Pull up a chair and join us, as we continue our recovery from E3 2013. Miss any of the show’s news? Catch up on all the best trailers here.
As for this week, it was a bit of a light one, but I think that’s okay considering the record-setting volume of news we published last week. Just because it wasn’t a crazy week doesn’t mean we don’t have some good stuff for you though — Hotline Miami is coming to PS3 and PS Vita Tuesday! That’s right, this coming Tuesday. $9.99 nets you the game on both PS3 and PS Vita, so there really isn’t any excuse not to grab it. We also announced a July 2nd release date for Velocity Ultra on PS Vita. That’s one to keep an eye on.
I’ve just downloaded Saints Row: The Third to my PS3 (it’s free on PS Plus right now — sweet!), so that should keep me busy for a while. On top of that, I’m slowly working through a second playthrough of The Last of Us. Massive respect to anyone who earns the Platinum on this one.
What are you playing this weekend?
- I’m playing: The Last of Us, Storm, Saints Row: The Third
- I’m watching: Archer, Pulp Fiction
- I’m listening to: PlayStation Blogcast 078, Sigur Ros
What We’re Reading
This Week’s Top 10 Posts
- LittleBigPlanet Update: The Summer Special Edition
- Jak and Daxter Collection Out Today on PS Vita
- Virtual E3 Booth Rolls On and the Fourth of July Is Near
- The Best Game Trailers of E3 2013
- PlayStation MVPs Invade E3 2013
- Hotline Miami Hits PS3 and PS Vita Tuesday With PS-Exclusive Mask
- Uncharted 3: Ancient Multiplayer DLC
- Velocity Ultra Blasts Off on PS Vita July 2nd
- PlayStation Mobile in Full Force at E3 This Year
- ZRun on PS Vita: Run to Survive This Summer
- The PA Report – The PlayStation 4 controller is just slightly better than the best thing ever
- 1001 Spikes and the masocore thrill of a thousand deaths | Polygon
- Destiny’s online battlegrounds explained by Bungie | Joystiq
- Kingdom Hearts 3 Detailed by Game Director
- Hohokum Nail Art
- PlayStation 4: These are all of the PSN games announced so far. | PSNStores
- Transistor players must unravel the relationship between Red and her weapon
- YU-NAMA: The Puzzle – Minion mayhem on PlayStation Mobile | Joystiq
- Final Fantasy 15 E3 gameplay shows a high level Noctis
- SPOILERS IN VIDEO: The First Five Minutes of Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep
- Final Fantasy 14 beta on PC and PS3 begins this weekend
- Octodad: Dadliest Catch brings delightful ambulatory chaos and laughs to PS4
- PlayStation Mobile Sneak Peek June 26th 2013
- The sound and music of The Last of Us dissected in developer video
- PlayStation C.A.M.P. puzzle game Open Me! brings two Vitas together for puzzle box magic
Most-Watched Video of the Week

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