This bumper edition of the LittleBigPlanet Update is jam-packed full of new release announcements and some great news for PlayStation Plus subscribers with just enough room to squeeze in another dose of our community’s boundless creativity in the latest Team Picks!
So let’s not delay and move straight onto the news!
LittleBigPlanet Karting is FREE for PlayStation Plus subscribers!
Great news for PlayStation Plus subscribers! LittleBigPlanet Karting can now be picked up for FREE!
Take a look at just one of the tracks published by a community creator looking to lay down a challenge for the rest of the community.
So whether you’re a racing fan looking to prove your speed or you’re a designer that wants to build the next challenging track for LittleBigPlanet, be sure to download LittleBigPlanet Karting today!
That’s not all though! We have some amazing LittleBigPlanet offers that will be running from June 18th until July 2nd. This is a great chance to pick up some LittleBigPlanet goodness at bargain prices of at least 50% off!
All of the LittleBigPlanet titles are going on sale, along with a whole bunch of your favorite Levels and Costume Packs.
So this is a great chance to pick up the titles missing from your collection or some of our great packs such as the Cross-Controller Pack, the Toy Story Level Kit, the Muppets Level Kit and oh so many great costumes!
These offers are only available for a limited time though, so head on over to the PlayStation Store later this week and take a gander at all of the great LittleBigPlanet bargains before they’re gone.
FREE Summer Content available for One Week!
It’s Summertime! The sun is coming out and it’s time to celebrate with the FREE Summer Creator Pack and Summer Solstice Druid Costume available on both LittleBigPlanet 2 and LittleBigPlanet PS Vita.
That’s right! You heard me correctly; the Summer Creator Pack is coming to LittleBigPlanet PS Vita this week too! So if you’re at the beach this Summer and feeling inspired by the view, you will have just what you need for some portable creation in the sun.
Both of these items will be available when the PlayStation Store updates this week and will be available for one week only, so make sure you don’t miss out and pick these up right away!
Dead Space: Isaac Clarke Costume Now Available
Sackboy prepares to blast off into space again and this time he’s really tooled up for the job in this Advanced Suit that is often worn by Isaac Clarke in the ever-popular Dead Space series.
The Advanced Suit comes equipped with a standard duty 211-V Plasma Cutter, normally used by engineers as a mining tool, but it can also be used by resourceful crew members looking to keep nasty space meanies away!
Head on over to LittleBigPlanet.com for more information on the Dead Space: Isaac Clarke Costume.
We have some fantastic Team Picks this week with some fun gameplay and absolutely amazing visuals. Over on LittleBigPlanet PS Vita, we have a brilliant cartoon platformer and an addictive ball-bouncing game.
Owl Mine by SnakeOwl
SOL – A Sunset Silhouette by XYClanKILLER2
You can find these levels and oh so much more in the latest LittleBigPlanet 2: Team Picks!
Joe the Lightbulb! by DICEBONE-21
Inertia by R0T_IN
You can have these levels ready to play by heading over to LBP.me Vita and queuing up the new LittleBigPlanet PS Vita: Team Picks!
We always love to see exciting new LittleBigPlanet levels, so if you have any great levels to share with the community or some stunning videos that show off your favorite levels and creations, then be sure to tweet them to us @LittleBigPlanet.
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