Motorstorm Complete Edition ($11.99)

ESRB: E – Everyone // File Size: 1.2 GB
PS Vita
Motorstorm Complete Edition ($11.99)

ESRB: E – Everyone // File Size: 1.2 GB
PlayStation Store Highlights
Happy holidays! It’s a light publish this week due to the holiday season, but you can still pick up some great new deals via our Holiday Essentials Sale. If you’re a PS Plus member, you can enjoy deeper discounts on those deals, plus Retro City Rampage for free.
It’s also worth noting that a couple things have been updated in the PS Store navigation. We’ve incorporated some of your feedback and you can now filter Add-ons by game title and the Weekly Deals section has been placed more prominently. We hope these changes will help you find what you’re looking for.
As always, please leave your thoughts in the comments below. You can also chat about this update in the PlayStation Community Forums.
PlayStation Plus
Click here to learn more and purchase online or go to the PlayStation Store to activate instantly.
Instant Game Collection
- Retro City Rampage (both PS3 & PS Vita)
- Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty (30%) – PS Plus Price $7.35
- Galaga Legions DX (30%) – PS Plus Price $4.90
- Mortal Kombat (30%) – PS Plus Price $14.70
- Duke Nukem Forever (30%) – PS Plus Price $9.80
- Simpsons The Arcade Game (30%) – PS Plus Price $4.90
- Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational Vita (30%) – PS Plus Price $8.74
- Mafia II (30%) – PS Plus Price $9.80
- Killzone 3 Multiplayer (30%) – PS Plus Price $7.35
- Unit 13 (30%) – PS Plus Price
$12.94$17.49 - Journey (30%) – PS Plus Price $7.35
- Papo & Yo (30%) – PS Plus Price $7.35
- Metal Gear Solid HD Collection (30%) – PS Plus Price $17.14
- Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater HD (30%) – PS Plus Price $7.34
- Starhawk (30%) – PS Plus Price $19.60
Last Chance (Leaving on 12/31)
- PS Vita Instant Game Collection – Jet Set Radio
- PS3 Instant Game Collection – BioShock 2
- Instant Game Collection – Bloodrayne Betrayal
- Discount – Music Unlimited Premium 1 Year Subscription
- Discount – Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty
- Discount – Galaga Legions DX
- Discount – Mortal Kombat
- Discount – Duke Nukem Forever
- Discount – Simpsons The Arcade Game
- Discount – Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational Vita
- Discount – Mafia II
- Discount – Killzone 3 Multiplayer
- Discount – Unit 13
- Discount – Journey
- Discount – Papo & Yo
- Discount – Metal Gear Solid HD Collection PS3
- Discount – Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater HD
- Discount – Starhawk
Holiday Essentials Sale
- Duke Nukem Forever – PS3 Game (now: $13.99 original price: $19.99 Plus price: $9.80)
- Journey – PS3 Game (now: $10.49 original price: $14.99 Plus price: $7.35)
- Killzone 3 Multiplayer – PS3 Game (now: $10.49 original price: $14.99 Plus price: $7.35)
- Mafia II – PS3 Game (now: $13.99 original price: $19.99 Plus price: $9.80)
- Mortal Kombat – PS3 Game (now: $20.99 original price: $29.99 Plus price: $14.79)
Other Sales
- Galaga Legions – PS3 Game (now: $6.99 original price: $9.99 Plus price: $4.90)
- Metal Gear Solid HD Collection – PS Vita Bundle (now: $24.99 original price: $34.99 Plus price: $17.14)
- Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater HD – PS3 Game (now: $10.49 original price: $14.99 Plus price: $7.34)
- Papo & Yo – PS3 Game (now: $10.49 original price: $14.99 Plus price: $7.35)
- Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty – PS3 Game (now: $10.49 original price: $14.99 Plus price: $7.35)
- Starhawk – PS3 Game (now: $27.99 original price: $39.99 Plus price: $19.60)
- The Simpsons Arcade Game – PS3 Game (now: $6.99 original price: $9.99 Plus price: $4.90)
- Unit 13 – PS Vita Game (now: $24.99 original price: $26.99 Plus price: $12.94)
- Retro City Rampage – PS3 Game (now: $9.99 original price: $14.99)
- Retro City Rampage – PS Vita Game (now: $9.99 original price: $14.99)
- Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational – PS Vita Game (now: $12.49 original price: $17.99)
- NBA 2K13 10000 VC PACK – PS3 Game (now: $1.49 original price: $2.99)
- NBA 2K13 2000 VC PACK – PS3 Game (now: $0.49 original price: $0.99)
- NBA 2K13: 5000 VC PACK – PS3 Game (now: $0.99 original price: $1.99)
Price Change
- RESIDENT EVIL 6 – PS3 Game (now: $39.99 original price: $59.99)
PS Vita Add-ons
Motorstorm RC
- Elite Vehicle Value Pack ($0.99) – Become one of the premier stars of the MotorStorm RC Festival with this money saving Value Pack – featuring all eight super-cool vehicles in the Elite collection.
