With the upcoming launch of PlayStation 4, everyone here at PlayStation is hard at work preparing to deliver the best place to play — the absolute best gaming experiences imaginable.
As you heard at E3, PlayStation Plus will play a huge role in delivering amazing next gen online gaming experiences, while offering incredible value to members. With a single PlayStation Plus membership, you’ll get all of the benefits across PS4, PS3 and PS Vita, making sure you always have something fun to play and experience online with friends.
This week PS Plus has reached a milestone: the one year anniversary of the Instant Game Collection!
PlayStation Plus has been around for three years now, and make no mistake, we’ve always felt that it was a great value for gamers. But at E3 2012, when the Instant Game Collection made its debut, we knew that PS Plus was delivering something innovative, exciting and unique. It was evident in the passionate responses you had in communities around the web that you agreed. From our very own PlayStation.Blog and PlayStation Community, to gaming message boards like NeoGaf.com, to your comments on gaming sites like IGN.com, Destructoid.com, Kotaku.com, we knew that you thought PS Plus presented a gaming service like nothing else out there.
Looking back, it’s easy to see the tremendous value PS Plus offers. In the first year of the Instant Game Collection alone, if you own both a PlayStation 3 and a PlayStation Vita, 64 games were included, including blockbusters such as Sleeping Dogs and Spec Ops: The Line.
We’re not stopping there. We’ve already started Year Two off with a bang with the announcement that #DRIVECLUB PS Plus Edition will be available in the Instant Game Collection at launch and one digital title will rotate in each month. We also debuted a powerful June lineup for PS3, including the introduction of three new marquee titles: Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception (single-player), Little Big Planet Karting and XCOM: Enemy Unknown. Up next: the July month outlook next week, which is not to be missed!
Whether you’ve been a member since Day 1 or you’re a newcomer, we thank you for supporting PS Plus and the Instant Game Collection. If you have yet to take the plunge, now is a great time to take advantage of the incredible IGC games offered on PS3 and PS Vita – while ensuring you’re locked and ready for the PS4 this holiday season.
So that’s year one of the PS Plus Instant Game Collection! Which game was your favorite?
Congratulations to all PS+ staff! I’ve been playing videogames since Atari 2600 and this by far is the best service already offered to consumers. It’s undeniable the value of the 64 full games for just $50.00. The PS+ was the main reason why I chose the PS3 over the X360. Paying for just a good multiplayer experience doesn’t seems enough for me. It’s also the reason by which I’m strongly thinking on getting a PS Vita for a more deep gameplay experience than I’ve been having on the smartphone
Hope you guys may maintain the same level on the PS4 and keep doing the excellent work on PS3 and PS Vita!
the only thing that really bothers me is PS+ EU gets much better tittles i really hate this, they also get a list of what games are coming to playstation plus instant collection for the next month like right now they know that for july they will be getting battlefield 3 and others i mean when do we ever get tittles this good and this fresh i mean we get good games but if you take a look of what they been getting you can tell playstation is really giving them the best they can.
This month was a major win for PS+ subs. Lots of good stuff. Looking forward to July’s update, especially for the Vita selection.
I’m really happy with the Instant Game Collection! I hope Persona 4 gets added for PS3 one day, and not just Vita, I know it isn’t an Instant Game Collection item but just in general.
Best service ever
Definitely Spec Ops: The Line or Ninja Gaiden Sigma+! Happy birthday to PS+, I’m looking forward to many fun-filled years in the future!
Also a big thank you to the amazing team behind PS+, I don’t know who you are, but you all deserve congratulations!
Whoop. Swag, swag, swag, swag. I bought Uprising quite a while ago, it’s disappointing even with it being a Plus addition I hardly see anyone online playing. Oh and pick up Closure you fools!
Btw “Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception (single-player)” Is not a marquee title, it’s yet another example of Plus giving us only part of a game and claiming how great you are for it. (Starhawk, fighting games, walking dead, etc… there’s been a few).
I’ve been a member of Plus and the PS3 community since day one. Give me an option to only buy cloud save space since it’s been an entire year now of the BBRC and Plus has lost all the good things it had:
Avatars, themes, Qore, regular high discounts, not having the same items on sale over and over, not putting something on sale one week and making it free the next, we even still got free games back then!!!.
The BBRC has almost made me quit gaming this generation, thank god people still make RPGs (even though you tend to ignore that category not just in Plus, but for digital titles as whole).
Got plenty of ‘free’ Plus time left, hopefully it changes into something good before the PS4 launch when they start to forget/ignore ps3 customers entirely.
Seeing that list makes me kick myself for not being a Playstation and PS+ member all along! Awesome list of games. Proud PS+ member!! Thanks Sony!!
Tried to answer the survey, but the only games on the list that don’t suck are ones I owned long before Plus offered them as a rental.
Now that you’re a rental service, try to stay more current with your offerings at least.
Loving PS+ on my Vita and PS3, soon to add PS4. You guys are doing the subscription thing right.
Any chance we’ll see the permanent Vita games change soon?
Now, for something somewhat Plus related. Any chance you all will look to add the Cloud Save feature for everybody, even if its a small amount for non-Plus subs?
No news on the evergreen PS Vita titles changing, but keep your eye on the PS Blog for news as it comes.