PlayStation Plus Update: Closure Joins the Instant Game Collection
Morgan Haro
Community Manager, PlayStation Digital Platforms
29Author Replies
Welcome to this week’s PlayStation Plus update, where we highlight the latest free games, discounts, and features that PS Plus members can expect in the coming week. Many have already jumped online to play Guardians of Middle Earth, which arrived free for PS Plus members last week, and this week we’re bringing you one of the bright indie stars in gaming with Closure; a PSN-exclusive that turned heads when it debuted last year. Read on and also check out some of the great discounts on amazing titles like Critter Crunch.
Don’t have PlayStation Plus? Go to the PlayStation Store on your PS3 or PS Vita or click here to get access via the Sony Entertainment Network online store.
Closure is a unique and stylistic puzzle platformer that takes the concept of light and shadow and twists it up into something never before seen. In Closure’s dark and foreboding universe, the only things that exist are what you can see. An object properly lit up is physically there, yet an object shrouded in darkness ceases to be. Experience this mind-bending puzzler free as a Plus member.
80% off for PS Plus members (Original price: $6.99; PS Plus Price: $1.40)
Developed by the geniuses at Capybara games, this award-winning, critically-acclaimed puzzle game asks players to take control of the cuddly Biggs, a loveable jungle creature with an iron-clad stomach. Biggs is in search of the jewel-rich critters that invade his habitat once a season, and using his tongue to pluck them from their vines, stuffs them into the waiting mouths of larger critters. This sets off chain reactions of bursting critters that drop the tasty jewels for Biggs to regurgitate for his hungry family. Sporting an 87 / 100 on Metacritic, with giving it an A and praising it for its “”Beautiful visuals and inventive puzzles…worth sinking your teeth into.”, you owe it to yourself to hop on this gem for only $1.40. Plus, it has a ‘Barfing Tutorial’. I mean… c’mon, how can you pass that up?
20% off for PS Plus members (Original price: $9.99; PS Plus Price: $7.99)
This PSN re-release of the original run-and-gun shooter features cross-platform multiplayer between Vita and PS3, as well as ad-hoc/local and online co-op on respective platforms. With new content packing 30 levels of carnage, you’ll find much to love with options for original or enhanced visuals, and leaderboards for the more competitive among us. This launch week discount is exclusive for PS Plus members, so don’t miss out!
50% off for PS Plus members (Original price: $7.99; PS Plus Price: $4.00)
Another PSN gem hitting a great price for PS Plus members; Derrick the Deathfin is a fast-paced arcade action title set in a unique aquatic world made entirely out of paper & card. Rampage around the globe munching on paper creatures under the guise of avenging the death of his parents. With a unique art style that sets it apart from other games, and great gameplay to boot, check out Derrick the Deathfin for only $4.00 as a PS Plus member.
20% off for PS Plus members (Original price: $47.99; PS Plus Price: $38.39)
With the NHL season in full swing, hockey fans may want to take notice on this deal. NHL 13 accurately captures the speed, creativity, and strategy of today’s NHL with revolutionary True Performance Skating. Sync up with friends with the real-world of hockey in GM Connected, the first-ever online multiplayer dynasty mode with cooperative and Online Team Play, or relive the greatest moments from today’s NHL in NHL Moments Live. With core gameplay innovation, connected experiences, and the deepest feature set ever, NHL 13 is the definitive hockey experience. Don’t forget to also check out NHL GameCenter video app which is free to download!
What are your thoughts on this week’s update? Let us know in the comments below and don’t forget to use the poll links to speak your mind about what content you liked the most. If you want to see what the rest of the PlayStation community is talking about, head over to the PlayStation Community Forums in the PS Plus space to continue chatting about PS Plus, or find other great topics to contribute your thoughts to, or start one for yourself. See you in the comments!
Ugh, Used $40 in PSN cards to buy a year PS+ instead of PSAS:BR. It’s only been 2 weeks but nothing good, maybe a nice sale on Battle Royal? Don’t make me regret my choice because a crappy $5 artsy fartsy game isn’t cutting it.
Wow…so far February is off to a terrible start, while EU’s February line-up is the best I’ve ever seen.