- Mischief Vehicle Value Pack ($0.99) – Spread madness and mayhem through the MotorStorm RC Festival circuit with this Vehicle Value Pack, containing all eight of the vehicles from the Mischief collection.
- Veteran Vehicle Value Pack ($1.99) – Get back behind the wheel of some all-time classic MotorStorm vehicles and relive past glories with eight rescaled racers in this Veteran Vehicle Value Pack.
- Special Vehicle Value Pack ($2.79) – Make your mark on the MotorStorm RC Festival with 20 of the most outrageous and unique vehicles ever to take to the track.
- Double Expansion Value Pack ($3.99) – Take your MotorStorm RC experience to the next level with the Pro-Am and Carnival Expansion Packs, containing a total of 10 tracks, 40 events and 16 additional vehicles to turbo boost your RC Festival experience.
PS3 Add-ons
Motorstorm RC
- Elite Vehicle Value Pack ($0.99) – Become one of the premier stars of the MotorStorm RC Festival with this money saving Value Pack – featuring all eight super-cool vehicles in the Elite collection.
- Mischief Vehicle Value Pack ($0.99) – Spread madness and mayhem through the MotorStorm RC Festival circuit with this Vehicle Value Pack, containing all eight of the vehicles from the Mischief collection.
- Veteran Vehicle Value Pack ($1.99) – Get back behind the wheel of some all-time classic MotorStorm vehicles and relive past glories with eight rescaled racers in this Veteran Vehicle Value Pack.
- Special Vehicle Value Pack ($2.79) – Make your mark on the MotorStorm RC Festival with 20 of the most outrageous and unique vehicles ever to take to the track.
- Double Expansion Value Pack ($3.99) – Take your MotorStorm RC experience to the next level with the Pro-Am and Carnival Expansion Packs, containing a total of 10 tracks, 40 events and 16 additional vehicles to turbo boost your RC Festival experience.
F1 Race Stars
- Canada Track ($4.99) – Download the F1 RACE STARS Canada Track! Dodge the grumpy groundhogs and race across a frozen river in this brand new F1 RACE STARS circuit!
- China Track ($4.99) – Download the F1 RACE STARS China Track! Whip through water gardens and speed along a dragon’s back in this brand new circuit!
- India Track ($4.99) – Download the F1 RACE STARS India Track! Make your move through a mountain railway pass, overtake in the overgrown ruins and power through palace gardens in this great new circuit!
PS3 Themes
- NBA Dynasty 76ers Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- NBA Dynasty Celtics Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- NBA Dynasty Lakers Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- NBA Dynasty Heat Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- NBA Dynasty Pistons Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- NBA Dynasty Bulls Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- NBA Dynasty Spurs Dynamic Theme — $2.99
+ luvtoseek on December 25th, 2012 at 12:51 pm said:
@153, chuit- spamming will get you BANNED.
wrong person. i was post 153 but not chuit the one spamming repeatedly about the game he wanted….
as to shiranaijittai… don’t make me laugh. your sad threats mean absolutely nothing to sony and it’s quite revealing how NOT in the ‘scene’ you are by making them.
Actually they said repeatedly that b/c of the holidays the update on Christmas week would be on Monday, and the Update the following week would be on Monday as well. Despite how early the update is, its still a day before no matter what.
@PrimeroIncognito – funny to see you troll on someone else on here too. hahahaha funny. but he said works within the industry not the company. You can take that more way than one. Meaning he works within the GAMING industry.
@PrimeroIncognito – And it doesn’t necessarily mean that he would have the drop before anyone of the public community for that matter.
January playstation plus store update free nba jam, $9.80 bulletstorm, $14.99 deus ex human revolution. The last 2 were free on europe playstation store. Can anyone explain why the US store is so different?
i think sony is going about this psvita thing wrong i got one this week and i love it becaus its like my persomal consol if you have a ps3 consol chances are you are sharing the tv its connected to the ps vita solves that for me
marketing the psvita as a handheld gaming device is selling it short in the mines of oher peaple becaus its not a handheld gaming device but a mobile gaming consol
@Twindad, @PrimeroIncognito, @Ryumoau, @chunterosa, and @DonkeyKongKilla.
