With Spring on the horizon, we figured it might be time to test a new format of delivering your PS Plus updates. This month, we’re providing an outlook of the major stuff hitting the Instant Game Collection in March with this update, but you’ll still want to check the weekly posts to see the discounts and any other freebies available to you as a PS Plus member.
To kick things off, the following games, displayed in no particular order, will be added to the Instant Game Collection throughout March!
March Preview

Spec Ops: The Line
PSN Price: $39.99, Free for PS Plus members

Joe Danger 2: The Movie (PS3)
PSN Price: $14.99, Free for PS Plus members

Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention (PS Vita)
PSN Price: $39.99, Free for PS Plus members

The Cave (PS3)
PSN Price: $14.99, Free for PS Plus members

Tekken 6 (PSP; Supported on PS Vita)
PSN Price: $39.99, Free for PS Plus members

We hope you’re as excited as we are to see Joe Danger 2: The Movie (PS3), Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention (PS Vita), Tekken 6 (PSP; Supported on PS Vita), and The Cave (PS3) which will be arriving throughout the month of March!
Leaving PS Plus In March
- March 5th – Guardians of Middle Earth
- March 12th – Quantum Conundrum
- March 19th – Dungeon Defenders
- March 19th – Foosball 2012 PS Vita
- March 26th – Plants Vs Zombies
Entering PS Plus in March (in no particular order)
- Spec Ops: The Line (PS3)
- Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention (PS Vita)
- Joe Danger 2: The Movie (PS3)
- Tekken 6 (PSP; Supported on PS Vita)
- The Cave (PS3)
March 5th Plus Update
For the week at hand, please welcome the critically acclaimed Spec Ops: The Line to the Instant Game Collection; meaning it’s free for PS Plus members to download starting with the March 5th PS Store update. We’ve also got week 2 of the PS Vita Anniversary Sale with a bevy of discounts on fantastic PS Vita games, with even deeper discounts if you’re a PS Plus member.
Spec Ops: The Line
PSN Price: $39.99, Free for PS Plus members

PS Vita Anniversary Sale Week 2
Various Discounts

Game Title | Normal Price | Sale Price | Plus Price |
Army Corps Of Hell | $39.99 | $27.99 | $19.59 |
Big Sky: Infinity (Cross Buy) | $9.99 | $6.99 | $4.89 |
Blazblue: Continuum Shift Extend | $24.99 | $17.49 | $12.24 |
Dokuro | $19.99 | $9.99 | $6.99 |
Dynasty Warriors Next | $34.99 | $24.49 | $17.14 |
Knytt Underground (Cross Buy) | $14.99 | $10.49 | $7.34 |
Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes | $39.99 | $27.99 | $19.59 |
Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 | $19.99 | $13.99 | $9.79 |
Lego Lord Of The Rings | $39.99 | $27.99 | $19.59 |
Orgarhythm | $19.99 | $13.99 | $9.79 |
Pure Chess | $7.99 | $5.49 | $3.84 |
Retro City Rampage (Cross Buy) | $14.99 | $10.49 | $7.34 |
Sine Mora | $9.99 | $6.99 | $4.89 |
Spy Hunter | $34.99 | $24.99 | $17.49 |
Street Fighter X Tekken PS Vita | $39.99 | $27.99 | $19.59 |
Sumioni: Demon Arts | $14.99 | $10.49 | $7.34 |
Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 PS Vita | $39.99 | $27.99 | $19.59 |
BIT.TRIP Presents Runner2 Future Legend Of Rhythm Alien
20% Discount for PS Plus Members – PSN Price: $14.99, PS Plus Price: $11.99

