PlayStation Plus April Update: Demon’s Souls Free for Members
Morgan Haro
Community Manager, PlayStation Digital Platforms
21Author Replies
It’s the first of April, and with the new month comes a new look at content coming to PlayStation Plus — there’s much to take in, with Plus members getting the venerable Demon’s Souls free. In addition to the monthly overview, this week brings more goodies, such as a sale on the award-winning The Walking Dead series, and more discounts on fan-favorites like Rainbow Moon and the Soldner-X series.
April Preview
The following games are slated to be free to PS Plus members through the Instant Game Collection in the month of April.
Demon’s Souls (PS3)
PSN Price: $19.99, Free for PS Plus members
Beautiful, compelling, and unforgiving, Demon’s Souls is the ultimate hardcore RPG experience. Revolutionary online features support your adventure like never before, presenting seamless interconnectivity that serves in every instance to enhance the single-player game. Leave hints and clues for those who will follow in your footsteps either intentionally or through your own inadvertent demise, your bloodstains will allow your successors to view a replay of your death, hinting at how to avoid your gruesome fate. It’s an in-depth action RPG that offers hundreds of hours of gameplay. If you can tackle the learning curve, you’ll find one of the most ridiculously rewarding games of the generation.
SOULCALIBUR: Broken Destiny (PSP, Supported on PS Vita)
PSN Price: $39.99, Free for PS Plus members
Battle as one of many returning Soulcalibur favorites, each enhanced with tuned balancing, new moves and animations. Play the dedicated single player game mode: Trials, developed exclusively for this Soul Calibur outing and evolved versions of classic game modes like The Gauntlet and Versus. Blow away your competition using finely tuned and enhanced battle mechanics including critical finishes, Soul Crushes and equipment destruction and unleash devastating combos.
Malicious (PS3)
PSN Price: $9.99, Free for PS Plus members
Take control of the Spirit Vessel and battle waves of brutal fighters and colossal enemies to rid the world of the evil force of Malicious. Gain new weapons, build your powers and perform devastating combo attacks as the final showdown between good and evil draws near. With a beautiful art style, Malicious is a treat to look at and will be coming to PS Plus later this month.
Labyrinth Legends (PS3)
PSN Price: $9.99, Free for PS Plus members
Are you daring enough, crafty enough, powerful enough to become a legend? Brave the mysterious tunnels, mystical crypts and maniacal creatures of Labyrinth Legends. Explore hidden catacombs and ancient tombs of lost civilizations while evading concealed traps and solving an array of intuitive puzzles. A unique combination of crisp graphics and dazzling visuals, inviting exploration, tricky puzzles, and exciting monster-slashing arcade action makes Labyrinth Legends quite the thrilling game.
Zombie Tycoon 2: Brainhov’s Revenge (PS3 and PS Vita – Cross-Buy and Cross-Play)
PSN Price: $9.99 Free for PS Plus members
Pick your side in the epic war between two evil masterminds: apprentice-gone-rogue Orville Tycoon and his army of heavy-duty zombies, or his vengeance-thirsty mentor Professor Brainhov and his frantic masses of agile undead! Post Z-day, Tycoon’s mad machination to extinguish all life in Finkleville has almost reached its apogee. During the final siege on the human fortress, his former mentor makes a sudden comeback, seeking retribution for his apprentice’s betrayal and eager to reclaim his rightful place as alpha mad scientist. Only one question remains: who shall win? Slow zombies, or fast zombies? Find out as undead armies clash in both the immersive single player campaign and the competitive multiplayer mode!
Leaving PS Plus In April
April 2nd – Spec Ops: the Line
April 9th – Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition
April 16th – Anomaly: Warzone Earth
April 23rd – Mega Man Maverick Hunter X
April 30th – Disgaea 3 Absence of Detention
Entering PS Plus in April (in no particular order)
Demon’s Souls (PS3)
Malicious (PS3)
Labyrinth Legends (PS3)
SOULCALIBUR: Broken Destiny (PSP, Supported on PS Vita)
Zombie Tycoon 2 (PS3 and PS Vita – Cross-Buy)
April 2nd PlayStation Plus Update
Demon’s Souls
PSN Price: $19.99, Free for PS Plus members
Beautiful, compelling, and unforgiving, Demon’s Souls is the ultimate hardcore RPG experience. Revolutionary online features support your adventure like never before, presenting seamless interconnectivity that serves in every instance to enhance the single-player game. Leave hints and clues for those who will follow in your footsteps either intentionally or through your own inadvertent demise, your bloodstains will allow your successors to view a replay of your death, hinting at how to avoid your gruesome fate. It’s an in-depth action RPG that offers hundreds of hours of gameplay. If you can tackle the learning curve, you’ll find one of the most ridiculously rewarding games of the generation.
