With the upcoming launch of PlayStation 4, everyone here at PlayStation is hard at work preparing to deliver the best place to play — the absolute best gaming experiences imaginable.
As you heard at E3, PlayStation Plus will play a huge role in delivering amazing next gen online gaming experiences, while offering incredible value to members. With a single PlayStation Plus membership, you’ll get all of the benefits across PS4, PS3 and PS Vita, making sure you always have something fun to play and experience online with friends.
This week PS Plus has reached a milestone: the one year anniversary of the Instant Game Collection!
PlayStation Plus has been around for three years now, and make no mistake, we’ve always felt that it was a great value for gamers. But at E3 2012, when the Instant Game Collection made its debut, we knew that PS Plus was delivering something innovative, exciting and unique. It was evident in the passionate responses you had in communities around the web that you agreed. From our very own PlayStation.Blog and PlayStation Community, to gaming message boards like NeoGaf.com, to your comments on gaming sites like IGN.com, Destructoid.com, Kotaku.com, we knew that you thought PS Plus presented a gaming service like nothing else out there.
Looking back, it’s easy to see the tremendous value PS Plus offers. In the first year of the Instant Game Collection alone, if you own both a PlayStation 3 and a PlayStation Vita, 64 games were included, including blockbusters such as Sleeping Dogs and Spec Ops: The Line.
We’re not stopping there. We’ve already started Year Two off with a bang with the announcement that #DRIVECLUB PS Plus Edition will be available in the Instant Game Collection at launch and one digital title will rotate in each month. We also debuted a powerful June lineup for PS3, including the introduction of three new marquee titles: Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception (single-player), Little Big Planet Karting and XCOM: Enemy Unknown. Up next: the July month outlook next week, which is not to be missed!
Whether you’ve been a member since Day 1 or you’re a newcomer, we thank you for supporting PS Plus and the Instant Game Collection. If you have yet to take the plunge, now is a great time to take advantage of the incredible IGC games offered on PS3 and PS Vita – while ensuring you’re locked and ready for the PS4 this holiday season.
So that’s year one of the PS Plus Instant Game Collection! Which game was your favorite?
I have been a Plus subscriber since day 1 and I love it. The IGC is amazing and has been an amazing value. I love that you are adding PS4 games to the Collection so that I will have something to play immediately when I get the system. I will continue to be a Plus member as long as you keep providing the great service. Plus is one of the reasons that Playstation continues to be my main console of choice.
Im a proud owner of PS Plus since the beginning and although there have been some months better than others I wouldnt change it. So far my PS3 and my PSVita enjoy of the benefits from Plus and I will be doing my pre-order of the PS4 in the next weeks, so pretty much Im very happy with it and with all the PS consoles since PSone :)
Keep up the good work! Hopefully we will have an even greater year!
need that 64/128GB VITA memory card
plus is the best service, period.
i’m from Argentina, and i’m on plus from two years and a half now
i will continue to support playstation forevermore. cheers for plus!!
Congratulations on one successful year of the IGC!! If i had to choose one game out of all these excellent games it would be Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition. Now if only Street Fighter x Tekken for the Vita was available for the IGC, then I would be a VERY happy camper!
The Instant Game Collection is one of the best things to come around and is well worth it when you have PS+. I can’t believe I didn’t join sooner! I guess the reason for me is that I like to physically own my games, but I’m starting to think otherwise after joining lol.
I was just wondering and curiously asking, but will there ever be a time where some of the games that were in the Instant Game Collection that could make a comeback for those who missed out on them? I know I missed out on a lot :) #CrossingFingers
Thank you guys, is a incredible service, I´m from Colombia and I have plus almost two years and half and makes me very happy every month, their discounts are amazing.
And now I have a playstation vita too.
Voted on the poll everything was extremely dissatisfied with the exception of Sleeping Dogs (which I ended did enjoy and ended up getting the plat for). Makes me realize how crappy PS Plus really is though I’m sure someone will try to convince me I’m wrong. If you have the impulse to try and convince me I’m wrong save your breath your not going to convince me of anything and I’d rather save you your time.
