“This… is RuptureFarms.”
Any fan of the original PlayStation remembers Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee. The demo is famously found on the disc that came with your brand spanking new PSX, introducing an entire generation of gamers to the rich and twisted universe of the cinematic Oddworld games. Since then, we’ve seen Abe join a new friend in Munch’s Oddysee, and resurface in the modern remake of Abe’s Oddysee, New ‘n’ Tasty, first shown off at Eurogamer Expo 2012.
We at Oddworld Inhabitants and Just Add Water have been purposefully quiet about the game since Lorne and Stewart announced it. Our amazing team have been hard at work, and we’re ready to talk about it now…
We’re proud to announce that Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty will be launching on PlayStation 4, featuring all the gameplay you expect from the original, revamped, remade and reprocessed in the glorious Unity3D game engine. We’ve worked hard to bring you the Abe you know and love, kicking and screaming into 2013.
That’s right, Abe is truly coming home again. After a half-decade hiatus from making games, Oddworld Inhabitants is now a proudly independent micro-publisher, working with the hugely talented team at Just Add Water (Developments), Ltd. on the new title.
Abe first appeared back in 1997 as a 2D, pre-rendered platform game, featuring Hollywood quality video cutscenes and story. A lot has changed in the 15+ years since. PS4 is able to create lush, beautiful environments with ease, and we will make the most of that!
When we have such powerful tools to hand, you’ll be able to see the horror on Abe’s face as he lands in a new part of Rupture Farms. The world will come alive around you, revealing more uniquely Oddworld creatures, plants and details. Cutscenes have been beautifully remade and animated by previous Oddworld Inhabitants employees.
We’ve also re-examined all the levels. The original game featured flip-screen gameplay, whereby each level was broken down into single screens. Changing to a scrolling system, whereby the level is presented to the player as they moved, meant adapting some of the AI, level design and puzzles to better suit a seamless, dynamic and living Oddworld.
We know you’re all eager to get your hands on the game — so are we! Details about the release date, price and the chance to see more of the game will be released in the coming months.
Keep checking www.oddworld.com for more news, screenshots and videos. If you want to stay busy in the meantime, check out all the Oddworld games on the PSN Store!
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