Have you been counting down the minutes until Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII? If so, you’re definitely in luck as we have a slew of updates for you.
If you’ve been asleep since last September when we unveiled the game, here’s the gist of it: The world of Gran Pulse is sinking into the sea and what remains is Nova Chrysalia. With only thirteen days remaining until the end of the world, you have full control of Lightning and it is your mission to save as many souls as possible. Along the journey, you will encounter familiar faces and engage new foes in all new lands. Now that you’re caught up, you’re ready to watch the Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII trailer — right here!
A couple things to note: First is the return of Snow Villiers, with a completely new look. He’s got new hair, and equal if not more abundant amounts of swagger. Why are Snow and Lightning at odds now? What has transpired over the time between these two former allies? Sorry, but you’ll just have to wait a bit to find out these secrets.
If that wasn’t the first thing you noticed, then it’s probably the area that looks nothing like from either Final Fantasy XIII or Final Fantasy XIII-2. This is Yusnaan, one of the four vast lands that compose Nova Chrysalia. Yusnaan is a bustling land bathed in pure entertainment, bright lights, and non-stop awesomeness.
In typical Final Fantasy fashion, Lightning Returns features insane monsters, abilities, and spells. We’ll be revealing much more in the coming months, so stay tuned!
We’re also unveiling our final box art for North America!
Lastly, the biggest question we’ve received everywhere we go is “When is it coming out?” Finally, we’re confirming that Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII will hit PlayStation 3 in North America on February 11th, 2014!
For more information, stay up to date at our official website. Have questions? If so, ask below and we’ll answer whatever the Goddess Etro will allows us to.
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