My intention was never to talk about the “Do you Know who I am” nonsense it was more to say that I have followed the company for a long long time, and I have defended them from one thing or another and am sick of defending them only for them to turn around and make me look like a liar by screwing their players, consumers over time and time again. So the only reason that mention was given is that any company (not just Sony) will usually ignore or brush off the concerns of an individual, but when the minds of many speak a similar tune they are forced to take notice.
As far as the sale ending early going I am entirely at fault there I was unaware of any update giving advance notice saying that the store was going to update earlier. I would never expect anyone to work on Christmas I assumed so again my own error that update WAS the Christmas Update, I figured it would be updated the next week. I was sick for 3 weeks of December with whatever horrible flu/sinus infection is going on, and unfortunately wasn’t playing any of the games I love or reading much of any gaming news.
so was pretty much completely in the dark until I came home saw that massive sale going on a few minutes before work credited my account only to find it gone when I got back later that afternoon. I just purchased the Vita and had intended to expand my Vita Library by purchasing those two games, and frankly was furious that I couldn’t purchase them. Then I was looking in every settings menu all over my Vita, couldn’t find anywhere my save files were stored and was trying to find out online where to find them, everything I saw said I could back up games in their entirety which would back up the save files, but that there wasn’t a way to back up the individual save files excluding with the cloud storage. I am aware I have access to that so my own dilemma for that was solved but I didn’t think it was right that you could only back up individual saves IF you owned Playstation Plus so I was speaking up for those who couldn’t. (cont.)
As far as working in the industry I work with various forums and websites to contribute random articles, and I review games for a friends website. I don’t own the site and I don’t work for a paid review site. I also don’t live near him so don’t often get many of the digital/physical advance release copies that he and his other writers do. Which is perfectly fine with me as I haven’t written a review in over 6 months focusing more on my job and school.
I also work in retail videogame retail specifically, and really I should watch what I say on any of the companies forums because of this, but I couldn’t stay silent I have seen Sony do one thing after another over the last few years I defend them and they pull something else. From the start of the Playstation Company to probably around 2007 or so Tech Support, and press releases seemed to be far more considerate. Now they seem to be in a power struggle with Anon or whatever they are known as, and constantly make pretty unorthodox tweaks to their security infrastructure that seem to punish all of their loyal fans and barely do anything to stop the hacking.
Why I came back here days later to clarify and point all of this out? Mainly because I despise trolling and when I looked at my comments a few days later with a sound mind and saw all of the criticism I realized that all the negative anyone said about what I had said was completely justified. I care about my credibility within the industry, and I care about integrity. I acted out in an unprofessional manner (which we all know is the best way to be taken seriously right? ><) and I am owning up to it. Those of you who commented may never even see these comments but just in case you do I wanted to apologize for any offense you felt. I don't have any kind of "notify me when someone replies to my comment" checked for this website so I was unaware anyone had replied. I may actually attempt to msg the 5 of you each individually and explain the same as I have above or I may not.
There was a time when this was my favorite company in the Tech industry, now I feel like it is a shadow of its former self and that the entire company in every department is falling apart and this saddens me.
@209 while i appreciate your integrity and desire to be respected, you have absolutely NOTHING to apologize for. You have every right to express disapproval of Sony’s business methods.
And please don’t feel bad over what people say to you on this blog, specifically a certain idiotic Sony employee who feels the need to troll here personally attacking anyone who criticizes Sony.
@198 why should i have to even do that? PSP had a great save data utility that you could access on the memory stick separately from the game data. Its backwards no matter how you look at it.
@ ShiranaiJittai
Got your PMs. Of course I accept your apology, even though you don’t really need to apologize to me. I wasn’t “offended” by anything you said. I just like to give people back what they dish out if they’re going to be rude. At the end of the day, I don’t really give a @#$% what any of these trolls here think. Of course, I wish this blog was troll-free so that the genuine gamers here could have a nice place to chat without some twerp like Goofus (above) ruining the mood, but the trolls aren’t affecting anything in the long term. It’s not like any of them have any favor with Sony…
I was never upset. No worries. I respect the fact that you came back to clear the air and attempt to make right with everyone. That’s something Goofus would never do. Peace.
