PlayStation Plus April Update: Demon’s Souls Free for Members
Morgan Haro
Community Manager, PlayStation Digital Platforms
21Author Replies
It’s the first of April, and with the new month comes a new look at content coming to PlayStation Plus — there’s much to take in, with Plus members getting the venerable Demon’s Souls free. In addition to the monthly overview, this week brings more goodies, such as a sale on the award-winning The Walking Dead series, and more discounts on fan-favorites like Rainbow Moon and the Soldner-X series.
April Preview
The following games are slated to be free to PS Plus members through the Instant Game Collection in the month of April.
Demon’s Souls (PS3)
PSN Price: $19.99, Free for PS Plus members
Beautiful, compelling, and unforgiving, Demon’s Souls is the ultimate hardcore RPG experience. Revolutionary online features support your adventure like never before, presenting seamless interconnectivity that serves in every instance to enhance the single-player game. Leave hints and clues for those who will follow in your footsteps either intentionally or through your own inadvertent demise, your bloodstains will allow your successors to view a replay of your death, hinting at how to avoid your gruesome fate. It’s an in-depth action RPG that offers hundreds of hours of gameplay. If you can tackle the learning curve, you’ll find one of the most ridiculously rewarding games of the generation.
SOULCALIBUR: Broken Destiny (PSP, Supported on PS Vita)
PSN Price: $39.99, Free for PS Plus members
Battle as one of many returning Soulcalibur favorites, each enhanced with tuned balancing, new moves and animations. Play the dedicated single player game mode: Trials, developed exclusively for this Soul Calibur outing and evolved versions of classic game modes like The Gauntlet and Versus. Blow away your competition using finely tuned and enhanced battle mechanics including critical finishes, Soul Crushes and equipment destruction and unleash devastating combos.
Malicious (PS3)
PSN Price: $9.99, Free for PS Plus members
Take control of the Spirit Vessel and battle waves of brutal fighters and colossal enemies to rid the world of the evil force of Malicious. Gain new weapons, build your powers and perform devastating combo attacks as the final showdown between good and evil draws near. With a beautiful art style, Malicious is a treat to look at and will be coming to PS Plus later this month.
Labyrinth Legends (PS3)
PSN Price: $9.99, Free for PS Plus members
Are you daring enough, crafty enough, powerful enough to become a legend? Brave the mysterious tunnels, mystical crypts and maniacal creatures of Labyrinth Legends. Explore hidden catacombs and ancient tombs of lost civilizations while evading concealed traps and solving an array of intuitive puzzles. A unique combination of crisp graphics and dazzling visuals, inviting exploration, tricky puzzles, and exciting monster-slashing arcade action makes Labyrinth Legends quite the thrilling game.
Zombie Tycoon 2: Brainhov’s Revenge (PS3 and PS Vita – Cross-Buy and Cross-Play)
PSN Price: $9.99 Free for PS Plus members
Pick your side in the epic war between two evil masterminds: apprentice-gone-rogue Orville Tycoon and his army of heavy-duty zombies, or his vengeance-thirsty mentor Professor Brainhov and his frantic masses of agile undead! Post Z-day, Tycoon’s mad machination to extinguish all life in Finkleville has almost reached its apogee. During the final siege on the human fortress, his former mentor makes a sudden comeback, seeking retribution for his apprentice’s betrayal and eager to reclaim his rightful place as alpha mad scientist. Only one question remains: who shall win? Slow zombies, or fast zombies? Find out as undead armies clash in both the immersive single player campaign and the competitive multiplayer mode!