Remember, check back every Monday to learn when Joe Danger 2: The Movie (PS3), Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention (PS Vita), Tekken 6 (PSP; Supported on PS Vita), and The Cave (PS3) are arriving to PS Plus members. You’ll also find more discounts and other exclusives that we weren’t able to detail here just yet. Remember the month preview is subject to change.
Leave us some comments on the new format, and of course, chime in with your thoughts on Spec Ops: The Line, the PS Vita Anniversary Sale, and any other PS Plus feedback you’ve got. If you’re looking to engage with more of the PS Plus community, we’ve also got the PS Plus section in the PlayStation Community Forums where you can continue chatting about PS Plus, or find other topics to contribute your thoughts to, or start one for yourself. See you in the comments!
PLUS you are the best product in video games far…far away…AMAZING Thanks…..Now I’m ready for PS4.
I’ve already played and beaten Spec Ops and Disgaea but those are great games. Hope everyone else enjoys
Not into shooters but oh wow…the rest is all amazing! Best VITA week ever!!!
Is that price on Dokuro correct? Please tell me it is!!!
Just wanted to know that I’m shocked.Great update guys! Thanks for all this great sttuff and disccounts :)
A great update, no dobout.Thank you!
Thank you!! seems like a solid month update and even better with other things to come!
@Morgan, any chance we get a discount on dark souls dlc?
I love you plus!
PS+ does what Xbox Live don’t!
@257 Agreed. Xbox Live is mostly for online play, discounts and access to all the apps.
What a terrific update! all good games that I really want to play. This is trully an outstanding service for gamers.
FINE I’ll resubscribe . So pushy .
This is my first time posting here.
While I’ve never complained or felt I wasn’t getting my money’s worth with PS+ (renewed just the other day), this is really a fantastic update.
As others have said, the monthly view is a really good idea because:
a) now I’m less hesitant to buy something from the store, knowing that it won’t possibly be free the next week.
b) knowing there’ll be at least 1 or 2 really good games being offered that month feels much better then getting hyped up every week and possibly being disappointed.
I’d also like to echo other’s sentiments about other genres (like RPGs) for the ICG. Fighters and shooters aren’t really my thing.
Lastly, I’m REALLY tempted to buy a Vita now! Uncharted, Gravity Rush, Jet Grind Radio, Ninja Gaiden and soon Disgaea 3 are waiting for me to try. PS+ really provides a great value. Just the price of the memory cards are holding me back.
Anyways keep up the great work Morgan!
Is there any better pay service for games out there? I think not. Fantastic job all involved.
I’m very happy to see what free games are coming for the month so I can better plan what games to buy.
I Really like the games this month. I don’t care for Spec Ops but all the rest of the games I like, Especially Disgaea and The Cave.
The sale is great too. I’ll definitely be picking up SFxT and maybe Dynasty Warriors Next( I would defiantly buy it if space wasn’t such a premium on my stupid over priced memory card). I’m interested in Dokuro too but I have so many other games to play I might just wait for it to come to Plus for free.
I would just like to add my two cents and hope for a RPG game. I hope MGS Collection comes our way sometime soon. I never have played those (I just got a PS3 this past holiday) and would love to try them. But I agree you guys should mix up the genres. I like shooters, but wouldn’t mind getting a good RPG or even a racing game. I’m not a racing game fan, but if I could get one for free it would be fun to try one out.
Wow, good stuff.
The Cave is good.. Nice to get another Full Game on the way so soon.
Discounts also look tempting…
Ill complain,
500Gb just isn’t enough space for free PS Plus games anymore lol
Great update!
Last I checked, Jetpack Joyride is still free for PS3 & Vita. Not cross buy however.
Love the update.
Do you think we’ll ever see cloud storage of PS1 data? I’ve loaded up on Final Fantasies and now Wild Arms is incoming. It would be great to enjoy cross-save between Vita and PS3 for games like this.
@265 Someone put a 1TB in their PS3.
@268 Sly Cooper: Thieves In Time does have cross save, not sure about the other games out there.
Spec Ops: The Line, Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention, and The Cave are very great.
Joe Danger 2: The Movie and Tekken 6 are SO BAD, because:
1) Tekken 6 doesn’t have trophies! There are a lot of better fighting games for PlayStation Vita that you can offer, and they support trophies.
2) Joe Danger 2: The Movie has been offered in EU PlayStation Plus. If you want to give a Joe Danger game, then give us Joe Danger 1, not Joe Danger 2: The Movie.
Plants vs. Zombies, NBA Jam: On Fire Edition, NFL Blitz, and Foosball are better than Tekken 6 and Joe Danger 2: The Movie.
This is a good update, although Tekken 6 and Joe Danger 2: The Movie are not.
I have a question, please.
– Have you talked with NISA to offer Hyperdimension Neptunia or Hyperdimension Neptunia MK2 free on PlayStation Plus as an advertisement for the new game that is going to be released this month, Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory? Because there are no new games that are going to be released soon for Disgaea (since they offered Disgaea 3).