For the love of Kaz, please stop with the weekly post! I want a monthly outlook for the entire month! How about this, tell us all the free games we’re gonna get each month at the beginning, and post weekly reminders every Monday, and maybe list the sales in the weekly post. That way you’ll still have us visiting every Monday, and we have a better outlook on the value we get each month. I just hate these small updates, please monthly outlook!!
There isn’t even enough space in here to tell you guys what you’re doing wrong. This is the 3rd time I’ve written a comment so here’s super condensed. Plus this time last year >>>>>> Plus now. Then: Outland, Bloodrayne, Trine 2, Castlevania SOTN. Now: Foosball, GOME, indy puzzlers galore. I give each game a shot but half an hour later I’m remembering I could be playing Sly 4 instead of mediocre crap. Please return service to former glory. If that means you need a new bus driver then so be it. Thanks.
Luckily my plus expires in exactly 7days from now. Only own a vita so i wont be renewing until i see a drop thats worth it. Even though i got quality games since it launched (gravity rush & uncharted), i fell like i had to drag myself just to complete them. The only games on vita i enjoyed so far have been persona 4 golden, PSABR, sonic allstars racing, and most recent dissidia duodecim final fantasy 012 (psp).
@169 Can we please stop looking at the EU PS+ and using that as a excuse for “better value”? I just went to see and yes they have Sleeping Dog and Mortal Kombat, but we have Darksiders and Ninja Gaiden Sigma, so what?? Still very good games. The problems is all of you want specific games for free and you are overlooking the fact that this is just a service and that you get some free games as part of the service, maybe you subscribed to PS+ thinking you’ll get Sleeping Dogs, Ni No Kuni, NFS:MW and Dead Space 3 all for free… if you want a specific game just buy it, period, and keep enjoying the free stuff they give us for less than 5$/mo!!!
I’ve discussed this at length in previous weeks but I’ll post again as I haven’t noticed you in previous weeks’ discussions. Value is determined by two ways, subectively and objectively. Subjective value is the value you place on something due: whether or not you have it, how much you like the game, whether you like the story/gameplay/etc. This can be argued at length.
Objective value is judged by release date, price point, how well received a game was, etc. Being objective, it’s very difficult to argue against this.
Now that we’ve gotten this out of the way, I can say that for a service that is called by the exact same name, run by the same parent company, offering the same services, for almost the same price, the comparison is invited. I love how the first thing people use when arguing against me is asking if I would compare two other things.
If the chocolate chip cookies were sold by the same company, in the same package, marketed the same way and sold for the same price then yes, I would absolutely be making the same comparison. Don’t try to extend this analogy any further since this is a comparison of final product vs a comparison of an ongoing service and will inevitably fail when getting into details.
I never asked that they give the same games, only that they offer the same value as EU is getting since the cost of subscription is close enough between the two regions to be negligable. How is this an unfounded request?
More importanly, as you did not answer the first time, how is our asking for higher value (something that would benefit you in turn) affecting you so negatively that you need to come and attack those that are actively attempting to increase the value you receive?
Critter Crunch is still the best puzzle game I’ve played on the PS3. With great family-friendly humor, lot’s of different modes, hours of content, and even an online (which will hopefully get more active with the sale), $1.40 should be a no brainer for anyone who hasn’t tried it yet.
Wow EU PS+ subscribers just have crap games! F1 Racer and Quantum? LOL we got MegaMan 9-10, Darksiders, Kings of Figthers and Street Figther 4, GIVE ME SOME US PS+ ANY DAY!
I admitted to trolling you, letting you rant and rave about value, like you’re currently doing again. kudos on the wits there though, maybe next week it’ll finally sink in that if you don’t believe you’re receiving the value you currently should be getting, then simply don’t subscribe to those services…for instance, I don’t subscribe to my local cable provider because I don’t believe the value of whats put on tv (90% reruns, 10% new tv, and maybe only watch 3% of that new content) is worth the subscription fee. see how easy it is? I don’t feel a need to complain about it to other consumers who maybe be happy with their service, I simply vote with my wallet. when enough like minded individuals such as yourself do this, it causes whats called “churn”. it causes companies to look at the reason why they’ve been losing customers, and attempt to stem the issue by lowering prices, or offering more value.
but honestly, it’s funny watching self-entitled kids such as yourself expect the same treatment as a EU citizen, when you’re a NA citizen. next you’ll be thinking a kenyan is running your country and you’ll want aparthied laws established.