Leaving PS Plus In April
April 2nd – Spec Ops: the Line
April 9th – Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition
April 16th – Anomaly: Warzone Earth
April 23rd – Mega Man Maverick Hunter X
April 30th – Disgaea 3 Absence of Detention
Entering PS Plus in April (in no particular order)
Demon’s Souls (PS3)
Malicious (PS3)
Labyrinth Legends (PS3)
SOULCALIBUR: Broken Destiny (PSP, Supported on PS Vita)
Zombie Tycoon 2 (PS3 and PS Vita – Cross-Buy)
April 2nd PlayStation Plus Update
Demon’s Souls
PSN Price: $19.99, Free for PS Plus members
Beautiful, compelling, and unforgiving, Demon’s Souls is the ultimate hardcore RPG experience. Revolutionary online features support your adventure like never before, presenting seamless interconnectivity that serves in every instance to enhance the single-player game. Leave hints and clues for those who will follow in your footsteps either intentionally or through your own inadvertent demise, your bloodstains will allow your successors to view a replay of your death, hinting at how to avoid your gruesome fate. It’s an in-depth action RPG that offers hundreds of hours of gameplay. If you can tackle the learning curve, you’ll find one of the most ridiculously rewarding games of the generation.
The Walking Dead Sale (PS3)
Various Discounts
Telltale’s The Walking Dead redefined how we think about video games. Recipient of several Game of the Year 2013 awards, if for some reason you haven’t had a chance to experience this unique story within The Walking Dead universe, now is a fine time to check it out. You can get the entire first season, episodes 1 through 5, through the Season Pass, or fill in what you have left by picking up each of the episodes individually.
The Walking Dead Season Pass (Regular Price: $19.99; PSN Sale Price: $14.99; PS Plus Price: $10.49
The Walking Dead Individual Episodes 2 – 5 (Regular Price: $4.99; PSN Sale Price: $3.99; PS Plus Price: $2.99
Rainbow Moon Sale (PS3)
Various Discounts
Rainbow Moon, the indie-developed Strategy RPG filled with exploration, tactical turn-based battles, six memorable characters, is now on sale with extra discounts for PS Plus members. Find the core game, a premium bundle, as well as the soundtrack, all on sale.
Rainbow Moon (Regular Price: $14.99; PSN Sale Price: $9.99; PS Plus Price: $7.99)
Rainbow Moon Premium Bundle (Regular Price: $18.99; PSN Sale Price: $10.99; PS Plus Price: $8.79)
Rainbow Moon Melodies (Regular Price: $4.99; PSN Sale Price: $1.99; PS Plus Price: $1.59)
Söldner-X Sale (PS3)
Various Discounts
The Söldner-X series combines 2D gameplay with white-knuckled action, fantastic level design, and beautiful HD environments to bring a truly unique shmup (short for shoot em’ up for the uninitiated). Both Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer and Söldner-X2: Final Prototype are on sale, as well as bundled editions with extra content, and individual add-ons.
Söldner-X2: Final Prototype and Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer Bundle (Regular Price: $14.99; PSN Sale Price: $7.99; PS Plus Price: $6.39
Söldner-X2: Final Prototype (Regular Price: $9.99; PSN Sale Price: $4.99; PS Plus Price: $3.99)
Söldner-X2: Final Prototype Complete Bundle (Regular Price: $12.99; PSN Sale Price: $6.99; PS Plus Price: $5.59)
Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer (Regular Price: $7.99; PSN Sale Price: $3.99; PS Plus Price: $3.19)
Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer Soundtrack (Regular Price: $3.99; PSN Sale Price: $1.99; PS Plus Price: $1.59)
Söldner-X2: Final Prototype Soundtrack (Regular Price: 4.99; PSN Sale Price: $1.99; PS Plus Price: $1.59)
Remember, check back every Monday to learn when Malicious (PS3), Zombie Tycoon 2 (PS Vita and PS3), Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny (PS Vita and PSP), and Labyrinth Legends (PS3) are arriving to PS Plus members. You’ll also find more discounts and other exclusives that we weren’t able to detail here just yet. Remember the month preview is subject to change.
Thanks for reading this week’s update. You’ll find all the content detailed above with their Plus benefits active when PlayStation Store updates on April 2nd. Got more questions about Plus? Leave your comments below, or, if you’re looking to engage with more of the PS community, head over to the PlayStation Community Forums to discuss this week’s news more, find other topics to contribute your thoughts to, or start one for yourself. See you in the comments! (oh, and no there are not any April Fool’s jokes in this post; I tried!)
