Indie Hit Spelunky Comes to PSN This Summer

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Indie Hit Spelunky Comes to PSN This Summer

Spelunky on PSN

Oh man, this is exciting! It’s with great pleasure that I can announce the upcoming arrival of Spelunky on PS3 and PS Vita. I know that we’re not the first indie title to be announced this year for these platforms, but the Spelunky team is happy to be part of this wave of indie goodness.

If you’ve never heard of Spelunky, it’s a platformer with randomly-generated levels, making each playthrough a unique experience. The game is hard, but it’s rarely unfair, and when you die it’s usually in a hilarious way that involves some kind of ridiculous chain reaction. The difficulty and the randomization work together to give determined players a very rewarding experience – it’s common for people to persevere through thousands of deaths to beat Spelunky and uncover its most notorious treasure and secrets.

Spelunky on PSN

I think this quote from one of the 2012 Independent Games Festival judges captures the spirit of the game well:

“Spelunky looks like a game of execution, but it’s really a game about information and decision-making. How good are you at looking at a situation and understanding what it means? You can’t memorize, and you can’t take time to carefully analyze, you must rely on your literacy of the system, and this is a kind of holistic knowledge that feels great in my brain, a wonderful new flavor for a single-player game, and a deeply promising direction for further exploration.”

Spelunky had the honor of winning IGF’s Excellence in Design Award that year, as well as a number of Game of the Year awards (including Gamespot’s Platformer of the Year).

I’m particularly thrilled for Spelunky to be coming to PS Vita. Given that runs of Spelunky generally last anywhere from a few seconds to a half an hour, I think it’s the perfect game for a portable system. We’re going to work closely with the team porting the game to make sure that it makes good use of PS Vita’s capabilities and lives up to the expectations set by that statement.

When I designed Spelunky, I wanted to give people a dense, rewarding experience that wouldn’t condescend them or get old. We can’t wait to bring that experience to you guys and gals on PS3 and PS Vita. See you there soon!

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