UFG General and Kart coming this week!
Great news for our speediest Sackfolk― the UFG General Costume and Kart will be making their way on to the Store this week!
Originally a pre-order bonus for LittleBigPlanet Karting, this arcade cabinet on wheels is just perfect for those racers that simply cannot wait to get their LittleBigPlanet Karting fix at any time… Even if it’s during the middle of a race!
There’s a whole range of new and exciting content available for LittleBigPlanet. To take a gander at all of these great goodies, head on over to our official Game Add-Ons Catalogue!
LittleBigPlanet 2: Mm Picks
Our LittleBigPlanet 2: Mm Picks this week pays homage to the Easter Escapades that our community was getting up to over the Easter Weekend. We saw all sorts of creative fun and frolics from community members looking to task their fellow Sackfolk with a good old fashioned Easter Egg hunt!
Take a look at just a couple of the egg-citing levels that were published during the Easter period.
If you want to see what else the community created over Easter, be sure to head over to LBP.me and queue up these great LittleBigPlanet 2: Mm Picks!
The Seasonal Spirit Awesomesauce Award
Speaking of celebrations… Extra-special mention must go to the following fine folk!
There’s not a single holiday celebration that these guys will let slip by them and for the past 8 months, they have published fun and exciting levels for each occasion.
Halloween, Christmas and even Easter have all been celebrated by these guys and they have worked hard to ensure that LittleBigPlanet has just what any celebration-seeking Sackperson will need to get into the holiday spirit.
For their continued efforts in ensuring that LittleBigPlanet is the number one destination for all of your holiday celebrations, we wish to bestow upon them each a Rare Prize Crown and the coveted Awesomesauce Pin!
Congratulations guys! We can’t wait to see what plans you have for the next big holiday on LittleBigPlanet!
LittleBigPlanetarium.com launches LBP PS Vita Creation Contest
It’s time for a new Rare Prize Crown contest just for LittleBigPlanet PS Vita and the nice folks from LittleBigPlanetarium.com have just launched their fifth Creation Contest to offer you a chance to win one!
This time around they are looking for levels where you can get extreme bubble combos, such as those found in Flounder’s Jump & Jive in LittleBigPlanet PS Vita or in the infamous Tower of Whoop in LittleBigPlanet 2.
The contest is only open to LittleBigPlanet PS Vita levels and, as is customary with any LittleBigPlanetarium contest, they want you to document your creative process whilst creating this level. You also have to use a special item within the level, which this time is the Ballpoint Pen object.
So if you think you’re up for this particularly creative challenge, head on over to LittleBigPlanetarium.com for all the details on how you can enter!
LittleBigPlanet PS Vita: Team Pick
Block Push Game is a neat little puzzle game where you have to push blocks into the right position. Sounds relatively easy at first, but the later levels are quite mind-bending and can get quite tricky.
Thankfully the ever-so-handy Memoriser is put to great use in this level, so if you find yourself utterly stumped by a puzzle, you can go away and play a few other levels and then return to this puzzle level and continue from exactly where you left off!
There’s a whole host of exciting LittleBigPlanet PS Vita: Team Picks available to queue up and download to your PS Vita when you want to game on-the-go, so pop over to LBP.me Vita and check out the full range of LittleBigPlanet PS Vita: Team Picks!
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