Last week, we honored the PlayStation Vita system’s one year anniversary by giving you—our awesome fans—great discounts on some of our top games. There is still one more day to pick up the first batch of sales titles, so don’t miss your chance to grab award-winning games like Escape Plan, Sound Shapes, and PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale at a big discount.
Launching PS Vita has been a fun journey for us so far, and we’re excited about the many new things we have in store for you this year, including immersive and unique games like Killzone: Mercenary and Tearaway. In addition, we’ll be bringing you new ways to interact with your friends as seen in our recently announced Friend Network.
To continue the celebration this week, we’re pleased to offer a special gift for PS Vita owners—by giving away four classic games for free exclusively in the PlayStation Vita Store! In addition, you’ll also find a brand new set of downloadable PS Vita games on sale at a great discount. The promotion starts tomorrow and runs through March 11th.
Here are the free games we’re giving away for PS Vita:
- Wild Arms (PS one Classic)
- Patapon (PSP)
- Piyotama (PSP)
- Patchwork Heroes (PSP)
Here are the PS Vita games that are on sale for a 30% discount. If you’re a PlayStation Plus member, you’ll get 50% off:
- Army Corps of Hell
- Big Sky: Infinity
- BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend
- Dokuro
- Knytt Underground
- LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
- LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes French
- LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7
- LEGO Lord of the Rings
- Orgarhythm
- Pure Chess
- Retro City Rampage
- Sine Mora (with Trial)
- Spy Hunter
- Street Fighter X Tekken
- Sumioni: Demon Arts
- Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
We also added a few more games to the sale, with the following discounts as noted:
- FIFA Soccer 13 (30% off)
- Madden NFL 13 (30% off)
- Oddworld Strangers Wrath (25% off) (New patch details here)
Also, we want to remind you that the March savings promotion is still going on this week, where you can get $10 back for every $50 you spend using your SEN Wallet! So be sure to take advantage of the PS Vita anniversary sale and the March savings promotion while you can by heading over to PS Store!
What’s your favorite PS Vita game so far? Again, we want to thank you for being a part of the PS Vita community, and we can’t wait to share more about the exciting things in store for 2013.
I wonder if we’ll ever get a discount on monster hunter freedom unite
@ akibake I know how you feel…
Guess I won’t be subscribing to PS+ anymore… seeing today is the last day of the promo and PSN is DOWN. WTF Sony?
@53 Calm down man, Maintenance will be done in 9 hours, enough time to get your subscription paid for.
I which you guys would put littlebigplanet on sale ,i have only 19$ left on my wallet and waiting for lbp price drop or discount :).
@53 as well.
You sure you wanna miss out on the Free PS+ content for this month?
@55 MhsVita wait Morgan says there are more discounts coming he just can’t say what. I expect it to be up there eventually, it seems like everything will be discounted soon.
This is great! Celebrate VITA’s first year.. by giving away free PSP? games :D … Mmm kinda confused there, but appreciate the free games. Hopefully later this month you can give away an actual Vita game. :)
@57 dodgedoors i already purchased unit13 and Playstation All-stars from the discount ,but like i said the game that i would like to play mostly is LBP i hop they would put it on sale as you said :) ,because getting Funds in my Wallet is not easy for me cause we dont have International Visa Cards in my country ,so i get Psn Cards of 50$ for 59$ .and i already spent 50$ on ps+.
great list, i’ll be getting some for the vita. i wish Katamari was on the list Though
Nice sale and the free game are a SUPER pleasant surprise. I already have Patapon but It so fantastic I still happy because everyone else will get the chance to play it. And of course I’ll happily try the rest of the game myself.
Hey Sony, Here is an idea! Make hardware accesories available for sale on the playstation store or some type of discount voucher to redeem them on the sony online store. And lets start with the 32GB Memory cards! Make it exclusively for Playstation Plus subscribers! Trust me, it will be a hit for you and for all the digital downloaders.
PLUS you are the best product in video games far…far away…AMAZING Thanks….
awesome sale this week SONY can’t to pick up the sale…. hope there is a week 3 for this looking forward to it.
can’t wait i mean* lol
These free games are cool, love being a PS Plus member!!!!!!!!