I got critter crunch and closure at full price. I would suggest these games to everyone. I dont mind having some downtime because i still haven’t even downloaded infamous 2. People have been a bit complacent. I was thinking about revisiting Breath of fire III. It would be cool if you guys threw that up. That game consumed a solid 2 years of my youth. This is a good update despite that there is nothing here for me. keep it up.
Just went to see the PS+ form Japan and they got really crappy games, like Daytona USA and retro games like Sony and Crazy Taxi and some other weird stuff… seems like the best PS+ subscription is the US one, and all of you kids claiming and crying, gosh!
@grbolivar: It’s not free stuff. No matter how you look at it. I pay money and they give me games as a rental service. I quit paying games go away so there was nothing free. If it was free they would just give me the games without a fee.
Plus is or was a great service for what you pay for but a lot of us would like an equal field here on the value of the games we get with our subscription. If US pays $50 a year for Plus and we get $200 worth of games a month but EU pays the same and only gets $100 worth of games a month than it’s just not fair to them.
If they can’t give us all the same exact package than at least give us the same value. There’s many other things we have asked and the blog team doesn’t seem to bother or care to respond, Just look at how many times people have asked for a monthly update. Hell I’ve asked the last few times and never get a response. We voted on it and the majority wanted a monthly update but we still haven’t gotten it yet.
That was a full paragraph non-argument. You refuted none of my points and once again you’re just trolling.
You’re not even that good of a troll, which is why I expect you’re here complaining about little kids on PS Plus’ blog instead of doing the same on 4chan’s boards like you usually do.
When people like JoeGoodsnake, me, and many others talk about the issues with Plus we are considered whiners but you are not really understanding what we are talking about. We just want an equal playing field. The best way for Sony to really fix Plus is to either give us all the exact same games or the same value each month.
Same games means there is nothing to compare it to. You may get games to don’t want or already have but at least there isn’t something looking better to compare it to. I already get games I don’t want or already own but at least I would be getting the same stuff as everyone else who pays for the subscription.
Plus was a lot better service when it first started game wise. Yes the other goodies in the service are great like auto syncing and cloud storage but we all have that. Why not make us all get the same games.
ewww…gross…I wouldn’t let 4Chan on my PC. I’ve seen it, it’s full of garbage.
and I did refute you by telling you if you don’t like the value, don’t subscribe. I get where you’re coming from, but your argument is flawed. you noted yourself that the price of subscriiptions for each region are SIMILAR, but you want the SAME value….what part of “they still pay more” don’t you understand? if you wanted to have your argument taken more realistically, take the value of each and every game for each region for each game given away plus discounted games over a whole years time, and that proper currency conversions are done for each regions games and sub price, and graph it on a scale basis. obviously if prices are similar, but not the same, you can expect similar value, not the same value.
I won’t complain though because I know I will play through Closure, so thank you guys for that game.
What I would really like, is if there are weeks that are lacking PS3 games, if you guys can do amazing discounts on good games for that day? I went crazy on the 13/13 deal. That deal was great. I would love to see more discounts like that.
I know I’m re-posting something I have mentioned in a previous post but I feel this needs to be said:
Okay who here wants the free content to up to us: the members?? I’ve been thinking about it and I think instead of just releasing the titles without input from the members, do the opposite. Leave it up to a vote. I think if PS+ did this, not only would people be happy with the games that come out but also boost incentive to stay as a member!! Also, instead of the weekly updates as counting votes and releasing titles would prove difficult, why release bi-weekly? That way the PS3 only members have their turn and then the Vita Crowd has their turn!! I don’t know just something I’ve been thinking is all to combat the “how come we got that instead of this” and also to make it unique from EU and Japan.
