In case you missed the news, PlayStation is streaming live game demos, never-before-seen live gameplay footage, and interviews all week long (watch live here). Here, we’re collecting all the presentations in one convenient place for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!
We’ll keep this list updated as the live segments roll into our YouTube page.
Batman: Arkham Origins (PS3)
Battlefield 4 (PS4, PS3)

Blacklight: Retribution (PS4)

CounterSpy (PS3, PS Vita, mobile
The Dark Sorcerer (PS4) / Beyond: Two Souls (PS3)

Daylight (PS4)

Destiny (PS4, PS3)

Destiny of Spirits (PS Vita)
Diablo III (PS3, PS4)

DiveKick (PS3, PS Vita)
Doki Doki Universe (PS3, PS Vita)
Dragon’s Crown (PS3, PS Vita)

DriveClub (PS4)
The Evil Within (PS4, PS3)

Hohokum (PS4, PS3, PS Vita)
inFAMOUS: Second Son (PS4)
Killzone: Shadow Fall (PS4)
Killzone: Mercenary (PS Vita)

Killzone: Mercenary (PS Vita)

Murdered: Soul Suspect (PS3)

Octodad: Dadliest Catch (PS4)
OddWorld: New ‘N Tasty (PS4, PS3, PS Vita)
The Order: 1886 (PS4)

Mad Max

Need for Speed Rivals (PS4, PS3)
PlanetSide 2 (PS4)

Puppeteer (PS3)
Sportfriends (PS3)
Tearaway (PS Vita)
Transistor (PS4)
The Walking Dead (PS Vita) The Walking Dead: 400 Days (PS Vita, PS3)

Warframe (PS4)

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