Prep your Fulton Recovery Devices and dust off your Love Box! Today we’re confirming that the critically acclaimed PlayStation Portable version of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker will be available on PS Vita as a PlayStation Store download later today!
Step into the shoes of the legendary Big Boss and infiltrate the lush forests of Costa Rica, recruit soldiers and construct your own Mother Base as you lay the groundwork for your band of Militaires Sans Frontières (Soldiers Without Borders).
Or work together with other players in special, four-player CO-OPS (Cooperative-OPerationS), and six-player competitive matches using the PS Vita’s Ad Hoc capabilities in this title originally released for the PSP in April 2010. (Note: Transfarring functionality not available in this version of the game.)
Will you be picking up Peace Walker today? Let us know in the comments and share your favorite Peace Walker moments on our official Metal Gear Solid Facebook Page.
Portable Ops, Portable Ops+ and AC!D and AC!D 2 PLEASE!!!!!
MGS: The Twin Snakes HD for Vita, please
Honestly guys I think Sony is deliberately holding back releasing big titles like these until the Vita gets a drought of new games. Think about it, all crash and spyro games are STILL not on the ps vita store…WHY? I know they got the rights to them by now but they’re holding on releasing them till no games are coming out. Mark my words, most of these games will be released may-july when the Vita won’t have any new titles coming.
metal gear solid peace walker online match on channel 1 team death match today start at 6:00 ending 6:30
be ready for the fight of your life by the way channel 1 6:00 to 6:30
messege me and freind me for future online matches for metal gear solid peace walker
I thought it was Peace Walker HD! You know, the super optimized one for PS3? If we can’t have that, you can at least let us have Portable Ops!
Portable Ops?… Portable Ops?!?…….. PORTABLE OPS!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey you guys are ready for ground Zeroes Because that game is right on the corner, its gonna be so epic that kojima and his crew this March 25 will post a convention talking about evrything about Ground Zeroes and release trailer and release some details about Phantom Pain OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ima huge ass fan of metal gear and if you are add ,me and i can give you every detail and we can play Metal gear online together, Yes! it will also have it
Hey, loving this MGS:PW for the Vita. I love this series, and if anybody wants to play online, I’m good at 12:30 – 1:00 Mountain time Monday, Wedsnday and Friday or 11:35 – 12:45 Mountain time Tuesday and Thursday. Watch out, I’m good ;)