@ DonkeyDong
Dude, please, stop replying to me. I’m going to end up with a permanent hand mark imprinted on my face from how much you make me facepalm. You’re starting to rival Goofus in that department.
OF COURSE anyone in the industry would know about the schedule! God, you’re dense! And yes, it’s the INDUSTRY standard “New Release Tuesday” – official term. It doesn’t apply only to Sony. In fact, I’m pretty sure it’s a retail industry regulation. New CD’s, movies, and books are always released on Tuesdays too. So, he should have known if he was an INDUSTRY worker. But as we have now found out, he wasn’t really as deep into the industry as he initially implied. So, you lose. Again.
@ Goofus
Who’s the Sony employee?
Wait what? I never claimed to not know as much as I was talking about. I explained the specific extent to which I work in the industry. In the official capacity only selling videogames in retail, but in the unofficial capacity I have frequented, and often check just about every major gaming site you can name. I know Entertainment Media comes out on Tuesday and yes New Release Tuesday is exactly what it is called, and yes you are correct it is an industry standard. I wasn’t lying when I said I had thousands of people who listened to my advice. I have worked in 4 different stores for 2 different companies in the last 6 years, on a daily basis I run into a customer who I have no idea who they are (which is sad) but they remember me selling them a Playstation 3 or some other videogame product it could have been 2 or 3 years ago at an entirely different store.
I was apologizing for my attitude and or incorrect research. I never once “apologized for claiming to know more then I claimed, and I never will. This isn’t a hobby for me it is a dangerous obsession. I want to make my own games I want to run my own gaming site but I can’t stop playing or reading about other peoples games long enough to make my own.
Discount – Metal Gear Solid HD Collection PS3
Where is “Discount” ?! I see the discounted price for PSVita Collection and not for PS3 one. But thx for Journey and Papo & Yo. Please fix this Discount for PS3 or remove it from listing:
I didn’t know about the update because I had been sick for three weeks and really still was but had to work anyway. Couldn’t take any more time off of work. I love this company I really do but in the last 2 years their customer relations have simply been god awful. They are taking negative tips from their competitors during the days of the Playstation 1 and 2 their service and input was exemplary now it is the opposite. Just one example, and I am not commenting here any more as we are so far off topic at this point.
This blog post was written on December 24th Almost every single comment here is negative some are more justified then others but any company understands the importance of feedback. They understand what “Damage Control” means. Where are their official responses? Exactly.
Dude Ok, relax. You’re taking it too hard. I wasn’t trying to say what you thought I was saying you’re saying. Heh…
All I’m saying is, when you say “I work in the industry”, “I’m a reviewer and my reviews carry weight”, and “You will lose tens of thousands of customers from my words alone”, you make it sound like you’re some big wig at a major gaming site, magazine, or show. Which you are not, as everyone now knows from your admission… which I already knew anyway just by your choice of words. But you can see how you were dressing yourself up to be much more influential than you actually are.
But whatever. Do what you want. I’m tired. Going to bed. Bye.
Oh yeah, one more thing, these negative comments you see all over this blog… you can’t really take them seriously. Most of them are only for the sake of trolling. 90% of them don’t make suggestions, they just bash and run, thinking they’re funny or cool or something.
And the lack of “official responses”? Well, I think they’re taking time off to be with their families for the holidays. Most industry people take time off from around Christmas to the end of the year… you should know that, Mr. Industry Insider… heh heh…
Aren’t they allowed to have some time off? OK, now I’m really going to bed.
All this stink over what a Gamestop employee posted, Really? move on. We all know that true gamers know more than they do anyways. Oh, unless it comes to their system of choice the Xbox 360. It’s the holiday Season, no reason to let “Them” ruin our fun right? Happy Gaming everyone…
sort by game? THANK YOU >> THANK YOU>> THANK YOU!!!!
Can a mod please close this topic? We are so far off topic here, and I admit I probably was part of the cause of it, but my intention was only to come back and clarify what I said. Since every word I say seems to be picked apart though if someone else says something about me I will come back and defend it period. This is my primary reason for my hatred of forums all the macho bs.
@Primero I do not expect Sony to sit here and answer every comment, but I do expect some feedback of some kind IF the comment is worth responding to I agree that most of them aren’t but some are, and the vast majority of time there is no response given. Not just talking about in this post but in the last YEAR. (cont.)
There is so much that I want to say but can’t because I am an employee of the company you mention and I am allowed to say very little of the matter. I try to be as transparent and honest as possible though despite this so I will say what I can.
