PlayStation Plus Update: Closure Joins the Instant Game Collection
Morgan Haro
Community Manager, PlayStation Digital Platforms
29Author Replies
Welcome to this week’s PlayStation Plus update, where we highlight the latest free games, discounts, and features that PS Plus members can expect in the coming week. Many have already jumped online to play Guardians of Middle Earth, which arrived free for PS Plus members last week, and this week we’re bringing you one of the bright indie stars in gaming with Closure; a PSN-exclusive that turned heads when it debuted last year. Read on and also check out some of the great discounts on amazing titles like Critter Crunch.
Don’t have PlayStation Plus? Go to the PlayStation Store on your PS3 or PS Vita or click here to get access via the Sony Entertainment Network online store.
Closure is a unique and stylistic puzzle platformer that takes the concept of light and shadow and twists it up into something never before seen. In Closure’s dark and foreboding universe, the only things that exist are what you can see. An object properly lit up is physically there, yet an object shrouded in darkness ceases to be. Experience this mind-bending puzzler free as a Plus member.
80% off for PS Plus members (Original price: $6.99; PS Plus Price: $1.40)
Developed by the geniuses at Capybara games, this award-winning, critically-acclaimed puzzle game asks players to take control of the cuddly Biggs, a loveable jungle creature with an iron-clad stomach. Biggs is in search of the jewel-rich critters that invade his habitat once a season, and using his tongue to pluck them from their vines, stuffs them into the waiting mouths of larger critters. This sets off chain reactions of bursting critters that drop the tasty jewels for Biggs to regurgitate for his hungry family. Sporting an 87 / 100 on Metacritic, with giving it an A and praising it for its “”Beautiful visuals and inventive puzzles…worth sinking your teeth into.”, you owe it to yourself to hop on this gem for only $1.40. Plus, it has a ‘Barfing Tutorial’. I mean… c’mon, how can you pass that up?
20% off for PS Plus members (Original price: $9.99; PS Plus Price: $7.99)
This PSN re-release of the original run-and-gun shooter features cross-platform multiplayer between Vita and PS3, as well as ad-hoc/local and online co-op on respective platforms. With new content packing 30 levels of carnage, you’ll find much to love with options for original or enhanced visuals, and leaderboards for the more competitive among us. This launch week discount is exclusive for PS Plus members, so don’t miss out!
50% off for PS Plus members (Original price: $7.99; PS Plus Price: $4.00)
Another PSN gem hitting a great price for PS Plus members; Derrick the Deathfin is a fast-paced arcade action title set in a unique aquatic world made entirely out of paper & card. Rampage around the globe munching on paper creatures under the guise of avenging the death of his parents. With a unique art style that sets it apart from other games, and great gameplay to boot, check out Derrick the Deathfin for only $4.00 as a PS Plus member.
20% off for PS Plus members (Original price: $47.99; PS Plus Price: $38.39)
With the NHL season in full swing, hockey fans may want to take notice on this deal. NHL 13 accurately captures the speed, creativity, and strategy of today’s NHL with revolutionary True Performance Skating. Sync up with friends with the real-world of hockey in GM Connected, the first-ever online multiplayer dynasty mode with cooperative and Online Team Play, or relive the greatest moments from today’s NHL in NHL Moments Live. With core gameplay innovation, connected experiences, and the deepest feature set ever, NHL 13 is the definitive hockey experience. Don’t forget to also check out NHL GameCenter video app which is free to download!
What are your thoughts on this week’s update? Let us know in the comments below and don’t forget to use the poll links to speak your mind about what content you liked the most. If you want to see what the rest of the PlayStation community is talking about, head over to the PlayStation Community Forums in the PS Plus space to continue chatting about PS Plus, or find other great topics to contribute your thoughts to, or start one for yourself. See you in the comments!
@+ DaGimp13 This is a paid service and if somebody/anybody feels that they would like to express their opinion on the value they are recieving or lack thereof then this is EXATLY where they are supposed to do so. Get off your high chair and while your down here, if YOU don’t like the negative comments then YOU shouldn’t read them. Take your own advice is what I’m saying. Also what are you going on about Kenyan’s and aparthied laws? Do you think about what you are about to type or do you just go at it and laugh at your own terrible jokes while doing so? Being NA there is a little thing called freedom of speech here so allow others their right to excersice it instead of being an internet tough guy.
