What can I say? Other than sorry for the delay! We’ve been somewhat harassed by you folks for a month on Twitter, Email and Facebook, and frankly we deserved it! But now Velocity Ultra for PS Vita is nearly upon us, bug-free and with a high-res coat of paint.
Velocity Ultra has earned some whopping review scores. Still not convinced? Let’s look at some of the improvements in this new, definitive version of the game.
Velocity Ultra features online leaderboards and Trophies (including a Platinum!), native res artwork, and flawless 60FPS action. It’s a piece of perfectly formed interactive art that we’re extremely proud to have installed on our PS Vitas. Velocity Ultra also features the same kick-ass soundtrack by Joris de Man (and myself, yay!), which you can now buy separately from all major digital music storefronts!
So what are you waiting for? A sequel? We’ll see what we can do, but in the meantime, this is the definitive Velocity experience, and we’re sure you’ll agree that it rocks!
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