Motorstorm Complete Edition ($11.99)

ESRB: E – Everyone // File Size: 1.2 GB
PS Vita
Motorstorm Complete Edition ($11.99)

ESRB: E – Everyone // File Size: 1.2 GB
PlayStation Store Highlights
Happy holidays! It’s a light publish this week due to the holiday season, but you can still pick up some great new deals via our Holiday Essentials Sale. If you’re a PS Plus member, you can enjoy deeper discounts on those deals, plus Retro City Rampage for free.
It’s also worth noting that a couple things have been updated in the PS Store navigation. We’ve incorporated some of your feedback and you can now filter Add-ons by game title and the Weekly Deals section has been placed more prominently. We hope these changes will help you find what you’re looking for.
As always, please leave your thoughts in the comments below. You can also chat about this update in the PlayStation Community Forums.
PlayStation Plus
Click here to learn more and purchase online or go to the PlayStation Store to activate instantly.
Instant Game Collection
- Retro City Rampage (both PS3 & PS Vita)
- Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty (30%) – PS Plus Price $7.35
- Galaga Legions DX (30%) – PS Plus Price $4.90
- Mortal Kombat (30%) – PS Plus Price $14.70
- Duke Nukem Forever (30%) – PS Plus Price $9.80
- Simpsons The Arcade Game (30%) – PS Plus Price $4.90
- Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational Vita (30%) – PS Plus Price $8.74
- Mafia II (30%) – PS Plus Price $9.80
- Killzone 3 Multiplayer (30%) – PS Plus Price $7.35
- Unit 13 (30%) – PS Plus Price
$12.94$17.49 - Journey (30%) – PS Plus Price $7.35
- Papo & Yo (30%) – PS Plus Price $7.35
- Metal Gear Solid HD Collection (30%) – PS Plus Price $17.14
- Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater HD (30%) – PS Plus Price $7.34
- Starhawk (30%) – PS Plus Price $19.60
Last Chance (Leaving on 12/31)
- PS Vita Instant Game Collection – Jet Set Radio
- PS3 Instant Game Collection – BioShock 2
- Instant Game Collection – Bloodrayne Betrayal
- Discount – Music Unlimited Premium 1 Year Subscription
- Discount – Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty
- Discount – Galaga Legions DX
- Discount – Mortal Kombat
- Discount – Duke Nukem Forever
- Discount – Simpsons The Arcade Game
- Discount – Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational Vita
- Discount – Mafia II
- Discount – Killzone 3 Multiplayer
- Discount – Unit 13
- Discount – Journey
- Discount – Papo & Yo
- Discount – Metal Gear Solid HD Collection PS3
- Discount – Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater HD
- Discount – Starhawk
Holiday Essentials Sale
- Duke Nukem Forever – PS3 Game (now: $13.99 original price: $19.99 Plus price: $9.80)
- Journey – PS3 Game (now: $10.49 original price: $14.99 Plus price: $7.35)
- Killzone 3 Multiplayer – PS3 Game (now: $10.49 original price: $14.99 Plus price: $7.35)
- Mafia II – PS3 Game (now: $13.99 original price: $19.99 Plus price: $9.80)
- Mortal Kombat – PS3 Game (now: $20.99 original price: $29.99 Plus price: $14.79)
Other Sales
- Galaga Legions – PS3 Game (now: $6.99 original price: $9.99 Plus price: $4.90)
- Metal Gear Solid HD Collection – PS Vita Bundle (now: $24.99 original price: $34.99 Plus price: $17.14)
- Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater HD – PS3 Game (now: $10.49 original price: $14.99 Plus price: $7.34)
- Papo & Yo – PS3 Game (now: $10.49 original price: $14.99 Plus price: $7.35)
- Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty – PS3 Game (now: $10.49 original price: $14.99 Plus price: $7.35)
- Starhawk – PS3 Game (now: $27.99 original price: $39.99 Plus price: $19.60)
- The Simpsons Arcade Game – PS3 Game (now: $6.99 original price: $9.99 Plus price: $4.90)
- Unit 13 – PS Vita Game (now: $24.99 original price: $26.99 Plus price: $12.94)
- Retro City Rampage – PS3 Game (now: $9.99 original price: $14.99)
- Retro City Rampage – PS Vita Game (now: $9.99 original price: $14.99)
- Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational – PS Vita Game (now: $12.49 original price: $17.99)
- NBA 2K13 10000 VC PACK – PS3 Game (now: $1.49 original price: $2.99)
- NBA 2K13 2000 VC PACK – PS3 Game (now: $0.49 original price: $0.99)
- NBA 2K13: 5000 VC PACK – PS3 Game (now: $0.99 original price: $1.99)
Price Change
- RESIDENT EVIL 6 – PS3 Game (now: $39.99 original price: $59.99)
PS Vita Add-ons
Motorstorm RC
- Elite Vehicle Value Pack ($0.99) – Become one of the premier stars of the MotorStorm RC Festival with this money saving Value Pack – featuring all eight super-cool vehicles in the Elite collection.
