Hopefully you’ve been digging into some of the free PlayStation Plus content this month including Vanquish, Mega Man Maverick Hunter X, and indie-hit Closure. This week, we’re excited to bring the crowd-pleasing Plants Vs. Zombies on PS Vita to the Instant Game Collection.
In addition, there are some fantastic sales to jump on as well including the Gamers’ Choice Awards discounts (winners announced tomorrow) and the PS Vita Anniversary Sale celebrating PS Vita’s first year. Read on to learn more about these exceptional sales.
Don’t have PlayStation Plus? Go to the PlayStation Store on your PS3 or PS Vita or click here to get access via the Sony Entertainment Network online store.
February 26th PlayStation Plus Update
Plants Vs. Zombies (PS Vita)
PSN Price: $10.49, Free for PS Plus members

Retro/Grade (PS3)
PSN Price: $9.99; PS Plus Price: $2.44
Retro/Grade Soundtrack
PSN Price: $7.99; PS Plus Price: $1.74

Gamers’ Choice Awards Winners Discounts
Various Discounts for PS Plus Members

PS Vita Anniversary Sale
Various Discounts for PS Plus Members
It’s been 1 year since the PS Vita launched and to celebrate, we’re placing a number of crazy good PS Vita titles on sale. Take a look at the full list. Though the sale is for all of PSN, Plus members, as usual, get extra discounts on top these already good deals. Take a look at the full list below.
Game Title | Normal Price | Sale Price | PS Plus Sale |
Escape Plan | $14.99 | $10.49 | $7.34 |
Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational | $35.99 | $25.19 | $17.63 |
Hustle Kings PS Vita | $9.99 | $6.99 | $4.89 |
Little Deviants | $17.99 | $12.59 | $8.81 |
MLB The Show 12 PS Vita | $17.99 | $12.59 | $8.81 |
ModNation Racers: Road Trip | $17.99 | $13.99 | $9.79 |
MotorStorm RC Complete Edition | $11.99 | $8.39 | $5.87 |
PlayStation All Stars: Battle Royale | $35.99 | $25.19 | $17.63 |
Reality Fighters | $17.99 | $12.59 | $8.81 |
Smart As | $26.99 | $18.89 | $13.22 |
Sound Shapes | $14.99 | $10.49 | $7.34 |
Super Stardust Delta | $9.99 | $6.99 | $4.89 |
Unit 13 | $26.99 | $18.89 | $13.22 |
You should leave your thoughts by dropping them below and as usual, I’ll do my best to respond to key questions and comments. We’ve also got the PS Plus section in the PlayStation Community Forums where you can continue chatting about PS Plus, or find other topics to contribute your thoughts to, or start one for yourself. See you in the comments!
Terrible update. We want Mass Effect 3.
Oh my god… EU PS+ users are getting Mass Effect 3, Dead or ALive 5 & Metal Gear Solid HD Collection (vita) for free.
And we get crappy update AGAIN!
I think it’s been like this since November 2012, when it is going to end?
So if All Stars is going on sale will that be a Cross Buy game?
Great! I’ll be picking Stardust. PvZ is great too, it’s been a while since I played it on PC.
well i done commenting cuz i have asked the same damn question for over a moth now and no damn response morgan f off your updates are aweful and plus has gone down hill so far since i joined a year ago we got four games this month all crap last year we got about 7+ so this is ps screw off sony
*Later give you Plants vs. Zombies (VITA) free for plus*
Still complains. at least i always wanted PvZ as Mobile
where are people seeing this atlus sale because I don’t see anything on here about Persona 2 being on sale. Did I miss a post or something?
In terms of the sale, PvZ is great…a classic. My only issue is that it’s so easily owned at this point that it deflates the excitement. App store gave it away free last week…you can get it dirt cheap on the pc. Based on that fact alone I have a couple of copies in my possession of it.
Still holding my breath for an RPG in IGC… :)
Thanks for all you do Morgan. Plus is great. I’m renewing this week since it’s the last week of the 3 months free sale.
Morgan I know you get alot of heat from ps consumers about PS+. I just want to say you do a great job and I appreciate the work you do. Take care!
Thanks! it’s always fun to read the comments, whether they’re critiques or praise.