Closure is a EXCELLENT game. I’m glad for the people who doesn’t have it. I’m still waiting for a game like Asura’s Wrath, Sleeping Dogs, Brutal Legend, Enslaved, Blur or Just Dance 3
Totally off-topic, but I want to play the multiplayer mode in Ghostbusters, but the servers have been disconnected. Please Morgan, do something… If the companies will close any multiplayer server, they must patch games or enable the trophies or at least use Sony servers… What will happen in a pair of years with all those games with multiplayer access, when more people buy a PS3 and future old games??? Thanks !!
I’ve been enjoying Sleeping Dogs on my EU Plus account. Some repetitive missions but it’s an open world game with lots to do and certainly better than the demo makes it seem and better than anything on US Plus lately. Imagine if I stayed with US Plus and then I’d have to be playing these $5 PSN games. lol. What a joke.
@236 Of course everybody is in their right to express their opinion, the thing is these people come in here in every PS+ update to express their discontent with EVERYTHING. They can even give away some cool game like Bioshock or even this same Closure and they’ll still whine because “we didn’t get Sleeping Dog”… WTF?? You want it just buy it, it’s that simple! I want to play Dead Space 3 and I don’t whine because it’s not free on PS+!! that’ll be really immature.
I gave talking to you a try, but once again your post, other than being addressed to me, has little to nothing to do with what I was saying.
Go look up the list of quoted lies if you need to, to see the “actual lies”. I’m not talking about over hyping or mispeaking or a matter of preference/what I like. There were FLAT OUT LIES about plus content.
I never mentioned Sleeping Dogs, Dead Space 2 or Motorstorm Apocolypse. I already own all three games and have for quite some time. I even said as much in a previous blogpost.
Btw. Morgan has already admitted, publicly, he made mistakes in the way he promoted upcoming deals/Plus content, so even he knows at least some of what I’m saying is valid.
*sigh* This is what I was talking about yesterday. I’ll still try Closure out since I like puzzlers. Although, I still do wonder how other PSN users knew about this yesterday. Oh, and if I could make another suggestion, how about some free PS1 classics? Now that would be awesome.
@grbolivar ok we got it. U wan good games BUY IT, NA+ will give only crappy games just BUY the good games. Now, stop repeasting urself, everyone got what u r complaining abt NA+.
no, the proper place to do it would be the community forums, where customer service issues are resolved.
besides, aren’t you now the one trying to be the big internet tough guy you accuse me to be? don’t I have my right as well to defend these so called value issues, just as they have a right to complain? and I’m not saying they don’t have the right to protest, I’m saying theres better, more appropriate channels to do so, such as forums and not subbing.
welp…as you can see i no longer have the + tag next to my name…now i have ps+ for EU..Sleeping Dogs is an incredible game and baffles me that its not apart of the NA IGC…but i wont rant, im just overseas with ps+ now…
@MorganHaro I’m a first time poster here, I like many others still enjoy the replayability of Awesomenauts. I have checked their site recently,and saw there have been numerous additions made, and was wondering why these updates haven’t been applied to the playstation community. In closing I have been with plus since the beginning and will continue on the ps4.
the cloud saves and auto updates are enough for me since I don’t have to rely on Plus to pad my gaming library. There are some Plus freebies I take, not many, and I do appreciate the discounts we sometimes get.
Whoever said, ” Will there be a discount for Urban Freestyle or whatever its called next? ( or maybe even free?? )
REALLY??? A brand new game totally for free? The PS Plus is meant for discounts and being to automatically back up your save files. I will pay for that ALONE not to mention the odd free game here and there.
Its pretty funny, once again, the self-entitled kids come out of the woodwork. “What, a $5 game for free this week? Nope, not going to cut it.” ……When all you are paying for is ~$4/month, so it already payed off for the month, but not worth it according to your genius logic.
Man, I feel sorry for the future of the U.S. if these kids are our future.
If anything, its funny knowing they can’t do a thing about since they’ve already paid, LOL. Thanks for helping out Sony, you tools.
Please let us know if playstation plus accounts will carry over to the ps4. Plus has been one of my favorite things about the ps3. If it will seamlessly transfer to the ps4, I will prepay for the next five years no problem.
A lot of these people are for lack of a better word, morons.
Not sure why they think they deserve new games for free/discount. Of course its funny to see them so upset over such a stupid reason, but it is telling of how slow some of the people are on here AKA mouthbreathers.
What im saying is plus is like a wonderball. you are not paying for a specific product but the mystery of future reward. sometimes you get what you want sometime EU gets what they want.