I dunno why there’s so much hate. If you have the games, go get after your backlog :). I’m thankful to be getting free games. Try getting free games from the other competitors?
Thanks Sony!!! I just bought a new ps3 and I’m glad I’m a plus member. Will be for a long time :).
I did end up buying it and the walking dead before these deals, but it is a great week for plus members and have friends in the waiting to go buy this game.
Rockefellow your a Fool and a Tool… the guy is REPEATING the same ISHHH over and over. that right there is called spamming and is more then enough for a ban. he can voice his message without constantly repeating it nonstop.
OK, I can’t complain this month. It looks like a bunch of games I will enjoy on the PS3….minus Demon’s soul which I rented in the past and hated it. It’s not an RPG, it’s more of a FU to gamers. Even if you can overlook that the game developer made this for you to die a million times, you can’t over look that you pass one obstacle after 20 tries only to get killed at the next part but be reset to the part you just barely made it by.
Demon’s Souls is great for those who haven’t tried it out yet.
I’m really glad to see Soul Calibur: BD come to PS Vita’s Instant Game Collection. I never got around to trying it when it was first released, so I’m looking forward to getting my hands on it later this month!
Zen posts the same thing over and over with the same drivel, yet I am the troll?
I’m not sure you know what the definition of a troll is. Yes, I am the one that needs to grow up, because I’m the one spamming the same message about 15+ times. That’s the definition of being a jerk, just because you happen to have similar sentiments as him about this month’s offerings does not mean he is not acting like a troll.
I don’t really like what’s being offered here this month, so I’m not going to complain(I pay half of my brother’s PS+ subscription, so yes I do pay even though I don’t use this account to play). Sorry, would you prefer that I act like an entitled 10 year old and post that I’m not happy about it 15+ times and say we are getting screwed?
Would that make it better than simply voting in the poll and saying “nothing for me” which I just did?
Demons Souls is amazing! I already own the disc but it’s nice to have it on the hDD I suppose. I might check out rainbow moon, have to look into it.
I am really disappointed with the vita line-up. I am more apt to pick up soul caliber than tekken, but a second zombie themed silly sil game?!? Zombie tycoons graphics remind me of the super disappointment that was roller coaster tycoon 3.
Ideally, I would like to be getting ps1 classics. That way the vita would be feeling love and the ps3 wouldn’t be left out. I’m hoping there are going to be some decent discounts for spring, I’m not very excited for this month’s update. Last month was much nicer.
If you don’t totally suck at playing Demon’s souls than you don’t die as much. The game is all about timing and reading the enemies reactions. I’ve not beaten the game, but I have seen the 2nd to last boss (not that you technically have to take them on in any certain order, but he drops 1/2 one of the ultimate swords). Only seen mind you.
I’ve heard of a lot of people who don’t have the skill/patience to take on D’s S. You don’t surprise me.
I hate to be one of the fellow Plus complainers but I am and it isn’t without merit. Can we get whoever’s taking care of Europe to head up our region? Because they got some KILLER stuff on their store, I’d switch over if I could. Checking out our Instant Game Collection with the European one and there is a crazy contrast in quality. Zombie Tycoon over Zero Escape. ..
Err… Demon’s Souls is kinda… Old. And unlike most people, I believe it to be an outright bad game. Shame Dark Souls was not made available instead. Nonetheless, a great opportunity for people that never got a chance to try it.
I remember when Malicious came out and I almost bought it. Great to see it getting the ICG treatment.
Not a lot else this month.
Ohh god Malicious!!!!!!! i wanted to play this game from the first time i saw it, love this April update whit this Japaneses themes, in the EU store have OKAMI HD, since i have plus also on my EU account i have both games
great update guys!!!
though i already have Demon’s Souls it’s a great game for every rpg fan out there with LOTS of hours of gameplay!!!
i’m going for Malicious and Labyrinth Legends for sure!!! both great games and i’ve been waiting for them :)
and i’m definitely going to check Zombie Tycoon 2!!
