PSN Games
Jetpack Joyride (Free)

ESRB: E10+ – Everyone 10+ // File Size: 20.6 MB
PS Vita
AR Play 2012 Holiday Bundle ($6.25)
File Size: 1.1 GB
Chronovolt ($4.99)

ESRB: E – Everyone //File Size: 261.3 MB
Jetpack Joyride (Free)

ESRB: E10+ – Everyone 10+ // File Size: 20.6 MB
PlayStation Store Highlights
It’s almost time for 2013! Ring in the New Year with even more Holiday Essential deals! PS Vita owners can pick up Chronovolt, Jetpack Joyride and an AR Holiday bundle packed with content. PS Plus members can enjoy deeper discounts and two new games for their PS3 & PS Vita.
As always, please leave your thoughts in the comments below. You can also chat about this update in the PlayStation Community Forums.
PlayStation Plus
Click here to learn more and purchase online or go to the PlayStation Store to activate instantly.
Instant Game Collection
- NBA Jam On Fire Edition (PS3)
- Chronovolt (PS Vita)
- Batman: Arkham City (30%) – PS Plus Price: $14.70
- inFAMOUS Festival of Blood (30%) – PS Plus Price: $4.90
- Assassin’s Creed 2 Deluxe Edition (30%) – PS Plus Price: $9.80
- Shadow of the Colossus (30%) – PS Plus Price: $9.80
- Bulletstorm (30%) – PS Plus Price: $9.80
- Sound Shapes (30%) – PS Plus Price: $7.35
- Sound Shapes Vita (30%) – PS Plus Price: $7.35
- TOKYO JUNGLE (30%) – PS Plus Price: $7.35
- Skullgirls (30%) – PS Plus Price: $7.35
- Touch My Katamari (30%) – PS Plus Price: $12.25
Price Change
- Amy – PS3 Game (now: $3.99 original price: $9.99)
Holiday Essentials Sale
- Assassin’s Creed II Deluxe Edition – PS3 Game (now: $13.99 original price: $19.99 Plus price: $9.80)
- Batman Arkham City – PS3 Game (now: $20.99 original price: $29.99 Plus price: $14.70)
- Bulletstorm – PS3 Game (now: $13.99 original price: $19.99 Plus price: $9.80)
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution – PS3 Game (now: $14.99 original price: $29.99)
- inFamous 2 – PS3 Game (now: $13.99 original price: $19.99 Plus price: FREE)
- inFamous: Festival of Blood – PS3 Game (now: $6.99 original price: $9.99 Plus price: $4.90)
- Just Cause 2 – PS3 Game (now: $7.49 original price: $19.99)
- Quantum Conundrum – PS3 Game (now: $7.49 original price: $14.99)
- Shadow of the Colossus – PS3 Game (now: $13.99 original price: $19.99 Plus price: $9.80)
- SoundShapes – PS3 & PS Vita Game (now: $10.49 original price: $14.99 Plus price: $7.35)
- Skullgirls – PS3 Game (now: $10.49 original price: $14.99 Plus price: $5.14)
- Tokyo Jungle – PS3 Game (now: $10.49 original price: $14.99 Plus price: $7.35)
- Touch My Katamari – PS Vita Game (now: $17.49 original price: $24.99 Plus price: $8.57)
PS Vita Add-ons
- Chronospheres Pack ($0.99) – NEW Chronospheres are available! Professor Chase has upgraded his original prototype and developed four new ones to try. Each has a different functionality: Electrosphere, Velovespa, Gravisphere and Chronosphere X.
Jetpack Joyride
- Coin Booster Pack ($1.49) – Add 20,000 coins to your in-game Stash.
- Coin Mega Pack ($2.49) – Add 50,000 coins to your in-game Stash.
- Coin Ultra Pack ($3.99) – Add 100,000 coins to your in-game Stash.
- Coin Barry Pack ($3.99) – Add 250,000 coins to your in-game Stash.
- Coin Ultimate Pack ($13.99) – Add 1,000,000 coins to your in-game Stash.
- Counterfeit Machine ($2.49) – Every coin you collect in the game is worth double! Does not apply to purchasable coin packs.
PS3 Add-ons
Jetpack Joyride
- Coin Booster Pack ($1.49) – Add 20,000 coins to your in-game Stash.
- Coin Mega Pack ($2.49) – Add 50,000 coins to your in-game Stash.
- Coin Ultra Pack ($3.99) – Add 100,000 coins to your in-game Stash.