Forgot to mention sadly the games that were decent I already owned/had owned/just completed ie
Borderlands (Own)
Demon Souls (Owned)
Infamous 2 (Rented)
Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition (Own)
Hell with the exception of Street Fighter I even got the plat in all of them so truly a poor service.
I personally think that XCOM is the greatest addition to the IGC yet. I’ve owned it since day 1 and need to beat it on ironman impossible to plat it. One of my favorite games of all time. Very smart move putting it into the IGC. Frustration sets in. Someone snaps their controller in half and has to buy a new one. I see what you did there! :P
when does the Instant Game Collection get new games?
im new to psn+ & i couldnt find any info on my question.
Thanks, Sony. Quality service and I’m very happy to be a subscriber.
I’m here for PS3 and PS Vita, will be here for PS4 for sure. Can’t wait!
Favorite things so far have probably been Outland and XCOM on the PS3… because there’s probably no way I would’ve played them otherwise, and they’re great games.
The games for Vita have been awesome in terms of variety. Downloading Gravity Rush and Uncharted on Christmas day was perfect, but they’ve been followed up with some great stuff like Retro City Rampage, Zombie Tycoon 2, Disgaea 3, BlazBlue EX and Virtue’s Last Reward. PS+ is like a fruit of the month club for video games, and I love that.
I’ve got two requests:
1. Could you try to get some older, more obscure PS3 games onto PS+? I’m talking about stuff like Enchanted Arms, Enslaved, Folklore and Last Rebellion.
2. Could you pass it along that we’d really like the ability to sort the Download History on the PS3 and Vita so we can quickly re-download games? I made the mistake of grabbing a bunch of avatars, themes and demos – it’s difficult to find content in my history.
Can’t complain.
Man, such an extensive list, and yet I still think to myself, “Was that it?” But, I’m probably factoring in my pre-IGC spoils and games on sale (which we still need to work out buying prior freebies, like the sixty-cent Hydrophobia happening now).
While there will always be clamor for the games everyone knows about (there’s at least one guy who lists basically the Greatest Hits selection), I most enjoy the smaller titles, the possibly less-polished titles, the “artsy” titles, the games that feel like yesteryear or the other side of the AAA blowout coin. I love seeing “indie games” or other such “smaller” titles. Knytt Underground, most recently, endeared itself to me.
Still wish we saw PSone Classics and minis again (though now, I guess it’s PS2 Classics and Mobile), not to mention more avatars and themes, for keeps.
And despite the naysayers, KEEP PSP GAMES COMING! Whether it’s catching up on its great catalogue or digitizing our UMD collections, PS+ is a second chance for that underrepresented handheld and its library.
i used to buy the physical packs of games, but now with ps+ specially for vita, its unbelievable .
heh, my ps+ account is already 1 and a half year remaining :)) .
Every Tuesday when the store updates which has no set time but usually between 3-5 p.m. Eastern time. On every Monday they let us know what will be coming the following Tuesday. The first Monday of the month they tell us the entire Month’s games being added to the collection. Check back on here this coming Monday and you will see what’s coming and leaving the IGC. It’s also good to check here every Monday to see what discounts are being offered for that week when the store updates on Tuesday. Hope this answers your question.
Here’s where the Scott Pilgrim fan cover mock-up that #37 and 112 noticed comes from: http://vgboxart.com/view/39398/scott-pilgrim-vs-the-world-warriors-cover/
Please, Battlefield 3 for free. I’m jelly that EU PS+ is getting it for free.
You just can’t beat the value you get out of being a PS+ subscriber. You guys are awesome.
PS Plus really is a great deal. Most of the games I wouldn’t have played without it.
Most surprising game I love – Knytt Underground – Gorgeous backgrounds and fun gameplay. I also really enjoy exploring and it is such a huge area to explore!
Best co-op game – Dungeon Defenders – Really fun to play with friends and I like tower defense games.
Favorite Games I already owned – Little Big Planet 2, Uncharted 3
Best Games I’ve played – A tie between Sleeping Dogs and Demon Souls.
Games I really liked, but stopped playing and hopefully will finish some day – Darksiders, Vanquish, Spec-Ops.
