With the New Year about to start, we’re setting up one last week of great discounts on your Holiday Essentials – the games that you may not have played yet but wanted to try out. We’ve had two weeks of amazing games at awesome prices and this week is no different. With the last week of our Holiday Essentials sale, we’re bringing you the best of the best for your PS3 and PS Vita to ring in the New Year.
With this week’s lineup, you can feast your ears on Sound Shapes, which features Cross-Buy, meaning that when you purchase either the PS Vita or PS3 version, you get the other version for free. You’ll also be able venture around superhero game Batman: Arkham City, and test your survival skills in action-packed Tokyo Jungle.
Now’s your chance to save 30% — or up to 50% for PlayStation Plus members—on the final week of great games. But like the year 2012, these deals won’t last much longer, so head into the PlayStation Store and pick them up today! These discounts will only be good through 1/7/2013. You can find the full lineup below:
- AR PLAY (Sale: $6.25, PS Plus: $4.38, Regular: $8.94)
- Assassin’s Creed 2 Deluxe Edition (Sale: $13.99, PS Plus: $9.80, Regular: $19.99)
- Batman: Arkham City (Sale: $20.99, PS Plus: $14.70, Regular: $29.99)
- Bulletstorm (Sale: $13.99, PS Plus: $9.80, Regular: $19.99)
- inFAMOUS 2 (Sale: $13.99, PS Plus: Free, Regular: $19.99)
- inFAMOUS Festival of Blood (Sale: $6.99, PS Plus: $4.90, Regular: $9.99)
- Lumines Electronic Symphony (Sale: $24.99, PS Plus: $17.49, Regular: $35.99)
- Shadow of the Colossus (Sale: $13.99, PS Plus: $9.80, Regular: $19.99)
- Skullgirls (Sale: $10.49, PS Plus: $7.35, Regular: $14.99)
- Sound Shapes (Sale: $10.49, PS Plus: $7.35, Regular: $14.99)
- Sound Shapes Vita (Sale: $10.49, PS Plus: $7.35, Regular: $14.99)
- TOKYO JUNGLE (Sale: $10.49, PS Plus: $7.35, Regular: $14.99)
- Touch My Katamari (Sale: $17.99, PS Plus: $12.25, Regular: $24.99)
Once you stock up, you’ll be set to start off the New Year right. See you in 2013 for more deals and discounts on some of your favorite games!
Sadly there’s nothing for me in this sale, but some prices do look tempting. Hope you guys enjoy your New Year!
@48 u can also play tokyo jungle via remote play
Damn I was hoping LBP Vita was on sale for a week longer, As I was going to purchase I was surprised to not see it on special anymore. :(
lol infamous 2 free? how do you give the SAME game free in a 6 month timespan? especially considering it stayed free at LEAST 4 months since June.. so if you wanna be technical theyre giving the same game free in a 2 month timespan….
if this is our free ps+ game for the day then all I can say Morgan is be prepared for an uproar.. because for once I can agree that a complaint about that will be 100% legitimate
I forgot to ask a question here.
What’s included in AR PLAY? Is that a bundle, app, or it’s own type of game? Thanks.
Not terribly impressed with the list although I’ll definitely pick up Tokyo Jungle. I’d really like to get Lumines but I saw it as low as fifteen bucks at retail during the holidays which is usually an indicator of an imminent price drop. I think I’ll hold off on the download and just keep checking Amazon. Also, I hope there is a Plus update pending because if it’s just “Hey, pick up Infamous 2!”, I’m going to be kind of pissed and I have had zero complaints about that service in the last year.
@48 Have you even played NBA Jam? It’s a fantastic remake of a classic game and an absolute blast. It’s awesome we’re getting it for free.
WOW, this deals sucks.
EU go 50% off on FarCry and NFS. the best deal we got is Tokyo Jungle.
@52 – I hear you. I didn’t realize they were updating the store on Monday last week. I went to check the Tuesday update on Monday morning, fully intending on picking up LBP immediately afterward. Even when I saw the date change, I still assumed I had time because they never update the store until late afternoon. I logged in and AAARRRRGGGHHHHHH!!! Just mad at myself for missing it.
Mr. Haro will be hiding in his cubicle once PLUS updates, be prepared for the onslaught Mr. Morgan Haro. Just a heads up. So you might want to keep a heads down. The villagers don’t look happy, LOL.
ps. love NBA JAMS.