The Walking Dead Sale (PS3)
Various Discounts
Telltale’s The Walking Dead redefined how we think about video games. Recipient of several Game of the Year 2013 awards, if for some reason you haven’t had a chance to experience this unique story within The Walking Dead universe, now is a fine time to check it out. You can get the entire first season, episodes 1 through 5, through the Season Pass, or fill in what you have left by picking up each of the episodes individually.
The Walking Dead Season Pass (Regular Price: $19.99; PSN Sale Price: $14.99; PS Plus Price: $10.49
The Walking Dead Individual Episodes 2 – 5 (Regular Price: $4.99; PSN Sale Price: $3.99; PS Plus Price: $2.99
Rainbow Moon Sale (PS3)
Various Discounts
Rainbow Moon, the indie-developed Strategy RPG filled with exploration, tactical turn-based battles, six memorable characters, is now on sale with extra discounts for PS Plus members. Find the core game, a premium bundle, as well as the soundtrack, all on sale.
Rainbow Moon (Regular Price: $14.99; PSN Sale Price: $9.99; PS Plus Price: $7.99)
Rainbow Moon Premium Bundle (Regular Price: $18.99; PSN Sale Price: $10.99; PS Plus Price: $8.79)
Rainbow Moon Melodies (Regular Price: $4.99; PSN Sale Price: $1.99; PS Plus Price: $1.59)
Söldner-X Sale (PS3)
Various Discounts
The Söldner-X series combines 2D gameplay with white-knuckled action, fantastic level design, and beautiful HD environments to bring a truly unique shmup (short for shoot em’ up for the uninitiated). Both Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer and Söldner-X2: Final Prototype are on sale, as well as bundled editions with extra content, and individual add-ons.
Söldner-X2: Final Prototype and Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer Bundle (Regular Price: $14.99; PSN Sale Price: $7.99; PS Plus Price: $6.39
Söldner-X2: Final Prototype (Regular Price: $9.99; PSN Sale Price: $4.99; PS Plus Price: $3.99)
Söldner-X2: Final Prototype Complete Bundle (Regular Price: $12.99; PSN Sale Price: $6.99; PS Plus Price: $5.59)
Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer (Regular Price: $7.99; PSN Sale Price: $3.99; PS Plus Price: $3.19)
Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer Soundtrack (Regular Price: $3.99; PSN Sale Price: $1.99; PS Plus Price: $1.59)
Söldner-X2: Final Prototype Soundtrack (Regular Price: 4.99; PSN Sale Price: $1.99; PS Plus Price: $1.59)
Remember, check back every Monday to learn when Malicious (PS3), Zombie Tycoon 2 (PS Vita and PS3), Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny (PS Vita and PSP), and Labyrinth Legends (PS3) are arriving to PS Plus members. You’ll also find more discounts and other exclusives that we weren’t able to detail here just yet. Remember the month preview is subject to change.
Thanks for reading this week’s update. You’ll find all the content detailed above with their Plus benefits active when PlayStation Store updates on April 2nd. Got more questions about Plus? Leave your comments below, or, if you’re looking to engage with more of the PS community, head over to the PlayStation Community Forums to discuss this week’s news more, find other topics to contribute your thoughts to, or start one for yourself. See you in the comments! (oh, and no there are not any April Fool’s jokes in this post; I tried!)
Wow. Easily the worst month since I joined up. I don’t even wanna check to see what EU got this month. A couple of free avatars beats this content. US Plus for the love of god please find a new bus driver. Whoever is in charge right now just doesn’t get it.