Please keep doing the good things that you are doing now with PS+ . The various type of content that delivers this service for IGC is great, the discounts sometimes really impress. Please support PS3 IGC longer after the release of PS4 , cause I don’t wanna throw it away. PS3 it’s one slick piece of work. Eventually I know that i’ll stop playin’ and go to PS4 but for support PS3 with adding more recent titles into IGC. I understand that is hard to deliver day one games into IGC, but please add freshy titles . Thanks Sony. See ya on PS+!
My Favourite Game is : … Scott Pilgrim vs. the World!
Games that I would eventually bought but since they are in IGC thats awsm.: Sleeping Dogs, Vanquish, Spec Ops, Deus Ex: HR and Xcom: Enemy Unknown.
i always wondering…
if i have ps4 n plus user can i download ps3 IGC in my ps4 or i only can download IGC ps4?
I’ve been a PS+ subscriber since the 2nd year, but what made me decide to buy a Vita was when it was added to the PS+ service. The first day I got my Vita I had like 6 games to play, it was amazing. Love my Vita, love my PS3, love PS+.
Here’s to a new year!
My favorite games over the last year would have to be Spec Ops: The Line, Vanquish, Sleeping Dogs, and am currently enjoying Saints Row The Third. Keep up the great work PS Plus!!
Hi Morgan!
As a plus member i would like the option to buy games that are in the IGC, especially if they get on sale later.
We can´t buy them if we got them already.
Are these games free? or is it just a discount? I mean like Driveclub will be free at launch?
They are yours free of charge to play as long as you remain a Plus member.
My favorite is Tekken 6. I play it almost everyday on break at work and on the bus ride home. A close second is Space Marine. I got bored with the campaign, but the co-op and multiplayer was great.
Plus made me support digital titles (I still prefer my average games retail though). So many fun and interesting games I never would have even thought of trying or buying. When I finally get a Vita I have about 20 titles (Including the cross buys games we got) to play on it.
Favorite game would have to be Gotham City Imposters and Pay Day (Left for Dead gameplay but with cops instead of Zombies so awesome.) I wasted way to many hours on them. Infamous 2 I also really enjoyed at the beginning and got me into the series. I now am excited to eventually purchase second son. *Retro City Rampage gets a special shout out for the sheer number of quiet video game homages and easter eggs scattered through it.
Most surprisingly enjoyed game would be Tomb Raider the Last Guardian. I never cared about the Tomb Raider franchise but this was a fun top down co-op game that was really diverse.
Most surprising disappointment is definitely Dungeon Defenders. I thought about purchasing this game a dozen times because Tower Defense with action game elements sounded great. It was a big let down for me but a relief I never had to waste 15$.
It would be nice to have a full week of accessing the “Year One IGC.”
I was on vacation for a month last year and missed out on several games.
Ps+ is the best service that i purchased in my life ,couldnt’ say it better :) .
Hi guys, im kind of a noob at this PlaystationPlus thing, so if i subscribe now, would i be able to play all those games, or only games from the current month?
You only have access to what’s available now in the IGC and all the future offerings and discounts. Not all of the above from the previous year. Any game you purchase through Plus discounts are yours to keep forever though.
Man I love PS+, even though I only subscribed 2 months ago. Looking forward to the future!
Hot diggity!!! i need a bigger HDD i’ve only played about 1/4ths of these games on account of my lack of memory. also im surprised sony hasn’t gone bankrupt giving us all these freebies *scratches head* how do they do it?
1 Year. 64 Games. $49.99. = 78 CENTS PER GAME.
Discounts on other games, exclusive betas, cloud storage, and automatic updates are also included? Wow.
Who would complain about that? Only a complete idiot, of course.
@ DragonWolfJD on June 28th, 2013 at 8:41 pm said: “Hell with the exception of Street Fighter I even got the plat in all of them so truly a poor service.”
More like, truly a poor argument.
What correlation is there between the games you’ve completed and the games offered by Plus? None.
You act as if the program was meant to be designed around your specific desires and that Sony somehow screwed it up. Ridiculous.
You need to get out more, junior. I worry about people like you.
PS Overflow!
Thanks for all the great games Morgan and Plus team !