It’s a fun idea; but a good time to address a common misconception about Plus is that we don’t have full choice over any game that’s in the PS Store to place in Plus. We need to work with our publishing partners and get their sign off on these games, which takes time to secure. So we wouldn’t want to have people vote on a game, and then not be able to secure it for release. (Sorry guys, we know you voted for this, but can’t so it!) see?
On the flip side, say we secured and cleared 5 games and let everyone vote on them; then, what about the games that people didn’t vote as much for? Do we just toss those aside? Probably not as it would likely just anger those who voted for them; so then we would probably add them in eventually, but then the power of the vote really would be lessened, right? Maybe do it in a way where the users vote on what games come free first?
It’s a tricky question, but I’m looking at some ways that we can involve you guys voting on content, but as you can see from above, there are a number of factors to consider.
@CrazyGuy62: The voting would probably be a cool idea. I’m just not sure if it’ll work but who knows. I’d feel a lot better if I got to vote on the game. If the one I wanted didn’t win at least I got to voice my opinion in the deal.
I also think if they staggered the PS3/Vita games it would be better. I own both but not everybody does. It sucks if you only own a Vita and have to wait till the end of the month to get your Plus stuff.
Burden of Proof arguments are old news. I can simply just shift the burden to you and ask you to show me that the 10 extra USD that they pay per year translates into the discrepancy we see. I think it’s fairly obvious without any calculation whatsoever that we’re getting the shaft. You don’t agree with me, not because you have a good reason to, but because you’re a troll and it’s fun to argue on the internets.
As for your “don’t like it, don’t subscribe” argument, considering that Plus marketed itself with the IGC containing both LBP2 -and- Infamous 2, and claiming to add new games weekly, the false advertising caught a lot of us by surprise. Add to that the fact that I can’t unsubscribe despite the fact that I am displeased, and your argument is thrown out the window.
Tell you what, you want us “complainers” to stop showing up every week? Then start asking Sony to provide us with the ability to ubsubscribe: I already know boycotts are the best way to get our way.
Now you’re turn to answer my question: Why do you care what people asking for more value on -your- subscription have to say when you’re the one benefiting by their complaints?
Another Monday, another round of ‘tweener girl in-fighting. Please never stop. Makes a slow Monday at work more fun.
I don’t need these little freebies because Ni No Kuni, which cost me about $187 for 2 versions, is awesome and Plus is keeping all my saves very safe in the cloud and so I just renewed until 2015.
Tomorrow starts the Skyrim DLC much-delayed releases so my backlog grows ever larger.
If you don’t like PS+ just unsubscribe and STFU, why keep whining? Spend those 50$ on your beloved Sleeping Dogs and leave the awesome free games to the rest of us. Kids nowadays… I remember when we paid a full 60-70$ for just a single SNES game that was beaten in 2 days and that’s all we had. For me PS+ is the best service available right now for any platform of any kind, even if they just gave PSN games for free, I got a Vita and I can’t belive for just 50$ I can play Gravity Rush, Uncharted and Ninja Gaiden, would I cry because there’s no Mortal Kombat? That would be just stupid and VERY crybaby…
Sounds to me like you’re just nitpicking to win an argument. It’s not a contradiction so much as both of us disagreeing on what is worthy of comparison.
If I reworded it to be that the value ratio should be equal to the cost ratio, would you be happy? Because the point still stands, even when comparing value ratio to cost ratio; NA is getting the shaft. I think that should clarify what you see as a “contradiction”.
it’s called reasonable debate, and while JoeGoodsnake has a good argument, it’s a flawed argument, and as I’ve stated, if you don’t believe something isn’t worth the value, don’t purchase it….it’s a common sense thing. would you buy a 3 bedroom house for 1 million dollars? no, because it’s not worth the value. stop expecting 10 thousand dollars worth of free and discounted games for a 50 dollar service, it’s just not gonna happen dude.
“I want a $60 free game every week or I won’t renew the service my mommy & daddy paid for! wahhhhhh”
@JoeGoodSnake: That is a good point. If us wanting or complaining like many call it for a better Plus than how would that be worse for them. Maybe they’ll thank us one day if Plus ever does turn around. What we are asking for would just benefit every Plus member.