Thanks guys! KEEP IT UP :D
p.s. ANYONE KNOWS WHEN Malicious AND Labyrinth Legends ARE GOING TO BE ADDED????
I don’t like comparing U.S. to E.U. …. but REALLY, we get a justified mini and they get a full on ps vita experience?!? at this rate we will be getting hungry giraffe next month and EU will have Sly Cooper.
I’m no letting go of my credit from the 10 for 50 in march promo until I see some real nice discounts.
Malicious looks alright. Other than that, this update is extremely poor. What bothers me the most is that Europe gets more quality titles whereas we tend to get more cheap $9.99 titles.
January and February were phenomenal. Darksiders and Vanquish PLUS all the Mega Man love made me happy that I signed for PS Plus. March was okay cause we finally got some JRPG love (please more JRPGS!).
All in all, I hope we get more full game titles in May. Code Veronica HD and Okami HD would be great additions to the IGC in my opinion. I’d rather get PS1 classics than these cheap little $9.99 PSN titles.
To be quite honest. I am looking forward to each of those titles that isn’t Demon’s Souls (already own it). Even then however, I feel this is the weakest update I’ve had since I signed up back in February.
Looking at Europe’s update, it’s pretty clear that there is a significant divide between our subscriptions. We find ourselves getting some relatively old titles more often then the newer titles, while with Europe, it appears to be the extreme opposite.
Do you want people to break their controllers and rage quit alot?
Oh i get it…its a sales strategy so people go out and buy new controllers, clever lol
Honestly, is a good update,I played it back when i was in high school when it first came out and i got so frustrated Till I eventually beat it.The only downside is that is not like many other rpgs(i know its a jrpg but still) its just the same areas over and over,eventually gets boring oh and no checkpoits so good luck to y’all newcomers.
I would have liked kingdom of amalur better since im a big fan of open worlds with towns and stuff(so i can go kill everyone like in skyrim) lol Or maybe any rockstargame, men i love their games.
Anyway Demons souls ,not a game that I’ll be playing again but thanks for trying.
I guess ill try the other stuff maybe I’ll Like it.
Demons Souls for free??? At first I thought it was an April Fool’s joke, but no! This means the servers will keep being alive, which is great. By the way, the Soldner 1 & 2 bundle doesn’t include the full version of Soldner 2, huh?
I love PSN Plus. But this month was very disapointing. I might even say it was one of the worst updates this lovely service has ever had. The PS3 got an old game that most people who enjoy the genre have already played, along with some non relevant games, and for the vita we have a small game that is sequel to a game that has a metascore of 68.
Looking forward to a VERY GOOD update next month, to make it up for april.
PS: Only wished this update had been an april fools joke.
@TallGlassofWater, no need to alienate the hesitant. They don’t know how great Demon’s Souls is. I became a Playstation gamer in only 2009, when I bought the first slim. Before that I was playing silly games on the wii and a couple great Zelda games on the GameCube. A few months later I tried Demon’s Souls which I already read was hard but great. Yeah, I sucked at it at first. Died a lot, one hit deaths. I went to work and yelled at my friends that it was unConstitutional to make such a hard game.
But I am no quitter. I stuck it out, beat it (no, not a plat, I give mad props to those of you who platted this) and knew I was a real gamer after that. I started NG+ when they released it on digital last year. This game will teach and reward patience, persistence, thinking. The online aspect is amazing and innovative, long before Journey.
Maybe a few hundred will try this, one of the the crowning jewels of PS3 exclusives and that would be very good.
I love you SONY! Demon’s Soul is one of my all time favorite games!!! No I can get rid of my disc! I love the advanced notice for the whole month. This helps me budget things better! Thank you for the new format for PS+!!