Please stop thinking of the employee’s and corporation as one. The economy is garbage right now a job is a job. I like the people I work with, and I like the job but there are quite a few aspects that the world disagrees with regarding practices that I can’t blame them for. I also admit I have worked with some employees before, and find myself questioning how they got the job. The store I work for isn’t like that but I understand why that conclusion is often drawn. I cannot in good faith say that some of the complaints directed at Gamestop are unjustified nor can I really offer any official explanations. (cont.)
Please though do not accuse me of being an X-bot. I used to be a blindly loyal Sony fanboy like yourself. I am not anymore. From say maybe 1995-2004 I was the “Sony can do no wrong guy” Then I woke up and realized that by insisting that they never did anything wrong I was not only lying to myself but neglecting to offer advice and suggestions to improve the company I liked. As a broad example lets say a friend of yours wrote a movie script, and wanted you to read it and look it over. They have already written several scripts before and have made quite a name for themselves. You look at the script and realize that it just isn’t as good as it could be. You know that if you speak up about it he will be upset with you but if you don’t and he submits it as is that his name could be tarnished. So you speak up and you tell him absolutely everything wrong with it, Tell him what worked in his previous scripts, tell him how to improve it. You don’t under ANY circumstances just “accept it as is” as to do so would be to betray them.
That is what I am doing I am finding every flaw I can in the company and bringing it to their attention in a VERY vocal manner in hopes that they will improve whatever it is that needs improving.
@PrimeroIncognito – How would it be necessary for people to know whats coming on PSN store other than the team? It would be stupid of Sony to disclose that information to others before posting it themselves. If it really works that way I shouldn’t even bother on Playstation Blog. Just look for anything posted on a mere internet search, providing the blog sites with the information would make this blog pointless to check unless you had something to say. Bc they give room for it to leak, its going to leak. Your all about business ethnics HOW DO YOU MISS THAT FLAW SMART GUY.
@ShiranaiJittai – Although I respect you owning up, the only consistent troll on this site is Prime. and he’s so level headed, he doesn’t practice what he preaches nor own up to trolling, only slanders bad review comments. I don’t however feel like you’ve trolled, if you have the pull to have Sony take that depth of a loss, it might wake someone here up.
@ PrimeroIncognito – Just bc at times I dont agree with Sony, Doesn’t make me horrible to the company, I’ve stayed a loyal consumer to Sony for many years, I don’t get on this blog to disrespect people on here that has nothing to do with me. I simply state my opinion on the update, then try to help answer peoples questions whenever I can find the answer. But all I ever seen you do is disrespect people constantly. Your cocky, self- centered, arrogant, childish, & ignorant. So maybe on your free time why don’t you try and be more productive.
@roccolou – The stores are different bc the teams are, as to refer to what a fella said few posts ago. The EU team are the game getters which is why they have more exclusively. This teams flaw in it is they go for more of a discount wise. And with the weekly update you might buy a game full price on release only to find out in a couple of weeks its on sale, then a few mentioned on sale to find out a few later then its free. If we had a overhead month review or even a hint that they will be on sale or free soon if you wait, less people would be P/O constantly.
“every word I say seems to be picked apart”
Only if you’re making wild claims…
“This is my primary reason for my hatred of forums all the macho bs”
What do you think your first posts here were? Tiptoeing through the tulips with puppies and rainbows? No. Those initial posts of yours were loaded with chest-pounding machismo BS. Raaaaaahhh!!!! Heed my words, or you shall surely meet doom!!!! ;)
@ Donkey
“he doesn’t practice what he preaches nor own up to trolling”
I always practice what I preach. And yes, I own up to “trolling”. I’ve said before that I’m trolling the trolls. I’m the troll troller. You don’t like me cause I won’t let you get away with YOUR trolling.
“only slanders bad review comments”
What’s wrong with being critical of negativity? Hell, negativity breeds more negativity, right? So, who’s to blame? Don’t think too hard.
“I don’t get on this blog to disrespect people on here”
But that’s exactly what you’re doing! Durrrr…..
“Your cocky, self- centered, arrogant, childish, & ignorant.”
I’m confident, self-aware, in tune with my inner-child, and a human being susceptible to making mistakes. Fixed.
Chronovolt will be free for PS+ this week.
Sound Shapes, Dues Ex Human Revolution, Skullgirls, Bulletstorm, Tokyo Jungle just to name a few will be on sale tommorow
it´s sad
i need playstation 3 friends please add me :)