- Coin Barry Pack ($3.99) – Add 250,000 coins to your in-game Stash.
- Coin Ultimate Pack ($13.99) – Add 1,000,000 coins to your in-game Stash.
- Counterfeit Machine ($2.49) – Every coin you collect in the game is worth double! Does not apply to purchasable coin packs.
PS3 Themes
- Apocalypse Dream – Good Dayz Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- Apocalypse Dream – Hellcatz Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- Apocalypse Dream – Love Life Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- Apocalypse Dream – Mystery Wall Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- Apocalypse Dream – Pursuit of Happyness Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- Create PSP Theme — $1.49
- DNA Static Theme — $1.99
- Few Words Created Life Static Theme — $1.99
- Play PSP Theme — $1.49
Game Videos (Free)
- LittleBigPlanet Karting Halloween Trailer
- LittleBigPlanet Karting Launch Trailer
- LittleBigPlanet Karting Story Trailer
- The Last Of Us Story Trailer
The Music Unlimited deal ended earlier today with this update.
i agree with the Morgan haters, i realize he talks out…
…nothing he says is ever accurate. he’s just a pitchman; wait till next week, all that stuff
Sweeeeeeet! CANNOT WAIT to see what you have in 2013 PlayStation!!!!!!!!!!!
So is Jetpack Joyride the same MINI they released a few weeks ago?
I really H A T E MINI’s. They are dumbed down games in order to work with the PSP.
So instead of
1080p +
Trophies +
Online functionality +
Dual Analog control
We get
480P (Standard Def) +
Poor controls
I would have enjoyed playing through this game again just for the trophies.
I actually own the iOS version (it was FREE by the way) and it runs in HD and looks beautiful on the iPad.
Sony, please consider making a new MINI2 format that is Vita and PS3 only (see Cross-Play, Cross-Compatible, Cross Control). And leave the PSP to fade away.
no AVATARS ?!!!, where’s the Persona 4 Golden AVATARS ?
I see my decision not to renew my US one year subscription was the correct one.
Same recycled sales. Same bargain bin freebies.
Oh look! Assassin’s Creed II and InFamous 2! Happy 2009 everyone!
Stop blaming Sony over the games we get on PS Plus. If Europe gets better third party games for free start blaming the game publishers. Sony doesn’t make the decisions, the publishers do. Why are they giving Europe the big games and not the US? There’s the real issue.
Lamesauce… Just became a PS Plus subscriber on my Vita and still haven’t found a single reason why I should continue after my 3 months is up. Nothing here to my liking except for maybe soundshapes. Hopefully this whole PSPlus thing gets better for me and other Vita users.
More garbage For plus! yay
My grandfather told me something today:
– Matheus, when I was child, Playstation Plus give us good games for free, was fantastic, I payed only US$ 50 and play a lot of fantastic games, like my father, that live on Italy.
I sad:
– Wow, thats amazing, just in your childhood was like that, now they give us only what nobody wants, ignore your comments and says that more than 95% of subscribers are happy with the service.
@41 You should learn about exchange rates and inflation before making a comment in concerns to the price difference between EU and US subscriber costs. They don’t pay a larger premium for better games, the pay a higher rate because of the difference in value the US dollar holds to the euro or british pounds.
This may have been answered a long time ago, I don’t know. But, where in the world is the Multiplayer and Wallace DLC for Scott Pilgrim VS. The World: The Game?!? I’m asking now because I was just comparing trophies with a friend and noticed that this DLC apparently exists because there are trophies for it. I tried searching for it in the store with no luck. It’s not even on the game’s page.
I also didn’t see this DLC before the new store layout. Which begs the question, what’s taking so long?!?
I didn’t think I would but I am really enjoying jetpack joyride it is awesome and it has trophies
@54 – This Jetpack Joyride is a new version with trophy support! And it’s a separate game download for PSN and Vita, so you might be able to get 24 trophies…
I clearly remember Mr. Morgan Haro saying that the US PS+ would match the EU PS+ in content quality this month. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA good one Morgan. What a massive whopper of a lie that was.
@59 vita ps plus was doom to disappoint from the beginning. The vita has a small line up and you plus members have already received 50% of the systems best games… its all down here from here for a while until the recent good releases become available. .. maybe in April
and OH MY GOD is sound shapes really $7.35 WOW
its deals like this that makes me regret not being a playstation plus member
Its best just to ignore anything he says like that. He’s just a PR guy for Plus and he’ll try to make every update sound great whether he actually means it or not, since its his job.
