Hope everyone is enjoying their summer outdoors in the nice weather! We’ve been looking through our windows with envy as we continue working hard on Second Son. Last time we checked in, we were debuting a trailer and a taste of Delsin’s smoke abilities at E3… It was really exciting for us to see the response from all of you — and we were also grateful to leave E3 with an armload of nominations and awards from the media. It all was a nice lift for us as we continue to try to make Delsin’s story in Seattle into something special…
Here’s something else for you to take a look at, another entry in the “Conversation with Creators” series. The crew behind these came up and interviewed us about what it’s like making PS4 games, and our experiences with the DualShock 4 controller (which is great, by the way!). In addition to myself, Sucker Punch senior staff members Nate Fox, Jaime Griesemer and Horia Dociu discuss what developing Second Son has been like, and some of the things we’re each excited about…
That’s all I’ve got for today, surely there will be more soon, but meanwhile let us know what you think here, on Twitter, and on our official Facebook page as we release information in the upcoming weeks. Did anyone say GamesCom?
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