easily the best VITA game ever created. GREAT JOB SONY!!!

  • Man reading all these comments is hilarious. You guys sound like a bunch of spoiled, over privileged, jealous little kids. Oh wait… pretty sure that IS what you guys are…
    Especially funny the kids who say they aren’t gonna buy it anymore, hah yeah right… you know you would throw a temper tantrum if your mom didn’t buy it for you

    this game is AWESOME by the way. but in the end, i’m the loser… because I’m poking fun at children through the internet.

  • It’s amazing how the go to insult for remedial people is, “Your mommy buy you games! LOL!”. You just keep ignoring all this Vita fail and keep praying that Sony makes that system seller nobody is making. This team of rocket scientists can’t even do something as simple as a beta right.

    But no. Not ignoring the easily solvable things as they pile on is not how we are going to move the Vita forward. It’s pretending that there are no problems at all that’s going to move it in the right direction.

    Yeah. You just keep buying games you normally wouldn’t just to have something to do with your Vita. I’m just going to sit over here and keep adding up all the reasons why its becoming the sexiest failure in gaming history.

  • Unfortunatley that’s the case, people are just dogs with bark but no bite (Poster twice above me is a prime example). I don’t have the time to keep dogs like that on a leash where they belong nor does anyone else. It’s not the the fact that people didn’t get in its the fact that something so easily preventable such as verifying that actual vita users able to get in ( even small publishers and devs prevent this) was not done in the first step. It’s not a good sign that a respected dev team something so common sense these days and if that’s the kind of forethought that is put into their game I personally don’t want it anymore. The way a product is handled influences volumes about the end result itself (Apple is a master of marketing and handling their products despite it’s a piece of junk) and while this game may be good it’s so far deterring me. I don’t expect a civil nor somewhat intelligent response I’m simply posting a comment on a blog so that someone in charge may be aware and wish to avoid.
    This is a place where comment’s of all kinds good, bad, and mixed are to be read and influence the outcome
    Feedback in general is valuable that way,

  • Guys i have a problem. I was playing a lot, reporting bugs, testing the features.. But when i completed a row of the Valor Cards, my game just froze in the Valor Card Screen and nothing happens after that. I tried to close and open the game but the same problem still happens (cause the game show the Valor Card Screen automatically). Looks like this part of the game isn’t programmed in the Beta.

    HELP ME !

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