The Last of Us is an ambitious project. In many ways it may be Naughty Dog’s most ambitious project to date – brand new universe and cast of characters, brand new tech, brand new genre, not to mention it’s easily the longest campaign Naughty Dog has ever made.
As we entered the final phase of development for The Last of Us, we came to realize just how massive Joel and Ellie’s journey is. But instead of cutting corners or compromising our vision, we came to the tough decision that the game deserved a few extra weeks to ensure every detail of The Last of Us was up to Naughty Dog’s internal high standards.
As a team we pride ourselves on setting a very high quality bar for every aspect of our games – gameplay, story, art, design, technology and more. We want to make sure The Last of Us raises that bar even further – for ourselves, and most importantly, for you, our fans.
The extra wait will be very short and your patience will be rewarded. Update your calendars. You won’t even have to change seasons. The Last of Us will be available June 14th, 2013. Until then, know that we will be working extremely hard to deliver an experience that matches your high expectations.
But…it’s still coming to PS3 right? I’m sorry for the question guys it’s just with the “iminent” “PS4” i’m a little afraid! LoL ,but take the time you want guys! I trust you! Already pre ordered!
Hey I play UC3 every day almost and all I got to say love u guys at Naughty Dog. Take your time but all I got to say is Delaystation strikes again. even MGS4 was Delayed. And I’m still not buying a VITA!!!
Just the prospect of getting the absolute best Naughty Dog can pump out makes this delay negligible. So just as always, I’ll be there day one! :)
Take all the time you need, beacause we all know that TLOU is going to be awesome, just like you of Naughty dog <3 And plus, after March I'llbe broke ( you know, lots of awesome stuff) so I'm happy because now I have more possibilities to buy a collector edition!
take all the time you need on this game. looks to be a good one and i have no doubt you guys will deliver
Others may mourn the end of your perfect record of no delays however I must simply laugh at this. All the little titles and gold medals in the world can’t replace quality and you few provide some of the best on the market. Thank you for your dedication.
I don’t mind that the game is being delayed. BUT WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE RELEASED 3 DAYS BEFORE MY EXAMS! The suspense is gonna kill me.
This is going into my PS3 day 1 and not coming out until its over. Same as with all the Uncharted games. Naughty Dog can do no wrong.
WTF is happens here man!? looks these discounts!!
Someday we can see these prices in the USA Store?
really? -_- hopefully ND isnt wasting to much time with the MP. Not gonna even touch that part of the game…ever
That’s great to here that there not cutting corners, but then again this is the experienced team who made uncharted 2. I’ts just a shame that the uncharted 3 team didn’t think the same.
I’m actually pretty happy about this. Every year, it seems, there is a drought of good, quality releases in the summer. I hope that this will prove to publishers (yeah, Sony, I’m looking at you as well) that gamers are just as willing to buy their games in the hot months as they are in the cold ones.
Buy the game, don’t open it yet, finish your exams (good luck, btw), then treat yourself to a (hopefully) job well done.
Take your time! I’ll gladly wait for a more polished product. Too many publishers knowingly release rushed, broken games these days, so it’s almost refreshing to see a company care so much about quality. Anyone who got burned with medal of honor or the new aliens game should understand what I’m talking about…
i like the idea of a Friday release….don’t see that too often, not to mention, i JUST preordered GOW:Ascension about 2 hours ago, lol. so i look forward to the demo…
own all 3 Uncharted’s and a Fortune Hunter Club member the day the offer was released…take your time, i know Naughty Dog will deliver :)
As I tweeted you a bit ago, no worries. I trust ND, and that’s only on the basis of 3 games since I’m a newish gamer. I didn’t know you had a perfect on-time record though. That in itself should get you an honorary award at the VGAs.
May 7th, 2013, June 14th, 2013 or June 2025. I don’t care when you release it, I’ll buy it on day one anyways! Naughty Dog, you guys have inspired me to appreciate games more. You guys are my favorite developer, I loved Crash Bandicoot, I love Jak & Daxter and adore Uncharted. I’m super hyped for The Last of Us. I don’t mind the delay, if the games needs more work, it needs more work. That simple. I hope to hear some more information to hold us over soon enough! Thanks for making me enjoy life better with your amazing tales in the PlayStation universe and I hope more people will look into this game now that there is an extra five weeks to do so!
I guess this confirms that we won’t hear about your next game at E3 this year since this game release the same week as E3, hopefully shortly after we hear what the second development team is working on!
So is the demo still scheduled for GOW Ascension? and if i pre ordered online, will it still ship to my house on June 14?