Don’t get me wrong Demon’s Souls is an amazing and awesome game but seriously, its freaking old. I bet 90% of PS PLUS user already own it or played it already.
Sad to say this update is weak. Why do we always get very very very old games, while EU get newer ones. And another fighting game, come on !! US Sony you can do better then this. Month after month is been a total waste. It’s like I’m paying you guys again for games I already own.
First time ever buying a playstation product was a Vita a few months back. I have to say I am kinda dissapointed in the games this month. I already got lots of fighting games. Last month was cool with Uncharted but very weak this month. Two games? At least throw in something else. Sure hope you guys offer some decent games on discount as I have yet to see a game I actually wanted go on sale. How bout some psp GTA’s 50% off. Nobody is gonna pay $20 a piece for those. And will there ever be a sale on Zen Pinball 2 tables?
@333, TwoDee? No, Atlus did NOT shut down the servers for Demon’s Souls. There was a last minute reprieve after they said that a couple years ago. It’s still going. When it was released digitally a few months ago, man the place was crowded with the spectral images of other gamers on your server. Leaving helpful messages, only a few dooshbags leaving false messages.
I was a little disappointed in this update at first, since I have Demon’s Souls already (haven’t gotten a chance to play it though…), but Malicious also looks good. Soul Calibur is one of my favorite fighting series, but I think I have too many fighters on my Vita as it is. I could use a good traditional JRPG on it.
Never played demon’s souls or any role playing game ever. I guess that I will try it out since it is “free games”. Free games suppose to be somewhat cheap and old. How about Dead Space 2, Driver San Francisco, MotorStorm Apocalypse or Pacific Rift, Bayonetta, Ace Combat Assault Horizon, Burnout Paradise, Captain America Super Soldier, Mirror’s Edge, Syndicate,etc….. I am afraid next month we will be getting Brink, Duke Nukem or Get Fit with Mel B.
Fantastic update. I already own the disc version of Demon’s Souls but it’s great that the game will be exposed to more people. Was going to wait for the Vita version of Rainbow Moon but that price is too good to resist!
Well, Demons Souls looks incredible and I haven’t been able to play it yet, so that game literally saved this update. Highly disappointed in the other games.
Malicious looks like cartoony garbage.
Labyrinth Legends looks JUST LIKE the Cave.
And Zombie Tycoon…well, as a zombie fanatic I must say it looks completely awful.
I don’t have a PSP or a VITA, so those are both always a waste to me.
So 1 blockbuster and 3 duds? Really? Now I have to wait another month for a better update? Oh well. I wish it was some sick April Fools joke.
Wonder why EU gets such better choices? Seems we get thrown the left-overs and scraps compared to what EU is getting. I just signed up last month, and the only game I’ve played so far is Spec Ops: The Line.
How long do I have to wait for you guys to do something with Jeanne Darc?
It’s still $26 on PSN because you and Level 5 refuse to do anything with it.
I dunno why there’s so much hate. If you have the games, go get after your backlog :). I’m thankful to be getting free games. Try getting free games from the other competitors?
Thanks Sony!!! I just bought a new ps3 and I’m glad I’m a plus member. Will be for a long time :).
Rainbow moon!!!!!!! thanks Morgan.
I did end up buying it and the walking dead before these deals, but it is a great week for plus members and have friends in the waiting to go buy this game.
I really wish that you guys publish the release date for all PSN Plus free games release… anyway
Nice update! A shame there is no Okami HD like EUR..
Rockefellow your a Fool and a Tool… the guy is REPEATING the same ISHHH over and over. that right there is called spamming and is more then enough for a ban. he can voice his message without constantly repeating it nonstop.
OK, I can’t complain this month. It looks like a bunch of games I will enjoy on the PS3….minus Demon’s soul which I rented in the past and hated it. It’s not an RPG, it’s more of a FU to gamers. Even if you can overlook that the game developer made this for you to die a million times, you can’t over look that you pass one obstacle after 20 tries only to get killed at the next part but be reset to the part you just barely made it by.