@sab: I’m sorry to say but you shouldn’t bash on people like you’re doing. If you want to be taken seriously than stop with the trolling. You’ve made some good points before but now you’re going the wrong way. If you want people to respect your opinions than you should act like a child.
I replied to you in post 213 regarding the usage of the words “similar” and “same”. In case you missed it (or willfully ignored it), in summary, the cost ratio still does not compare to the value ratio, hence the reasoning is still valid. Do not casually drop my name into other arguments you have with other users in order to undermine my argument without having to reply, please.
@Alkaiser: I don’t mind the mystery of what we are getting. That’s not the problem. The problem with Plus is that it needs to be on equal terms. If we get $200 worth of stuff than EU should get $200 worth of stuff or vise versa.
What’s even better is just giving everybody the exact same games. That way there is no comparing cause it’s all the same.
It’s not about getting what we want but to have an overall value that is equal to EU’s overall value over the course of each month. This is not happening.
I’m rather glad that I didn’t buy closure even on discount. I had considered it but this makes it nice when I start buying the DLC for Skyrim. I’ve been waiting on playing Skyrim because of it. My brother bought it during the turmoil of the DLC fiasco. Thankfully now I have a cool reason to play Skyrim in my opinion.
so wait, I’m to make the chart to prove your argument? thats not how the world works buddy. your argument, you make the damn chart to prove your case. why should someone who doesn’t believe in your cause support it? and to answer your question, it wouldn’t affect me any if you increased the value of my PS+ sub, however I believe theres more appropriate channels to exhaust before acting like children on the blog and being a general embarassment to the community.
When you sign up for plus you get games that you might have never played before. How would you make the service fair for everyone in the world when every region of the world is run by a different set of rules. Is that a requirement befitting a 5$/month service? Its like being mad because you lost at gambling.
Alkaiser, you made me google “wonderball”. Wow, what genius thought it was good to imbed plastic toys inside chocolate? That must have been back in the day when people didn’t obsess over child safety.
Sony, I’ll happily take you up on your 15 months Plus promo, but first you have to show me that things are going to improve. Because ever since the Plus relaunch, I’ve gotten nothing but games that are either awful or already in my collection. Closure is a wonderful game, but I already own it, and it’s not like I can gift or resell another digital copy.
Paying $50 for another 15 months of nothing but games I already own is a lot like throwing away $50.
Sony MIGHT listen to you, and MAYBE decide to change the few things you fight for. but in the meanwhile, you’re making the people who are happy with the service irritated enough to not want to communicate on the blog, and thus you’ll create a whole new group of individuals who will wants things differently, and then you’ll be defending how it is. it’s a never ending cycle, and I simply choose not to participate in it, but at the same time feel a need to help you guys find your footing on these matters. I have suggested helpful criticisms such as a graphical chart of region/currency comparisons for 1 year projection, have suggested contacting customer service, the community forums to help build up a group of individuals to fight your battle with you. it can’t be spelt out for you any more then that, can it?
Alkalizer, funny you should say that. The first time I played a slot machine I lost $5. Made such a sore loser stink that my friend gave me $5 to shut me up. Good analogy for the weekly Plus post.
I’m assuming you’re too young to have taken any classes on debate or argument; I was demonstrating that it’s stupid to ask for a chart, and you reply by stating that you still want a chart. Wonderful. If you require a chart to show that EU is getting a lot more than the ~10$USD subscription cost difference between the two regions, then you’re as bad at mathematics as you are at arguing.
As for your answer to my question of how complainers are affecting you negatively when arguing for increasing the value of your own subscription, you answered by stating that it has no effect on you. Understood, then technically you shouldn’t be bothered enough to make comments every week, am I right?
Unless of course your belief in the more “appropriate channels” is so deep and gives you so much conviction that you feel the need to convert all of us to the gospel of not complaining? Okay, I’ll bite. One of these channels is “not subscribing at all”, which I’ve already argued against by stating the method Sony uses to hook subscriptions. Furthermore, the lack of a cancellation method destroys boycotting as a valid method.
What other channels do you know of apart from this blog (which gets the most amount of comments and pageviews from Plus Subscribers) that will have the same impact on the community?
@ lisatsunami
Yeah i mean i never would have played payday even though its not an expensive game and i love it. The price i pay is for the risk and another way to explore games i might have missed.
@Alkaiser: It’s not like gambling cause if I’m playing Texas Hold em the rules are the same for everybody else playing Texas Hold em. If the rules are different than it’s a different game.
I’ve been a Plus member since it’s started long before the IGC. So I’ve seen all the changes it’s had and it has gone down hill a bit. You can make it fair by giving the same value.