Thank you Sony for the most pitiful update I have ever seen. One retail game for both PS3 and Vita for the whole month. Not to mention both are several years old and I am sure most of us have played them before. I thought March was pretty lame but this one gives new meaning to being lame. My PS + account will be expiring soon and you guys have not given me a reason to want to renew. Pitiful absolutely pitiful. Maybe someone from Sony would care to explain why Europe’s PS+ updates are soo much better then ours? Could someone, anyone please tell me why our updates are not evenly remotely as good as Europe’s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Demon’s souls? awesome…I’ve been told that game’s fantastic, albeit sadistically hard, can’t be any worse than Ninja Gaiden. The other offerings seem good, despite not being a fighter fan really, won’t mind Soul Calibur, and I look forward to trying the other three games. I was hoping for Sleeping Dogs since it was on sale last week, maybe in May ^^;
I posted before seeing the other additions. AWESOME. Zombie Tycoon looks super cool. Malicious, not sure at the heck it is but I’m playing it. Labyrinth Legends I almost bought on day 1. Glad I held out. This is why I love the PS+. :D Glad we didn’t get LOTR War in the North. That game is pretty abysmal at best.
Wow. Easily the worst month since I joined up. I don’t even wanna check to see what EU got this month. A couple of free avatars beats this content. US Plus for the love of god please find a new bus driver. Whoever is in charge right now just doesn’t get it. No more PSP games and no more games that have been in bargain bins for almost half a decade please.
yeah. pretty disappointing. Zombie Tycoon 2 is the only thing I will even bother downloading, but I never even heard of it until now. I guess its for the best. Only had my Vita 5 weeks and I have way too much to play. This will give me time to catch up. Same with PS3. I still have to beat Ninja Gaiden to make room for Disgea 3 and started Xenogears last night. I have PLENTY to play.
Actually, I’m pretty happy with the Vita update. Ya been asking for JRPGS and ya got one, I could care less about those. But I’ll take that Soul Calibur Thank You very much :) Not a fan of Mortal Kombat in any 3D form and yes I bought the Vita game, but Fatlities are not the same as they used to be back in the 2D days. They look better back then. So, I sold that back and prefer to get any other Fighting Game besides that one. Maybe it’s just me but I haven’t even beaten all the games I got for Vita on Plus or the PS3s for that Matter. Oh btw that Labyrinth game looks extremely similar to Zelda.
@65 God I hope so. Absolutely terrible update. Pretty sad when the only thing Plus members have to get excited about is discounts on worthwhile games, these freebies are garbage.
I’d have preferred less fighting games. Why not Ace Combat: Joint Assault instead of Soul Calibur? Also isn’t Demon’s Soul’s online off? Waiting for Unit 13 on IGC.
All you dumb EU whiners, go and pay for EU PS+ then. I did. On top of 3 years of PS+ on my normal US account. More games for me, more crying for all of you.
Bought Demon’s souls over 2 years ago. Already got The Walking Dead, the rest are crap. Another month, another let down. PS+ just isn’t worth it in NA. EU gets better deals in a single month than we do in a 3 month period.
Now I’m really glad I renewed my PS+ sub. For a while there, I wasn’t too excited about anything. But these last 2 months have been great. Now I’m crawling back for more. Really looking forward to trying Demon’s Souls – I’ve been wary of it because people either love it or hate it. For that reason, it’s perfect for PS Plus. If I don’t like it, at least I can say I gave it a try. PS Plus has really expanded my gaming “palate”, if you will.
And for those that are giving specific reasons why they’re not feelin’ it; thanks! It is definitely being noted and the feedback is always appreciated.
Demons Soul’s really, :( what a snoozer. I really like RPGs and this is one of the least fun ones I have ever played. Zombie Tycoon 2 is the only thing that keeps this month from being a complete bust. Trust me Vita peeps – that is going to be one good game. Had planed on a day one purchase of it, so that is a win. I like the PSP games thrown in there – but please no more fighting games, There are dozens of great RPGs on PSP we could be getting and we get Demon Souls for PS3 – BOO. I have friends that love that game – I gave it 5 hours and thought it was awful – not my thing, my friends told me, it doesn’t get good till 30 to 40 hours in – I’ll pass. Way to mail it in. Just when I thought things were getting better, a decent month (Vanquish) followed by a great month (Spec Ops the Line), we get the worst full game in a long time.
Severely disappointed, this has to be the worst update that I have seen since I have been a PSN plus member…and will be one of the main reasons why I will not renew. Looks like Sony is already devoting more money and resources to the ps4 even before the release.
PSN plus will only get worse as time goes on if this month is a sign of things to come….
