Watch_Dogs is back. In reality it never really went away, but it has been a while since E3 2012. A lot of development has been done on our side. We know you have many questions. Believe this: we’ll do our best in the upcoming months to answer all of them… well, most of them.
For now, though, the whole development team is very proud to show you this new gameplay demo where you’ll get to see yet another facet of Watch_Dogs in action. In it, you can see that Watch_Dogs will be a game of opportunities and choices; of connections and consequences.
As we continue our march towards launch you’ll get to know Aiden Pearce, our mysterious protagonist. Learn what drives him and what makes him tick. You’ll get to experience and understand the concept of a hyper-connected, smart city. You’ll realize what it is like to have complete control over a major city right at your fingertips and the chaos it can create.
Watch_Dogs will be available on PlayStation 4 at launch, as well as the PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system. Keep checking back with us by visiting the official website, Facebook page and Twitter account.
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