What Sony really needs to do is upgrade their PlayStation Blog.
Why can’t we vote up (or down) interesting and useful comments?
Everything just gets lost in the shuffle and the moderator just picks and chooses the easy to answer questions.
Take a cue from popular forums. There is a reason they are being used by millions of people.
Also, can you please tell the customer service at Music Unlimited to stop blaming the customer’s internet connection whenever we email them to say their connection is down.
Music Unlimited, while a great music service, never seems to be working when I want to use it most…
I.E. Thanksgiving day, Christmas Eve, and about 30% of the time it goes down randomly.**
** It’s not my PlayStation’s fault (It didn’t work on my PC or iOS either)
** It’s not my ISP’s fault (everything else worked fine)
** It’s not the Internet’s fault.
MU Customer Support told me to check my nternet connection.
How the H377 did he think I sent him the email?!? Man.. Sometimes I have to wonder how they people land a job with Sony!
Anyway, I doubt you will reply to this, but I wish you and everyone else who reads this a Happy New Year!
I’m hoping for improvements in 2013. :)
Wish I still had plus for some of these discounts
Played bulletstorm and batman ac and they are a steal at these prices
skull girls and katimari vita are nicely priced for plus members too
Deus ex for 15…. get it
I was really excited for NBA Jam until I downloaded it and saw how insanely out of date the rosters are. Chris Paul is still on the Hornets. Some teams rosters have guys that aren’t even on the team anymore. What a buzzkill.
I feel sorry for US Plus subscribers. Before E3 2012 you guys had it good and EU was getting ripped, now it’s swapped to EU Plus whose getting the good deals. They do this on purpose to see which region is more profitable, they said this about other sales, so I’m pretty sure they’re intentionally doing the same thing again with Plus.
No Lumines sale at all? God, Sony America sucks big time. The ONLY actual sale you guys would have had over the retail version ($18 for digital vs $24.99 gamestop) and you couldn’t even give us that. Such incompetence….
Jetpack Joyride for PSN(PS3) and Vita are free, but I wonder why Jetpack Joyride Mini (PSP) isn’t free too.
Does anyone know if the PS3 version of Quantum Conundrum still has bad graphical clipping? I played the demo and every time I would turn to the left or right the environment graphics would tear apart. Has this issue been fixed? Was it demo specific and not in the full game?
Any word on getting the two dlc track packs back for Motorstorm PR? Or at least an update on why they were removed?
Wish I had budgeted better, because there were two or three games I would have bought during these holiday sales. I did pick up Dokuro.
Anyway, here’s hoping for a Spring 2013 release of The Last Guardian.
Happy New (calendar) Year everyone!
I know most people hated the update but I kinda liked it. I’ve always wanted to try NBA Jam. Still, I’m with the others in hoping for GREAT games in 2013.
I am seriously regretting getting a year of PS+ have yet to give anything i am seriously interested in. People always praising it and for what? not one free game i like or already played a long time ago. You really need to step it up sony.
why an iphone game wich is free goes full price on PSN ? hy DLC are more than double price compared to the iphone version ? what’s the point ?? i think that’s not fair at all.
like alphalt on vita , free on iphone , full game price on vita… LOL
is vita already dead ??
I got both jet pack and the other one did you know that ps3 in my area is 199.99 refurbused for 160gb and im having troublues why did you guys take out the vedio store on my ps vita in Canada and I cant go on to ps home for some resion
When is the PlayStation Store webstore be available for US?
Okay, so Lumines isn’t even listed under “Weekly Deals” (even though Supernova is) but it is at $20.99. That’s 30% off the normal $29.99. That’s great, but is there a further discount for Plus members? If it follows the Holiday Essentials sale logic, it should be $14.99 for Plus members. Mind you, it’s not part of the Holiday Essentials sale apparently, so that’s not a guarantee.
Regardless, I went ahead an bought it at $20.99, but if it turns out that it just hadn’t been updated for Plus members and I paid $6 extra for no reason, I want a $6 credit in my PSN wallet because this is seriously getting ridiculous.
@54 Maybe. But it also says for PSN & PS Vita.
@56 Licensing issues.
Quantum Conundrum – PS3 Game (now: $7.49 original price: $14.99) – This was free for Plus members last month.
@75 Those free games come and go, sometimes quickly.
@78 When pigs fly.
@73 While I have the game due to it being a Plus offer awhile back, haven’t played far enough to check.
EA servers for NBA Jam are being taken down in January, so Plus members will get to play with friends for a day or two before it is useless.