…and the only full game this month is from 2009. Truly disappointed!!!!!!!!
well considering how bad this month is. which should i get for vita sly cooper or sonic all star racing…. that’s what im down to. by may i won’t even touch my vita at the rate of new games coming out
i bet half of you guys arent going to like demon souls,ive played dark souls before and its really hard and some people say demon souls is even harder im sure some of you guys wont enjoy it because of the difficulty
I’m usually pretty happy with these updates, but I agree the Vita offerings are pretty poor this month. Two months in a row with a PSP fighting game for Vita? Seriously, you guys should take a long break before giving out anymore fighting games on PS Plus. Even if there are a lot of fighting game fans out there, they’ve been given so many free games that they couldn’t complain for 6 months or a year. But for casual or non-fighting game fans, how can you expect us to get good at any of these games if we get a new one each month? The most I end up playing them is for 20 minutes just to check them out, but that’s not long enough to learn any of the moves. I just can’t get interested in them when I have so many to choose from.
Other than that, I’m happy with Demons’ Souls and Spec Ops last month. Hope to see a little more variety that’s all!
Great update, Interested in Demon Souls and psyched for Zombie Tycoon. I’m pretty much all set with psp games though, too big of a backlog and also me likeyyyyyyyyyy trophies (whore)
so many psvita games and you guys decided to add Zombie Tycoon 2? let me see ModNation Racers Road Trip, Rayman Origns, Resistance Retribution, Unit 13, Little Deviants, Dokuro, Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath HD, When Vikings Attack are far better offerings than Zombie Tycoon2.
Fantastic update! I’ve always been interested in the Dark Souls/Demon Souls games but never made the time to play them. And seeing how there are very few good games coming out over the next few months I’ll be sure to check this out.
Great update already beat demons souls but didn’t get the platinum so here I go for round two. Malicious looks epic and was going to buy it a couple times happy I waited :D
I dumped over 200 hours into Dark Souls. When Demon Souls was released onto the PS Store I nabbed it up on day one. I think Dark Souls was harder personally. Maybe because I played that one first. Demon’s Souls has kicked me in the teeth a bit. Haven’t been able to play it as much as it deserves thanks to the influx of games on my ps3 atm. Freaking Xcom and Terraria have consumed me lately. Only a few more trophies in Xcom to get the plat. Ironman Impossible here I come!
I don’t own a PS3, so, nothing for me this week (great game though).
SoulCalibur? I not a fan of fighting games, but is way better than Tekken 6, IMO. And thanks for the PSP games, I hope we get one every month! ^^
About Zombie Tycoon 2. THANKS, since Frima Studio announced it I decided to buy it day 1, and you’re saying you’ll give me, for free? Yay! =)
Suggestion: why not add an option to the poll: I don’t own a PS3 (or PS Vita), so nothing for me this week?
I DARE YOU PEOPLE TO START COMPLAINING!!! LOL ….oh wait i guess some people complain no matter what lol I mean Demon Souls and Soul Caliber PSP heck yeah!
I have Demon’s souls platinum trophy, so nothing great for me this month.
If havent played it, JUST DO IT, this game is excellent, go and feel how this game kicks your arse.
EU wins again! Flawless Victory, ¬¬
Wow. Easily the worst month since I joined up. I don’t even wanna check to see what EU got this month. A couple of free avatars beats this content. US Plus for the love of god please find a new bus driver. Whoever is in charge right now just doesn’t get it.
I own most of this stuff so all I’m looking forward to is DEFIANCE tomorrow!!!!
Thank you Sony for the most pitiful update I have ever seen. One retail game for both PS3 and Vita for the whole month. Not to mention both are several years old and I am sure most of us have played them before. I thought March was pretty lame but this one gives new meaning to being lame. My PS + account will be expiring soon and you guys have not given me a reason to want to renew. Pitiful absolutely pitiful. Maybe someone from Sony would care to explain why Europe’s PS+ updates are soo much better then ours? Could someone, anyone please tell me why our updates are not evenly remotely as good as Europe’s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Demon souls , yeah wanted to try this game thanks ♥
Demon’s souls? awesome…I’ve been told that game’s fantastic, albeit sadistically hard, can’t be any worse than Ninja Gaiden. The other offerings seem good, despite not being a fighter fan really, won’t mind Soul Calibur, and I look forward to trying the other three games. I was hoping for Sleeping Dogs since it was on sale last week, maybe in May ^^;’s….it’s harder than Ninja Gaiden.