@ 53, you can buy plus via your web browser here https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com
Playstation has been making good decisions on behalf of gamers time and time again. Plus continues to impress with the weekly updates on cheaper games and freebies…I’ve been on Xbox live since the beginning and have yet to receive a first party exclusive for free. There is absolutely no incentive to choose Xbox ever since bungie went multiplatform and gears got shopped out to people can fly.
Sony, keep up the amazing work in establishing a strong and properly supported community. Also congrats on the strong presentation of the ps4, I couldn’t be more excited for a platform that actually attracts Devs and ultimately means better games in our hands in the future.
Ps. Morgan your doin a great job with the community! Morgan pwns major Nelson!
W00T! LOL, something told me don’t pick up Sumioni yet (I was heavily comtemplating it last week after getting that credit from Sony)! So glad I waited; plus I might just have to pick up BlazBlue (always wanted to get that on my Vita). I can’t say I’m mad for Knytt going on sale a little bit lesser than last week, considering I did get it for 40% off w/ PS3 cross-buy benefit (so it’s like I got 2 games for 1).
Not too shabby of Vita sale, Sony. Not bad at all. Definitely better, for me, than last week (I *reaally* was hoping for Sumioni to be included in this sale). Of course…..now it seems to have dawned on me even more that reaally need another memory card. 0_o
Hey yo’ Sony, can we get a special ‘anniversary sale’ on memory cards, too? Just thought I’d ask….
YEEESSS! Wild Arms and Patchwork Heroes!
I’ll buy BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend and Dokuro.
Last week got Escape Plan, Hustle Kings and Super Stardust Delta.
Playstation, you’re really spoiling me! I love you. March looks excellent for Plus, and with I’m gonna have a lot to play with these free games, or at least Wild Arms.
Oh no! I want to see Virtua Tennis 4 and Need for Speed Most Wanted on sale (maybe Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed).
I’m basically playing PSP games (Killzone Liberation, LittleBigPLanet, GTA Liberty City Stories and Tactics Ogre) and PS Mobile games (Lemmings and Aqua kitty) on my Vita. The only Vita games that I own are CoD Black Ops Declassified and PS All Stars Battle Royale (but I didn’t even downloaded this last one).
any news on phantasy star online 2 NA/EU
Well, I just bought $100.00 worth of PSN cards last week. Looks I will be doing the same this week. :D
dammit i need a larger memory card >.>
Great work from SCEA this time around with the sales,might put more $$$ out this week lol *-*
Wild A.R.M.S.
Whoever decided to give that game for free, I LOVE YOU!
For those who loves the game, thumbs up!
For those who never played it, play it!
Oh, and great sales titles by the way.
How Much Hours Left To Get Psn Online Again
Both of my Vitas thank you for another week of discounts… my backlog of Vita games keeps expanding!!!
I do have a question though… has there been effort to expand the amount of “bubbles” past 100?
I personally buy a lot of retail games and with all the discounts and psn network games, that 100 limit is quickly approaching. It would be a shame to have to keep buying more memory cards for the “bubble” allotment and not actual memory usage.
Just to clarify, the 4 free Vita gifts will only be available on the Vita’s Store, and not the Online PS Store on PC?
I won’t have access to my Vita for another 2 weeks so it would be a shame if I couldn’t access these free gifts, even though I’ve had a Vita since last year :*(
Holy Cow! It is awesome to see the love that Vita is getting! Thanks for the free games and the great discounts! Picked up the Vita on day one and it has become my go-to console, such an amazing piece of hardware! I just hope that Sony is true to their word this time with the promise of remote play for all games on the PS4!
@icecoldkilla44 Do You Have ram 16gb or 8 or 4 any amount of size if you have go to someone who had a ps vita and open your Account There and Download Whatever You Want Then give the vita back and when you have your vita Just Redownload Them
@ Squirtbot,
If you read the reply that Morgan put on your prior post on another thread it says that it is good until the store updates tomorrow. They do not put that information in as it is a random time the store updates.
One more thing, please give us some way of organizing our games, apps, etc. into folders or something. Every time I get a new game or app, I have to delete something.
We are working on a solution. Stay tuned.