I really wish there were a more live & interactive way to communicate with Morgan & Playstation in general about this. 2 of his comments really upset me & I’d really love live/real feedback to them.
One was “We’ve definitely got our eye on providing PS3 Full Games for Plus members. Stay tuned to these updates, but it’s definitely on the agenda. Thanks!” – It better be “on the agenda”!! It should be more than, “I’ve got my eye on it”! It’s part of the paid service & he’s treating it like, “yeah maybe, I don’t know, we’ll see”. Are we not supposed to get a “hit” game every month (hit being defined by full retail game)? We’re still waiting for this month.
The other was his response to ezeka_matthew. The issue was having a discount on a game via plus then the very same game popping up for free a couple months later. He defended that as being, “games get cheaper”. How is this a good outlook for long-term plus subscribers? How is that a good business model if they want people on for a year or more?
Morgan never said we were going to get Sleeping Dogs, Dead Space 2 or Motorstorm Apocalypse for NA PS+ and then we never received said games! He said that there is some exciting releases coming to PS+ soon. Maybe the games that were released weren’t exciting to you. But once again it’s not all about you. It’s about all of the millions of different PS+ subscribers. There were an unknown number of PS+ subscribers who were very happy with the releases. It’s impossible to please everyone. If you are unhappy with plus then speak with your wallet and don’t re-subscribe. It’s as easy as that.
Making everyone happy isn’t hard. It’s impossible.
Ugh, Used $40 in PSN cards to buy a year PS+ instead of PSAS:BR. It’s only been 2 weeks but nothing good, maybe a nice sale on Battle Royal? Don’t make me regret my choice because a crappy $5 artsy fartsy game isn’t cutting it.
Closure not bad, but I will be busy playing Skyrim DLC…
Wow…so far February is off to a terrible start, while EU’s February line-up is the best I’ve ever seen.
For the love of Kaz, please stop with the weekly post! I want a monthly outlook for the entire month! How about this, tell us all the free games we’re gonna get each month at the beginning, and post weekly reminders every Monday, and maybe list the sales in the weekly post. That way you’ll still have us visiting every Monday, and we have a better outlook on the value we get each month. I just hate these small updates, please monthly outlook!!
Skyrim dlc wasn’t in the drop. Is it actually showing up? Been following both pages
There isn’t even enough space in here to tell you guys what you’re doing wrong. This is the 3rd time I’ve written a comment so here’s super condensed. Plus this time last year >>>>>> Plus now. Then: Outland, Bloodrayne, Trine 2, Castlevania SOTN. Now: Foosball, GOME, indy puzzlers galore. I give each game a shot but half an hour later I’m remembering I could be playing Sly 4 instead of mediocre crap. Please return service to former glory. If that means you need a new bus driver then so be it. Thanks.
Luckily my plus expires in exactly 7days from now. Only own a vita so i wont be renewing until i see a drop thats worth it. Even though i got quality games since it launched (gravity rush & uncharted), i fell like i had to drag myself just to complete them. The only games on vita i enjoyed so far have been persona 4 golden, PSABR, sonic allstars racing, and most recent dissidia duodecim final fantasy 012 (psp).
@169 Can we please stop looking at the EU PS+ and using that as a excuse for “better value”? I just went to see and yes they have Sleeping Dog and Mortal Kombat, but we have Darksiders and Ninja Gaiden Sigma, so what?? Still very good games. The problems is all of you want specific games for free and you are overlooking the fact that this is just a service and that you get some free games as part of the service, maybe you subscribed to PS+ thinking you’ll get Sleeping Dogs, Ni No Kuni, NFS:MW and Dead Space 3 all for free… if you want a specific game just buy it, period, and keep enjoying the free stuff they give us for less than 5$/mo!!!
I’ve discussed this at length in previous weeks but I’ll post again as I haven’t noticed you in previous weeks’ discussions. Value is determined by two ways, subectively and objectively. Subjective value is the value you place on something due: whether or not you have it, how much you like the game, whether you like the story/gameplay/etc. This can be argued at length.
Objective value is judged by release date, price point, how well received a game was, etc. Being objective, it’s very difficult to argue against this.