I agree with the people upset over infamous 2. I understand there are new plus subscribers who don’t have it yet, but this is just too soon.
Also if Luminescent can get its price corrected to reflect its actual $29.99 price, I’ll be interested.
@57 – Don’t be too mad. We did get two bucks off of Assassin’s Creed III last weekend. Probably seemed like a better flash deal on paper before every retail outlet in the country had the game for $39.99 the last two weeks.
Truth though, I would nab FC3 and NFS at half off in a heartbeat.
oh and another thing its funny how if we do get NB jam free…. EA has already listed it as taking the online servers down on jan or feb 11th lmao… so yeah go ahead and give us a free game who online is being taken away…
Say it ain’t so !?!
only one game got discount for the vita .. in the last week sales ?!!
Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy only one .. not like 5 ?!!!
61@ I actually thought that the Farcry and NFS deals are coming to the US store and 4 seconds later I put 100$ in my account. I guss the money will sit there for a long time…
This post says “today”, but these are definitely not active yet.
not so good sales.. there should me nfs most wanted for 50% or something like this… or oddworld… :( i like to spent some money in discounts… but no discounts on vita worth to do it :(
also the “leaked” list i saw with nba jam free was listed as wed jan 2nd.. weve known for awhiel that our update was coming on dec 31st…. only EU gets wednesday updates so nba jam is probably for EU… as for
@63 here ya go:
January 11, 2013 — Online Services Shutdown
FIFA Soccer 11 for PC, PS3, Wii & Xbox 360
FIFA Soccer 11 Ultimate Team for PS3 & Xbox 360
Madden NFL 11 for PS3, Wii & Xbox 360
Madden NFL 11 Ultimate Team for PS3 & Xbox 360
NBA JAM for PS3 & Xbox 360
NBA LIVE 10 for PS3 & Xbox 360
NCAA Football 11 for PS3 & Xbox 360
NHL 11 for PS3 & Xbox 360
NHL 11 Ultimate Team for PS3 & Xbox 360
just check out the ea(dot)com service updates for proof
I really liked the sound shapes demo, but i only have ten bucks in my wallet, now i can buy it !! Thanks
Week 1: nothing
Week 2: nada
Week 3: el zilcho
Disappointing personally, however I applaud the effort. 3 weeks of deals is a big step up from prior holiday sales. Keep up the good work into the new year :D
The NBA Jam thing was from people setting the time on their PS3 ahead to January 1st (for some Journey trophy) and finding the Playstation Plus updates in the store (all of those pages where they highlight the sales). It says NBA Jam is free there, so its for us, not EU, especially since all of the other sales in this post were also shown using that method.
This is sad, everyone who works with Sony, the Blog and the Store should feel shame.
The sales this year are terrible.
Last update someone posted a ton of quotes from Morgan telling us how great the Xmas sales would be, how they would match the EU for content etc…
Once again Morgan has either lied to us, or been lied to himself.
This is beyond patheitc, at least I don’t have to worry about spending any money on the PSN this holiday season, but I was really hoping I was going to spend…
That’s referring to the retail release of NBA Jam, not the improved PSN release of NBA Jam On Fire Edition. Two different games with different servers. Stop spreading misinformation, NBA Jam is not getting it’s server sshut down.
Europe gets Batman: AC and Bulletstorm for free, we get them on sale.
Europe gets Far Cry 3 half off, we get Tokyo Jungle… If I could I would have canceled my subscription months ago.
Is there still no way to purchase content unless I go through the PS Store on my PS3?
I’ve been away from my PS3 for the Holidays and hate to be missing out on free content (as a PS+ member) as well as the deals.
“The sales this year are terrible.”
That’s pretty harsh. There have been over 100 things on sale these past few weeks. Just look at the weekly deals part of the store. These “essentials” are but a small part of the equation. If you think this years stuff is bad, you must have pulled your hair out over last years stuff…
hey guys what should i do about arkham city? i got the arkham city goty edition on sale at amazon for 30$ but here they have the original for 15. should i just go with the the standard version or is the extra’s worth it? but i also love getting a physical copy of the game a digital download won’t cut it for me. so is the 15 dollar price cut worth it?
forget about posting anything, NOONE at Sony will read these comments and respond until after the New Year, by which everyone, and i mean EVERYONE, will cease their complaining and just turn on their DSs, Wiis, WiiUs, Xbox’s, 360s, and/or PCs.