Demon’s Souls is great for those who haven’t tried it out yet.
I’m really glad to see Soul Calibur: BD come to PS Vita’s Instant Game Collection. I never got around to trying it when it was first released, so I’m looking forward to getting my hands on it later this month!
Zen posts the same thing over and over with the same drivel, yet I am the troll?
I’m not sure you know what the definition of a troll is. Yes, I am the one that needs to grow up, because I’m the one spamming the same message about 15+ times. That’s the definition of being a jerk, just because you happen to have similar sentiments as him about this month’s offerings does not mean he is not acting like a troll.
I don’t really like what’s being offered here this month, so I’m not going to complain(I pay half of my brother’s PS+ subscription, so yes I do pay even though I don’t use this account to play). Sorry, would you prefer that I act like an entitled 10 year old and post that I’m not happy about it 15+ times and say we are getting screwed?
Would that make it better than simply voting in the poll and saying “nothing for me” which I just did?
Amazing update! Two games I had been really looking to play are out FREE NOW!!! Keep up the amazing work!
I am so very tired of fighters.
Demons Souls is amazing! I already own the disc but it’s nice to have it on the hDD I suppose. I might check out rainbow moon, have to look into it.
I am really disappointed with the vita line-up. I am more apt to pick up soul caliber than tekken, but a second zombie themed silly sil game?!? Zombie tycoons graphics remind me of the super disappointment that was roller coaster tycoon 3.
Ideally, I would like to be getting ps1 classics. That way the vita would be feeling love and the ps3 wouldn’t be left out. I’m hoping there are going to be some decent discounts for spring, I’m not very excited for this month’s update. Last month was much nicer.
Great! I’d been so tempted to buy malicious before, good thing I kept myself from doing it hehe
Proud Demon’s Souls owner for years. Thanks for giving more people the chance to enjoy an amazing game they may otherwise not have played.
Also, I’m looking forward to Soul Calibur. Thanks!
Another blah month for +. Once again the US gets shafted while Europe has great offerings
That’s it? Demon’s Souls is 4 years old, and why are we getting another fighting game. Hopefully next month will be better.
I’ve had Demon’s Souls since North American launch and it’s great game. The real Demon’s Souls starts at NG+
I still haven’t platinum’d it yet, though :(
LOL @ 307
If you don’t totally suck at playing Demon’s souls than you don’t die as much. The game is all about timing and reading the enemies reactions. I’ve not beaten the game, but I have seen the 2nd to last boss (not that you technically have to take them on in any certain order, but he drops 1/2 one of the ultimate swords). Only seen mind you.
I’ve heard of a lot of people who don’t have the skill/patience to take on D’s S. You don’t surprise me.
Soulcalibur? IGC for PSP owners? Dood, i dont have the will to spare time to play retro games.
I hate to be one of the fellow Plus complainers but I am and it isn’t without merit. Can we get whoever’s taking care of Europe to head up our region? Because they got some KILLER stuff on their store, I’d switch over if I could. Checking out our Instant Game Collection with the European one and there is a crazy contrast in quality. Zombie Tycoon over Zero Escape. ..
Not a joke: The Walking Dead Episode 1 is now free for everyone.
That was probably why it wasn’t mentioned with the other individual episodes on sale.
Err… Demon’s Souls is kinda… Old. And unlike most people, I believe it to be an outright bad game. Shame Dark Souls was not made available instead. Nonetheless, a great opportunity for people that never got a chance to try it.
I remember when Malicious came out and I almost bought it. Great to see it getting the ICG treatment.
Not a lot else this month.
thebiglouie really ? thats freakinn awsome if so. wish i waited but eather way it was sooo worth the 5$. hope its not a glitch.
because the euro psn plus receives the best games ever and we at American psn plus we always the worst games
The other games look interesting. I think I heard Zombie Tycoon was decent so I’ll have to try it out once my Vita’s repairs are finished.