Now that we’ve gotten this out of the way, I can say that for a service that is called by the exact same name, run by the same parent company, offering the same services, for almost the same price, the comparison is invited. I love how the first thing people use when arguing against me is asking if I would compare two other things.
If the chocolate chip cookies were sold by the same company, in the same package, marketed the same way and sold for the same price then yes, I would absolutely be making the same comparison. Don’t try to extend this analogy any further since this is a comparison of final product vs a comparison of an ongoing service and will inevitably fail when getting into details.
I never asked that they give the same games, only that they offer the same value as EU is getting since the cost of subscription is close enough between the two regions to be negligable. How is this an unfounded request?
More importanly, as you did not answer the first time, how is our asking for higher value (something that would benefit you in turn) affecting you so negatively that you need to come and attack those that are actively attempting to increase the value you receive?
Compare individual months to other individual months starting in November and you will see the same discrepancy everyone else is seeing.
Guess EU PS+ subscribers are in the same than you, fighting and claiming over they not having Ninja Gaiden Sigma. You can’t never please everybody.
Critter Crunch is still the best puzzle game I’ve played on the PS3. With great family-friendly humor, lot’s of different modes, hours of content, and even an online (which will hopefully get more active with the sale), $1.40 should be a no brainer for anyone who hasn’t tried it yet.
You can’t please everyone but you can damn well try. Does it look to you as if PS Plus NA is even trying to live up to expectations?
Wow EU PS+ subscribers just have crap games! F1 Racer and Quantum? LOL we got MegaMan 9-10, Darksiders, Kings of Figthers and Street Figther 4, GIVE ME SOME US PS+ ANY DAY!
@ JoeGoodsnake
I admitted to trolling you, letting you rant and rave about value, like you’re currently doing again. kudos on the wits there though, maybe next week it’ll finally sink in that if you don’t believe you’re receiving the value you currently should be getting, then simply don’t subscribe to those services…for instance, I don’t subscribe to my local cable provider because I don’t believe the value of whats put on tv (90% reruns, 10% new tv, and maybe only watch 3% of that new content) is worth the subscription fee. see how easy it is? I don’t feel a need to complain about it to other consumers who maybe be happy with their service, I simply vote with my wallet. when enough like minded individuals such as yourself do this, it causes whats called “churn”. it causes companies to look at the reason why they’ve been losing customers, and attempt to stem the issue by lowering prices, or offering more value.
but honestly, it’s funny watching self-entitled kids such as yourself expect the same treatment as a EU citizen, when you’re a NA citizen. next you’ll be thinking a kenyan is running your country and you’ll want aparthied laws established.
Not super hyped, but it’s always cool to get free games. I’ll probably buy the discounted game for PS3 and obviously redeem the free one.
I got critter crunch and closure at full price. I would suggest these games to everyone. I dont mind having some downtime because i still haven’t even downloaded infamous 2. People have been a bit complacent. I was thinking about revisiting Breath of fire III. It would be cool if you guys threw that up. That game consumed a solid 2 years of my youth. This is a good update despite that there is nothing here for me. keep it up.
Just went to see the PS+ form Japan and they got really crappy games, like Daytona USA and retro games like Sony and Crazy Taxi and some other weird stuff… seems like the best PS+ subscription is the US one, and all of you kids claiming and crying, gosh!
You specifically chose to compare their PSN games to our PS3 full games. Nice.
@grbolivar: It’s not free stuff. No matter how you look at it. I pay money and they give me games as a rental service. I quit paying games go away so there was nothing free. If it was free they would just give me the games without a fee.
Plus is or was a great service for what you pay for but a lot of us would like an equal field here on the value of the games we get with our subscription. If US pays $50 a year for Plus and we get $200 worth of games a month but EU pays the same and only gets $100 worth of games a month than it’s just not fair to them.
If they can’t give us all the same exact package than at least give us the same value. There’s many other things we have asked and the blog team doesn’t seem to bother or care to respond, Just look at how many times people have asked for a monthly update. Hell I’ve asked the last few times and never get a response. We voted on it and the majority wanted a monthly update but we still haven’t gotten it yet.