I missed a few games from November to January, but I rejoined in February with the buy 1 year get 3 months free deal, then decided to add another year and 3 months, so I spent $100 on Playstation Plus in February. Now my sub runs through Aug. 2015. Please keep bringing the awesomeness!
Also, one of the main reasons I bought a Vita was to play Uncharted Golden Abyss and Gravity Rush which I had added to my download list thru my PS3. So you could say because of Plus being so good, it influenced me to buy a Vita.
Games I’d like to see in the IGC:
Far Cry 3, Hitman Absolution, Tomb Raider, The Amazing Spiderman, Resident Evil 6, Remember Me, The Last of Us, PSA Battle Royale, Injustice GAU, Assasins Creed 3, Red Dead Undead Nightmare, Metal Gear HD
Also, bigger discounts are better than more discounts – I’d rather see 2 games get a 75% discount, than to see 5 games get a 25% discount. Like you did with Fat Princess and Escape Plan – at 75% off their regular price, I went ahead and bought both this week.
I think you should release all these titles for a day, for those of us who may have missed some of the earlier ones;)
I only own a vita, I bought one exclusively for this service. I know the library is a little small but I am excited for content on it and was thrilled for zero escape!
Keep it up guys
I’ve never been so pleased with a subscription to anything on my life! I’ve been strictly a PlayStation player since it’s alpha, and for good reasons such as this. thanks for caring about the fans/customers!
Honestly, I was reluctant of the IGC at first. I mean, I like to own the games, handle the disc, store it with the other games… I didn’t like the idea of having games on the console, I felt that they weren’t mine. But, last march I “went mad” and bought my PS Plus suscription, because I wanted to play Spec Ops: The line.
Since then, I couldn’t be more glad with the service: I was thrilled with Spec Ops, and now I’m enjoying Sleeping Dogs and LBP Karting with my friends. And there are lots of games waiting in my HDD! When I got the 320 GB PS3 I thought that I would never fill it completely, I couldn’t have been more wrong :P
It has been a wonderful year, and I hope, now as a member, that the second year will be even better.
I would like to say that the discounts that we have as PS+ suscribers are amazing, this far I bought TWD, Shadow of the Colussus, Journey… and Borderlands 1 and 2 at an amazing price. The other features of PS+ (like automatic updates) are excelent too.
Keep up the good work!!
I Lost Bioshock 2 :/
@Morgan Haro:
I’ve been a playstation plus user for at least a year, and I enjoy the multiple bonuses and free games from this excellent service that Sony provides. However, I am discontent at the fact that a majority of the free games that PS+ provides are rated M for Mature. I personally am not interested in games that promote extreme violence, immorality, vulgar language, and the like as being “entertaining”. I hope that the next months offers promote more family games and games that don’t violate my personal morals. I understand how PS+ is supposed to benefit all kinds of people, but when all I see for the month are games like Deus EX, Vanquish, Sleeping Dogs, and more M rated games. Honestly, I feel like I’m missing out MOST of what PS+ offers considering I don’t own a Vita, and I’m not going to play an M rated game anytime soon. I appreciate your understanding and feedback, thanks Mister Haro.
I hope there will be more to PS+ come PS4 because I dont care enough about online play to pay for this (story mode all the way) and I dont support digital over physical content. Throw some movie stuff in. And I hope online trophies required for platinum will become no more on the PS4 with the way Sony is going
My favorite games was Gravity Rush, Uncharted, Just Cause 2, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, The Walking dead Ep.1 & 2 (i want survival instinct on + too ;) ) , Hard Corps Uprising, Wipeout 2048, Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition, Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition, Spec ops The Line, Double Dragon Neon, Tekken 6, Soul Calibur, all this games are amasing, i hope this new year have more games with the same quality, or even better ; thanks Sony, i will buy the PS4 on december 2014
Definitely waiting on the list of games that will be presented to us in July!
I can’t believe people are wanting movies to be added to Plus. Where’s the replay value of a movie? You watch it once or twice and that’s it. If you want movies, there’s plenty of movie sites for them. PS Plus is not a movie rental service and I honestly hope it never becomes one.