I guess Demon’s Souls is better than nothing. :(
Hes Right, Walking dead ep 1 is free for all now. il need to pass this info along to all my peeps. Kool
Ohh god Malicious!!!!!!! i wanted to play this game from the first time i saw it, love this April update whit this Japaneses themes, in the EU store have OKAMI HD, since i have plus also on my EU account i have both games
great update guys!!!
though i already have Demon’s Souls it’s a great game for every rpg fan out there with LOTS of hours of gameplay!!!
i’m going for Malicious and Labyrinth Legends for sure!!! both great games and i’ve been waiting for them :)
and i’m definitely going to check Zombie Tycoon 2!!
Thanks guys! KEEP IT UP :D
p.s. ANYONE KNOWS WHEN Malicious AND Labyrinth Legends ARE GOING TO BE ADDED????
Wish Okami HD was on the list for this month…
:D wow Demon souls i was going to purchase it to add it to my digital collection but not anymore ;D.
God i love PS+
oh and it’s cool you guys are adding PSP games but at the same time you guys should try to increase the PSP library for the vita
I don’t like comparing U.S. to E.U. …. but REALLY, we get a justified mini and they get a full on ps vita experience?!? at this rate we will be getting hungry giraffe next month and EU will have Sly Cooper.
I’m no letting go of my credit from the 10 for 50 in march promo until I see some real nice discounts.
ummm they cut of the online for demon souls along time ago, so how are we supposed to use the online features?
Malicious looks alright. Other than that, this update is extremely poor. What bothers me the most is that Europe gets more quality titles whereas we tend to get more cheap $9.99 titles.
January and February were phenomenal. Darksiders and Vanquish PLUS all the Mega Man love made me happy that I signed for PS Plus. March was okay cause we finally got some JRPG love (please more JRPGS!).
All in all, I hope we get more full game titles in May. Code Veronica HD and Okami HD would be great additions to the IGC in my opinion. I’d rather get PS1 classics than these cheap little $9.99 PSN titles.
To be quite honest. I am looking forward to each of those titles that isn’t Demon’s Souls (already own it). Even then however, I feel this is the weakest update I’ve had since I signed up back in February.
Looking at Europe’s update, it’s pretty clear that there is a significant divide between our subscriptions. We find ourselves getting some relatively old titles more often then the newer titles, while with Europe, it appears to be the extreme opposite.
Come on now!, demons souls morgan?
Do you want people to break their controllers and rage quit alot?
Oh i get it…its a sales strategy so people go out and buy new controllers, clever lol
Honestly, is a good update,I played it back when i was in high school when it first came out and i got so frustrated Till I eventually beat it.The only downside is that is not like many other rpgs(i know its a jrpg but still) its just the same areas over and over,eventually gets boring oh and no checkpoits so good luck to y’all newcomers.
I would have liked kingdom of amalur better since im a big fan of open worlds with towns and stuff(so i can go kill everyone like in skyrim) lol Or maybe any rockstargame, men i love their games.
Anyway Demons souls ,not a game that I’ll be playing again but thanks for trying.
I guess ill try the other stuff maybe I’ll Like it.
Looking foward to some discounts(hopefully)
not completely sure but i’m sure he’s been a PS+ member for a long time yet it seems like he’s still paying for it -_-… i might be wrong :/
Demons Souls for free??? At first I thought it was an April Fool’s joke, but no! This means the servers will keep being alive, which is great. By the way, the Soldner 1 & 2 bundle doesn’t include the full version of Soldner 2, huh?
Bought Demon Soul’s, traded it in… regretted it. Now I get it back. Thanks PS Plus!
Long Live Boletaria!
I love PSN Plus. But this month was very disapointing. I might even say it was one of the worst updates this lovely service has ever had. The PS3 got an old game that most people who enjoy the genre have already played, along with some non relevant games, and for the vita we have a small game that is sequel to a game that has a metascore of 68.