I am very glad to hear that The Last Of Us will have a long campaign, I hope it is extremely long. I don’t care how long I have to wait, because I know Naughty Dog always delivers the highest quality. But I would like to see another video soon! Keep up the great work guys!
Games are coming out before you know it all the time. A delay for a landmark game like this is really nothing unless you’re talking about last guardian and versus 13 lengths of time. Good on Naughty Dog for at least
-being responsible enough to keep this project on its feet the whole time.
And people say Multplayer has no effect on development time & resources in story focused games.
Take your time guys :) I’ll wait as long as it takes. It’s all about quality and you guys are literally the best in the business at delivering that :) looking forward to playing it!
First of all, i wish to thank Naughty Dog for all the awesome job in every released game, I am a really fan of yours. We’ll wait patiently for the Last of Us, no doubt this game will be amazing. I hope there will be subtitles in Portuguese, here in Brazil there are many ND fans. Thank you all.
Awesome friday is much better!!!! i’m happy you take your time ND!!!
Could i ask you please please to do for me?!!
i’m a hardcore gamer and i would make this game perfect for me,
if you guys could have a option to turn off All HUD!
i know this might sound stupid or weird, but your games are so beautiful and special it would mean a lot to me!
lot’s of respect for you guys, my favorite game developers!!!
Any news of a PSN version? Would love to buy it as a digital download.
I was wondering will this game be release on the PSN store?
This is cool. Naughty Dog, take as much time as you need to polish this game to perfection! I will still buy this day one!(since I already paid in full, pre ordered The Post Pandemic Edition). I much rather for a game to be dealyed, that released to the public, broken, filled with bugs and glitches *cough* Bethesda*cough* Skyrim*cough*
PLEASE,PLEASE let this be a Day 1 Digital NaughtyDog.I would really appreciate it if it was.Thank you.
I don’t care how big the game file is i will sit there and download for as long as it takes because my blu-ray drive is messed up and have no warranty.
After the disappointing story in U3 im glad this is being delayed for some more tweaking, please no more plot holes and an actual focus on the story!
This game is going to be awesome. It’s between this and GTAV for GotY 2013. No other competition.
This is even better for me. I’m going broke with all the releases this year, it’ll give me more time to save
Please ND, dont release any Single Player DLC. We want a full game on release!
Feel free to add whatever MP DLC you want though
Okay ND. Since I have been impressed with ALL of your titles, and even though I was really looking forward to playing The Last of Us May 7th, I will still be excited despite this delay. But I have to agree with #42. With the extra time, PLEASE add a profanity filter. You would be doing great respect for those of us not wanting to hear that.
This game is going to be awesome. It’s a 2 horse race for GotY 2013, between Last of Us and GTA V.
That’s a bummer, now coming out after E3? Coming out closer to the summer drought when games don’t sell very well? I hope The Last of Us doesn’t lose sales because of this. :( :( :(
But shooting someone in the head point black with a 12 gauge is fine, right?
It is not of worry to me. I really want this game to be perfect, so extra time means better game . I got a feeling that The Last of Us will be the game of my dreams.
I’m sad to hear about the delay but I understand. As long as the final product is the level of quality we have come to expect from Naughty Dog, I will be happy. Your studio is one I am actually confident in preordering a game because you don’t disappoint.
Okay, this makes me feel better. No offense but Uncharted 3 was a huge drop in quality from 2 and this game being developed at the same time seemed to be the culprit. I was worried that this game was going to suffer as well.
I would rather have one amazing game from Naughty Dog every 2 years then lower quality games from you guys more often.
Uncharted 2 is easily one of the best games of this generation and Uncharted 3, although still good, wasn’t anywhere close to that. Hopefully, the extra month means you gave it enough time to be everything it can be.
Don’t make the mistake Gearbox did with Alien: Colonial Marines. That was a game I was excited for that had many delays. Only to have the final product be something nowhere near the quality we have come to expect from the company that made Borderlands. I know Naughty Dog wouldn’t do that to it’s customers.
The pride you take in developing your games is the reason I am such a fan.
Same week as E3, on Friday. end of week
THANK YOU FOR MOVING IT!!! I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to rack up the money in time so THANKS!!
Take your time guys, Oh, any plans for a complete Uncharted collection? Maybe add a TLOU bonus in there. Avatars, XMB themes or in-game content?
I would love for them to be included in ps all-stars in some way whether it be dlc characters, minions or withen a last of us mash up level with something like Resident Evil or something….were you guys ever approached for such a thing or do we have some surprises coming our way soon…..
Take all the time you need NaughtyDogs, I’ve loved your work since day one and never been disappointed. I’ll love the last of us believe me, so please take your time.
I will have my copy in my hands on thursday morning june 13th from shopto.net in the u.k, guaranteed.