WOW…. these “Holiday sales” have been HORRIBLE……
seriously who is the person thinking of these sales?
I remember back in “Holiday 2010” i bought like 10 games from just one week (back then i think it was just one week anyway). Also if my memory is right didnt we get to vote on what games we wanted on sale back then too?
Since then these sales for “Holiday, Summer & whatever else” have been atrocious….
It really is sad that PSN cant hire real ppl that are in touch with what gamers want.
@ megamixer I was wondering that too. I don’t think people realize that PS Plus this year is wayyyyy much better than it was in previous years. I haven’t continuously been a member of Plus since the beginning, I came in and out a couple times, but I can see that the way it is now is so much better than it was even a year ago.
And not Unfinished Swan Discount ?! Too bad. Not really interested in this discounts, I hope SCEA will add new discounts tomorrow on 1st 2013 or maybe Free game. But please I want a discount for Unfinished Swan, please.
Happy New Gaming Year Everyone! See you in 2013.
on the plus update article, Morgan said that the Lumines discount isn’t the real thing and that we won’t get that Plus discount. That sucks. Lumines was the ONLY interesting game on the 3 week holiday sales i wanted. :/
The EU store had better sales all month long I’m still upset over that not to mentionthey know what’s coming up for the entire month of January for their PlayStation plus
I want Metal Gear Solid HD collection on sale. anything below 20 usd.
I notice a lot of people complaining that the EU got a 50% reduction on Far Cry 3 –
what you have to remember is that, in the UK at least, new releases tend to retail between £35-40, but the PSN store charges £59.99 (close to $100 at today’s exchange rate) so a 50% reduction might not be as attractive as it seems.
In fact most retailers dropped the price of Far Cry to £23 just a few days before it appeared in the PSN sale.
@ Ryumoau sorry to hear that. For once you actually have my sympathy. I would be really disappointed if a game I wanted that was supposed to be on sale was suddenly taken off. Maybe hopefully it might be going on sale in the near future thoug
@ + Morgan Haro on December 31st, 2012 at 11:05 am said:
EXTRA Correction; it will still be on sale, just not part of the Holiday Sale. You’ll be able to find the discount for it under the “weekly deals’ section of the Store. Sorry, everyone is a bit on new Years break mode! =)
(above) @Ryumoau
I wish Tokyo Jungle had a demo I would like to buy it for the sale price but I don’t wan to get it than regret the purchase. I have heard good things about sound shapes and I might pick that up. I will get the demo and go from there.
I actually think there’s been a bunch of really good games on sale these past 3 weeks. I’m getting Sound Shapes for sure.
Tokyo Jungle you’re miiiiiine…nice sales this week,there are bunch of good games but I have the majority of them already…I might ended up picking Skullgirls too,also Bulletstorm is at an awesome price I would like to pick but I prefer rental.Shame that I missed RE4 and I am alive…damn I hope you guys put them for free anytime soon.
@ 86 Toadamus – LBP Vita was in the 1st week of sales.
Awesome! I think you read my plead on Twitter for TOKYO JUNGLE to be discounted! Unfortunately my friend didn’t want to listen to me and wait for the last weeks sale to see if the game would go on the list. The fortunate part is that I wasn’t the one who bought the game last week so regardless i’m not at a loss. For those who are wondering, the game DOES have co-op play. Its one of those fun games that you can just pick up,play,have a good laugh & not have to worry about an in-depth storyline. There are TONS of animals you can choose from (40+ plus DLC animals+costumes) and different styles to play/survive. Easy controls and quick to understand. Just remember one thing! You must be ONE with the animals! (or humans?)
PS. Yes, you can mate and have babies. ;)
Come on! Instead of this old stuff and mostly PS3 stuff, start supporting the Vita with a large sale of RECENT PSP titles, like say, Unchained Blades and Ragnarok Tactics! Or really, any PSP game that’s above $20…
REALLY?.. that’s it?! this was the most overhyped sale in SCEA’s history. 3 weeks of old stale games that were ALREADY dirt cheap in stores months ago.. what a disappointment.
sigh….can’t find Lumines at all.