Last week saw the launch of a PlayStation Mobile promotion that will offer six free games over six weeks, starting with Samurai Beatdown. This week, the free PlayStation Mobile game is Beats Slider. Master the puzzle gameplay by sliding different note blocks into sequences to create catchy electro tunes and compete for the best times online!
Recently, we invited FuturLab’s Managing Director James Marsden to explain the ins and outs of the game on PlayStation.Blog. Here’s what separates Beats Slider from its contemporaries:
So what we’ve done is allow the player to push a drum loop MIDI pattern into a synthesizer slot, or a melody pattern into a bass line track, and every combination you could think of within the limits of each level. It was quite the brain teaser to write music that can be rearranged in this way whilst still sounding good, but we managed it.
What we’re also doing is teaching people how to solve those blasted slider puzzles. Some people are just able to solve them, but people like you (and me) are often left frowning with frustration. No more. If you play Beats Slider, you will learn how to solve every slider puzzle that will ever be made, whilst also listening to catchy music like this.
Find out for yourself starting today – and at no cost! PS Vita owners will be able to download Beats Slider for free on the PS Mobile section of PlayStation Store; Owners of PlayStation-certified devices (see the full list here) can obtain it through PlayStation Mobile Store – click here for full instructions. Check back next Wednesday to learn what new free game you’ll download next!
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