That was a full paragraph non-argument. You refuted none of my points and once again you’re just trolling.
You’re not even that good of a troll, which is why I expect you’re here complaining about little kids on PS Plus’ blog instead of doing the same on 4chan’s boards like you usually do.
You should rethink then rewrite your statement. You contradicted yourself twice.
Quote my contradiction.
@ DazeOfWar
Yeah well that’s just like your opinion man.
Everything’s an opinion. What’s different about DazeOfWar’s opinion is that it’s backed by facts.
@Alkaiser: How is that my opinion? It’s not free if you pay for it. That’s a fact.
When people like JoeGoodsnake, me, and many others talk about the issues with Plus we are considered whiners but you are not really understanding what we are talking about. We just want an equal playing field. The best way for Sony to really fix Plus is to either give us all the exact same games or the same value each month.
Same games means there is nothing to compare it to. You may get games to don’t want or already have but at least there isn’t something looking better to compare it to. I already get games I don’t want or already own but at least I would be getting the same stuff as everyone else who pays for the subscription.
Plus was a lot better service when it first started game wise. Yes the other goodies in the service are great like auto syncing and cloud storage but we all have that. Why not make us all get the same games.
Next time read my post.
It’s the constant lies about content.
If someone tells you you’re going to get something, you pay and you dont’ get it, you’d get your money back.
Morgan has constantly lied about content, as well as using the wrong word like “great” to describe everyting.
There was a long post of his quotes that were all lies in a previous blog post.
If Sony’s Plus Rep has lied to me over and over about what Plus is going to give me, I definately have a case and that is the problem.
It’s not about “The content isn’t what I would have chosen” It’s about “The content isn’t what we were told it would be”
ewww…gross…I wouldn’t let 4Chan on my PC. I’ve seen it, it’s full of garbage.
and I did refute you by telling you if you don’t like the value, don’t subscribe. I get where you’re coming from, but your argument is flawed. you noted yourself that the price of subscriiptions for each region are SIMILAR, but you want the SAME value….what part of “they still pay more” don’t you understand? if you wanted to have your argument taken more realistically, take the value of each and every game for each region for each game given away plus discounted games over a whole years time, and that proper currency conversions are done for each regions games and sub price, and graph it on a scale basis. obviously if prices are similar, but not the same, you can expect similar value, not the same value.
I would like to see others episodes of TWD on plus :)
Awwwwww, Morgan this is a decent update.
I won’t complain though because I know I will play through Closure, so thank you guys for that game.
What I would really like, is if there are weeks that are lacking PS3 games, if you guys can do amazing discounts on good games for that day? I went crazy on the 13/13 deal. That deal was great. I would love to see more discounts like that.
13/13 deal for me was the best so far from plus.
I know I’m re-posting something I have mentioned in a previous post but I feel this needs to be said:
Okay who here wants the free content to up to us: the members?? I’ve been thinking about it and I think instead of just releasing the titles without input from the members, do the opposite. Leave it up to a vote. I think if PS+ did this, not only would people be happy with the games that come out but also boost incentive to stay as a member!! Also, instead of the weekly updates as counting votes and releasing titles would prove difficult, why release bi-weekly? That way the PS3 only members have their turn and then the Vita Crowd has their turn!! I don’t know just something I’ve been thinking is all to combat the “how come we got that instead of this” and also to make it unique from EU and Japan.
It’s a fun idea; but a good time to address a common misconception about Plus is that we don’t have full choice over any game that’s in the PS Store to place in Plus. We need to work with our publishing partners and get their sign off on these games, which takes time to secure. So we wouldn’t want to have people vote on a game, and then not be able to secure it for release. (Sorry guys, we know you voted for this, but can’t so it!) see?
On the flip side, say we secured and cleared 5 games and let everyone vote on them; then, what about the games that people didn’t vote as much for? Do we just toss those aside? Probably not as it would likely just anger those who voted for them; so then we would probably add them in eventually, but then the power of the vote really would be lessened, right? Maybe do it in a way where the users vote on what games come free first?
It’s a tricky question, but I’m looking at some ways that we can involve you guys voting on content, but as you can see from above, there are a number of factors to consider.