The UNCHARTED 3 Multiplayer Free-to-Play launched a few weeks ago and we’ve seen a healthy uplift to our community, to the tune of over three hundred and fifty thousand downloads of the Free-to-Play client to date globally. We’re very excited to see our community grow, and we’re stoked to keep expanding the world of UNCHARTED to as many people as possible.
To keep that momentum going, as promised, we’re making new DLC available for purchase every month until June 2013. This month we’re recognizing Extraterrestrial Abductions Day – or a day around it anyway – by unveiling our Oddball themed character parts for your UNCHARTED 3 Multiplayer characters. Why Oddball? Well, these character parts defy classification as they don’t quite fit among the numerous other parts we’ll have coming out over the next few months, and Extraterrestrial Abductions Day is a bit of an odd holiday anyway. Here’s a glimpse at some of the Oddball parts available now:
There are many other Oddball parts available for purchase as well. Check out the in-game store or the PlayStation Store after PSN updates today to see what’s available.
Our Oddball theme means that new Tournament rewards can be earned. You can earn the Gas Mask Gun and Gas Mask Shirt as Tournament rewards. If you hit the gold tier you can earn the rare British Guard Hat for Cutter as well as Raptor Mask for Drake and Dive Helmet for Talbot by achieving Platinum status. Use your tickets to enter into the weekly Tournament and unlock these items as a testament to your skills.
A full rundown of everything that’s available with our Oddball theme is over on our UNCHARTED 3 Multiplayer Free-to-Play page. We’ll have a bundle of all Oddball parts with an exclusive bonus item available for purchase in early April. Check it out and be sure to read our UNCHARTED 3 Multiplayer Free-to-Play FAQ for answers to most of your questions about the newly available UNCHARTED 3 Multiplayer Free-to-Play.
Log in and let’s all get a little odd! See you online!
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