Bulletstorm is currently $5.95 on Amazon, so this isn’t much of a deal. I can’t tell for Assassin’s Creed II, but the deluxe edition for PC is $12.99…no huge savings. I’m tempted to pick up Arkham City, but by the time I get all the extras that come with the GOTY edition, I’d be better off buying it new.
So, nothing for me this time. At least it gives me a little break to work on my backlog.
Happy New Year!
@77 Take it up with Sony Support. I got my PS3 used for $90 and can get on PS Home. I live in US, however
+ LABARONX on December 31st, 2012 at 2:56 pm said:
Wish I still had plus for some of these discounts Played bulletstorm and batman ac and they are a steal at these prices skull girls and katimari vita are nicely priced for plus members too Deus ex for 15…. get it
Batman AC, Bulletstorm, & Deus Ex have all been free for EU PS+ in recent months. Lol.
Good no replies yet, hopefully Morgan has learned to keep his mouth shut instead of giving us false hope/promises/etc… only to be proven time and time again to be a liar (or be given false info from bosses, or you can say mispoke, used the wrong words whatever, saying we’d have equal quality to the EU sales was a flat out lie).
Stay off the blog Morgan, please, all you’ve done lately is more harm than good, same with any other store staff for that matter.
Get new staff sony! Get people who know what they are doing, or at the very least, start spell-checking and proof-reading before update posts.
“It’s the holidays” is no excuse. Plenty of people are still going to their full time jobs right now and doing just as good/the same work as always.
If you’re gonna half-effort it this badly (and during the big holiday sale… what timing) might as well not bother showing up to work at all.
Thanks for nothing since the IGC started/Plus changed.
I’ll have to get Sound Shapes now at that price.
@82 Source?
@83 Getting Batman Arkham GOTY new is best than used. I already have a backlog of games I haven’t finished due to Plus.
@86 Every company has different policies.
a year of basicly,, nothing. i will not renew Plus scubscription.
on top of that. NO!? dual stick suport for GT PSP on vita+ no patches for that title as well.Utter crap.
@85 I’m well aware of that but I paid full price for them and all their dlc which adds up to alnost $200 if anyone was interested in them they are good at those prices instead of waiting to get them on plus… just my observation
No, I think Grace and Kristine actually do a really good job. They just try to help people who have problems and answer peoples’ questions.
Morgan on the other hand is nothing more than a hype man, paid to keep the masses content by any means necessary. Which usually involves lying a lot, saying “wait for next week, it’s going to be awesome!” “our content is going to match EU’s content this month”, “I think you’ll like what we have next month” blah blah blah. Same old crap from him all the time. And it’s hilarious how he’ll skip past 30 comments in a row that are all negative or have legitimate concerns, and then answer a comment from some brown noser saying how much they love Sony.
You’re lying. I’ve seen Morgan explain his statements to complaining brats’ posts countless times, and also says “Thanks for the feedback” to some of the more long-winded posts of criticism.
You’re a liar, therefore, you’re a coward.
But like I said, I don’t have time for this today. Goodbye.
I strongly suggest looking into updating or reverting the Playstation store to its original state. I’ve been able to deal with the horrendous lag while searching the store, but now I can’t even enter the store without my PS3 freezing. While it looks flashy and all, I really think something should be done about it, especially considering it’s widely agreed upon that the new store simply isn’t functional. Hopefully the next couple months of Playstation Plus are better as well (Discounts, Update announcements, Game selection, etc.). I really think you guys dropped the ball once the IGC was added, but that’s my opinion.
I’ve been a PS+ subscriber for a year now and I’ve never once complained before, but this update is pathetic! If Sony doesn’t stop favoring the European market, my subscription will be expiring in March and will not be renewed. Step up your game, Sony!
+ PrimeroIncognito on December 31st, 2012 at 3:36 pm said:
You’re lying. I’ve seen Morgan explain his statements to complaining brats’ posts countless times, and also says “Thanks for the feedback” to some of the more long-winded posts of criticism.
You’re a liar, therefore, you’re a coward.
But like I said, I don’t have time for this today. Goodbye.
Lol, hilarious that Im being called a liar by the village idiot. Everyone who reads this blog knows exactly what I”m talking about. Anybody that cares enough could go back to older PS+ updates and see all the false promises and lies Morgan has fed us.
@90 I didn’t renew my Gold subscription since I got bored with it after a number of years. PS+, on the other hand, I might renew.
Has anyone else noticed Skullgirls is listed here for about $5 but shows $7 on the Playstation store?