Thank you very much for this update.
Nice! Wanted to try Spec Ops, but never got around to purchasing it, and Disgaea 3 is a fun game, once you figure out how to play. Purchased the Walking Dead from the discount last week and I’m glad I did; so far it does not disappoint!
Wow. Honestly terrible
Yes this packs with a lot of content but this content is literally Years old.. I’m not asking for 2013 games etc just games that actually SOLD in the past these games are awful besides Tekken.
Glad my Subscription is ending soon never renewing this service again just a huge waste of money this entire 3 months I’ve had it.
Awesome update! Can’t wait to play Disgaea 3 on my Vita.
The ball is in our court now…please tell everybody to join PS+ … Let Morgan and co. know, we really appreciate this
Hi, I just want to know if i buy the new Plus plan(15 months), will it add these months to my existing plan or will it start from when i bought this new plan?, thanks.
Can you tell me about the rumor of the new Vita with HDMI supported?
I’m excited for Spec Ops!
I really hope Resistance: Burning Skies goes on sale for the Vita sales next week.
1) Tekken 6 doesn’t have trophies as it came out before trophies were added starting Summer 2008 or so.
Trophis were made mandatory in 2009.
2) No.
Ironically, users complain about EU Plus getting better updates.
@276 It should add them on.
THANK YOU for the format change. It is much appreciated.
Hopefully the long-view will work to show how great the service is.
I am weeks away from the end of my sub and this has helped me decide to renew.
I don’t recall how they did on the genre poll, but what’s the odds of us ever getting a race game in PS+?
Ah come one morgan! No sale on Rayman or Lumines for vita…. Maybe next week? Please?
amazing, a healthy list for both PS3 and PS vita users, i don’t and probably will never get a vita, but spec ops the line is worth the subscription
I have an somewhat off top question though, I bought a year of PSN+ 2 days ago from the store on the ps3, it was 49.99
if I spend another penny or more, do I still get $10 for spending $50 in march?
Amazing Update
I definetly prefer the monthly update feature but itd be nice if we could be notified when during the month we can expect the rest of the titles ^^
Just bought a Wii U yesterday and it looks like I wont be as glued to it as I thought ^^
This is a pretty good PS+ Update, best I’ve seen honestly in a long time, pretty excited for Terraria coming this month as well. :)
@ The_Dukenator
Actually, TEKKEN 6 did support trophies for the PS3 version & PSP at that time just didn’t have trophy features. Still don’t agree that it’s a bad game. TEKKEN’s been with sony since PsOne & has one of the largest character roster in fighting games.
@284 See reply to #48
Was literally going to buy spec ops a couple of days ago. This update is amazing, looks like it’ll be monthly outlooks from now on.
A Morgan, how about those PS4 videos ..or the whole conference? I need to see kill zone in teneightyP XP
Hot update! Looking forward to playing Spec Ops, been wanting to jump into that.
Hey Morgan! I have 1 question here: Are last week’s games from the Ps vita Anniversary gonna be removed tomorrow? or they gonna stay till the 12th?
When the games leave Plus, do I have to buy them? >.>
Well I don´t know for sure what is about Spec P´s but I will try it!! And The Cave, wooo that´s awesome!!
But why Tekken6 was not for PS3!?!?
Awesome update as always. I’m usually pretty satisfied with what we get every week but this is definitely what I would like to see. The monthly outlook really gives me something to look forward to and the content is superb. And this is perfect because I had just wrapped up The Walking Dead yesterday, which I had gotten at a dirt cheap price from the Gamer’s Choice Awards sale, (phenomenal title btw) and went ahead and started on Vanquish, but looks like its going to have to wait because Spec Ops is a game that has been on my radar for a while, but I was never really sure if I was going to be able to get it. But really happy that we are getting it tomorrow and I am happy for The Cave too as that is another one that I have been looking at. Great update and I cannot wait to see what you guys have in store for us in the future!
P.S: Morgan, you did a great job on the blogcast even though you did say “uhhh” literally before every sentence. xD I think they should actually do a new monthly segment like that where you give us a sneak peek of whats coming soon to PlayStation Plus. But anyway, great job, and I hope to see you and Kristine on there more often. :)
I think today’s the last day for the first batch of Vita sales. Don said it on his Vita sales post.
Really pleased with this one, newly converted to Sony, a little late to the party, but damn PS+ is the best subscription ever.
Thanks for the great update
Sure makes me feel better about joining back up for plus this last week and now it’s time I get a Vita soon.
Thanks again
@287 Hmm. Wikipedia has a list of games with trophies. I’ve played a few that didn’t have trophies at all.
Burnout Paradise didn’t have trophy support originally, but it had in game rewards (which some became actual trophies). If you unlocked the in game rewards before the trophy update existed, you had to start over to unlock the actual trophies.
i was expecting more something like god of war 1 HD, spec ops is bad game….