Looking forward to a VERY GOOD update next month, to make it up for april.
PS: Only wished this update had been an april fools joke.
@TallGlassofWater, no need to alienate the hesitant. They don’t know how great Demon’s Souls is. I became a Playstation gamer in only 2009, when I bought the first slim. Before that I was playing silly games on the wii and a couple great Zelda games on the GameCube. A few months later I tried Demon’s Souls which I already read was hard but great. Yeah, I sucked at it at first. Died a lot, one hit deaths. I went to work and yelled at my friends that it was unConstitutional to make such a hard game.
But I am no quitter. I stuck it out, beat it (no, not a plat, I give mad props to those of you who platted this) and knew I was a real gamer after that. I started NG+ when they released it on digital last year. This game will teach and reward patience, persistence, thinking. The online aspect is amazing and innovative, long before Journey.
Maybe a few hundred will try this, one of the the crowning jewels of PS3 exclusives and that would be very good.
I love you SONY! Demon’s Soul is one of my all time favorite games!!! No I can get rid of my disc! I love the advanced notice for the whole month. This helps me budget things better! Thank you for the new format for PS+!!
Don’t get me wrong Demon’s Souls is an amazing and awesome game but seriously, its freaking old. I bet 90% of PS PLUS user already own it or played it already.
Sad to say this update is weak. Why do we always get very very very old games, while EU get newer ones. And another fighting game, come on !! US Sony you can do better then this. Month after month is been a total waste. It’s like I’m paying you guys again for games I already own.
First time ever buying a playstation product was a Vita a few months back. I have to say I am kinda dissapointed in the games this month. I already got lots of fighting games. Last month was cool with Uncharted but very weak this month. Two games? At least throw in something else. Sure hope you guys offer some decent games on discount as I have yet to see a game I actually wanted go on sale. How bout some psp GTA’s 50% off. Nobody is gonna pay $20 a piece for those. And will there ever be a sale on Zen Pinball 2 tables?
Looking forward to next month.
@333, TwoDee? No, Atlus did NOT shut down the servers for Demon’s Souls. There was a last minute reprieve after they said that a couple years ago. It’s still going. When it was released digitally a few months ago, man the place was crowded with the spectral images of other gamers on your server. Leaving helpful messages, only a few dooshbags leaving false messages.
Delay for this eh. I’m going to pass. Thanks though
I was a little disappointed in this update at first, since I have Demon’s Souls already (haven’t gotten a chance to play it though…), but Malicious also looks good. Soul Calibur is one of my favorite fighting series, but I think I have too many fighters on my Vita as it is. I could use a good traditional JRPG on it.
Never played demon’s souls or any role playing game ever. I guess that I will try it out since it is “free games”. Free games suppose to be somewhat cheap and old. How about Dead Space 2, Driver San Francisco, MotorStorm Apocalypse or Pacific Rift, Bayonetta, Ace Combat Assault Horizon, Burnout Paradise, Captain America Super Soldier, Mirror’s Edge, Syndicate,etc….. I am afraid next month we will be getting Brink, Duke Nukem or Get Fit with Mel B.
Fantastic update. I already own the disc version of Demon’s Souls but it’s great that the game will be exposed to more people. Was going to wait for the Vita version of Rainbow Moon but that price is too good to resist!
Well, Demons Souls looks incredible and I haven’t been able to play it yet, so that game literally saved this update. Highly disappointed in the other games.
Malicious looks like cartoony garbage.
Labyrinth Legends looks JUST LIKE the Cave.
And Zombie Tycoon…well, as a zombie fanatic I must say it looks completely awful.
I don’t have a PSP or a VITA, so those are both always a waste to me.
So 1 blockbuster and 3 duds? Really? Now I have to wait another month for a better update? Oh well. I wish it was some sick April Fools joke.
Wonder why EU gets such better choices? Seems we get thrown the left-overs and scraps compared to what EU is getting. I just signed up last month, and the only game I’ve played so far is Spec Ops: The Line.