Say EU gets Darksiders II, Battlefield 3, Persona 4 (Vita), DMC
Than US gets Siren, Ter Rover, Expendables 2, and Pain.
Would that seem fair to you? Different rules so we should be ok with that right?
We only want some comparison if the two. Give us equal value. Be it the same games or not but equal in value. This is just an example.
no, I get exactly what you’re saying in the value department regarding cost of ssub, what I’m saying is whining about the values without actually doing the math and showing your work as evidence, that the argument itself is flawed. if you had statistics or data to back up your overall value plea, then you might be able to convince myself and others of what you’re debating. but without it, it’s just more screams from the crazy homeless man down the alleyway.
as to why it bothers me why you guys go on & on about it, I stated that to you, it’s that your not doing it in the appropriate ways. you wouldn’t burst into congressional sessions, ranting and raving at your congressman over a particular issue, you would sit down with them in a conventional manner in an appropriate place and discuss solutions to the issue. the congressman would take not just your side, but all parties sides into perspective, and make a reasonable decision based on that. corporations work the same way, you dont go flying into a store to scream at a cashier, you contact HQ and speak with someone regarding a resolution to your issue.
other channels would be social media, forums (not just Sony/PS), media outlets, etc. but again, when you try to create a big enough stink to bring forward changes, it generally requires evidence to support it, so I’d start on that first.
Bring us FF VII Crisis Core. I agree it was the best PSP game. I still play it fom time to time. Would be awesome to have it on Vita and finally pitch my PSP.
Ok Ok boys I don’t know if there’s a “unsubscribe” option, just stop using PS+ and don’t renew that’s what I wanted to say. Happy now? Gosh…
Thank you for being civil, upon re-readingI think I may have come off as a bit aggressive in my reply.
@+ DaGimp13 This is a paid service and if somebody/anybody feels that they would like to express their opinion on the value they are recieving or lack thereof then this is EXATLY where they are supposed to do so. Get off your high chair and while your down here, if YOU don’t like the negative comments then YOU shouldn’t read them. Take your own advice is what I’m saying. Also what are you going on about Kenyan’s and aparthied laws? Do you think about what you are about to type or do you just go at it and laugh at your own terrible jokes while doing so? Being NA there is a little thing called freedom of speech here so allow others their right to excersice it instead of being an internet tough guy.
Closure is a EXCELLENT game. I’m glad for the people who doesn’t have it. I’m still waiting for a game like Asura’s Wrath, Sleeping Dogs, Brutal Legend, Enslaved, Blur or Just Dance 3
Totally off-topic, but I want to play the multiplayer mode in Ghostbusters, but the servers have been disconnected. Please Morgan, do something… If the companies will close any multiplayer server, they must patch games or enable the trophies or at least use Sony servers… What will happen in a pair of years with all those games with multiplayer access, when more people buy a PS3 and future old games??? Thanks !!
No worries. I wasn’t trying to start an argument so much as clarify a valid one.
I’ve been enjoying Sleeping Dogs on my EU Plus account. Some repetitive missions but it’s an open world game with lots to do and certainly better than the demo makes it seem and better than anything on US Plus lately. Imagine if I stayed with US Plus and then I’d have to be playing these $5 PSN games. lol. What a joke.
@236 Of course everybody is in their right to express their opinion, the thing is these people come in here in every PS+ update to express their discontent with EVERYTHING. They can even give away some cool game like Bioshock or even this same Closure and they’ll still whine because “we didn’t get Sleeping Dog”… WTF?? You want it just buy it, it’s that simple! I want to play Dead Space 3 and I don’t whine because it’s not free on PS+!! that’ll be really immature.
Yay, Closure! I’ve been holding off on it for a while now, despite wanting it since release.
Also, a discount on Alien Breed? Yes please!
I gave talking to you a try, but once again your post, other than being addressed to me, has little to nothing to do with what I was saying.
Go look up the list of quoted lies if you need to, to see the “actual lies”. I’m not talking about over hyping or mispeaking or a matter of preference/what I like. There were FLAT OUT LIES about plus content.
I never mentioned Sleeping Dogs, Dead Space 2 or Motorstorm Apocolypse. I already own all three games and have for quite some time. I even said as much in a previous blogpost.
Btw. Morgan has already admitted, publicly, he made mistakes in the way he promoted upcoming deals/Plus content, so even he knows at least some of what I’m saying is valid.
Where’s this list of quoted lies? I’d like to see =|