- Mischief Vehicle Value Pack ($0.99) – Spread madness and mayhem through the MotorStorm RC Festival circuit with this Vehicle Value Pack, containing all eight of the vehicles from the Mischief collection.
- Veteran Vehicle Value Pack ($1.99) – Get back behind the wheel of some all-time classic MotorStorm vehicles and relive past glories with eight rescaled racers in this Veteran Vehicle Value Pack.
- Special Vehicle Value Pack ($2.79) – Make your mark on the MotorStorm RC Festival with 20 of the most outrageous and unique vehicles ever to take to the track.
- Double Expansion Value Pack ($3.99) – Take your MotorStorm RC experience to the next level with the Pro-Am and Carnival Expansion Packs, containing a total of 10 tracks, 40 events and 16 additional vehicles to turbo boost your RC Festival experience.
PS3 Add-ons
Motorstorm RC
- Elite Vehicle Value Pack ($0.99) – Become one of the premier stars of the MotorStorm RC Festival with this money saving Value Pack – featuring all eight super-cool vehicles in the Elite collection.
- Mischief Vehicle Value Pack ($0.99) – Spread madness and mayhem through the MotorStorm RC Festival circuit with this Vehicle Value Pack, containing all eight of the vehicles from the Mischief collection.
- Veteran Vehicle Value Pack ($1.99) – Get back behind the wheel of some all-time classic MotorStorm vehicles and relive past glories with eight rescaled racers in this Veteran Vehicle Value Pack.
- Special Vehicle Value Pack ($2.79) – Make your mark on the MotorStorm RC Festival with 20 of the most outrageous and unique vehicles ever to take to the track.
- Double Expansion Value Pack ($3.99) – Take your MotorStorm RC experience to the next level with the Pro-Am and Carnival Expansion Packs, containing a total of 10 tracks, 40 events and 16 additional vehicles to turbo boost your RC Festival experience.
F1 Race Stars
- Canada Track ($4.99) – Download the F1 RACE STARS Canada Track! Dodge the grumpy groundhogs and race across a frozen river in this brand new F1 RACE STARS circuit!
- China Track ($4.99) – Download the F1 RACE STARS China Track! Whip through water gardens and speed along a dragon’s back in this brand new circuit!
- India Track ($4.99) – Download the F1 RACE STARS India Track! Make your move through a mountain railway pass, overtake in the overgrown ruins and power through palace gardens in this great new circuit!
PS3 Themes
- NBA Dynasty 76ers Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- NBA Dynasty Celtics Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- NBA Dynasty Lakers Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- NBA Dynasty Heat Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- NBA Dynasty Pistons Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- NBA Dynasty Bulls Dynamic Theme — $2.99
- NBA Dynasty Spurs Dynamic Theme — $2.99
@102 No Buy Ultimate Edtion
144 BestBuy has good deal on this one it’s huge download digital 19.99
Excuse me but Bloodrayne has been gone from the game collection for a while now. What is the real game that will be leaving??
Also just a heads up Rachet and clank, Infamous 2 and little big planet 2 has been in the collection for some time they should be leaving soon. They have been there since June its disappointing to see them in the collection this long. For the people who wanted those games they have already been downloaded. It would be nice to see 3 new Exclusive full games like.
Demons souls
Heavy Rain
Uncharted 3
To replace the other 3
+ saab01
those titles are their ‘legacy’ collection or something like that. morgan says they will be staying on the roster for a good long time, as some sort of ‘incentive’ for new buyers of the ps3 to go with ps+
so the only games that are worth playing and buying the plus membership will be there for a while, if you beat them and need to move on, don’t hold your breath on ps+ because all the rest of the games are gonna be bargain bin and you’re better off spending the money on a full game instead of the rental service.
HOWEVER, if you got 50 bucks to blow, the plus service is still great to keep. if i had more money i’d get the plus simply because of the deals offered and the backup of my saves.
Sega mega collection should be on sale but it at the normal price. It’s listed on the sega sale page and should be on sale even according to psn. (It’s under sales> sega sale and sales> all weekly sales) Please fix this before the sale is over. Thanks.
when will we get zone of enders digital
sucks! nothing new I want ecolibrium
I want ecolibrium for PSVita
I want ecolibrium
:-) I want ECOLIBRIUM for PSVita
:-) I want ECOLIBRIUM for PSVita Please!
I want ECOLIBRIUM for PSVita Please!
ECOLIBRIUM for PSVita Please!
God!!! ECOLIBRIUM for PSVita Please!
ECOLIBRIUM for PSVita Please!
Será que algún día colocan Bayonetta en PSN? Sería una excelente opción, creo que es un juego que merece la pena, pero ya es muy díficil conseguirlo en caja. Gracias.
we want discount again for little big planet for ps vita,, please !
@153, chuit- spamming will get you BANNED.
Stay away from PS Vita version of Motorstorm RC Complete Edition. It will download but not install. Either directly from the PSN Store or via Content Manager and a PS3. You’ll spend an hour on the phone with support and not get any!!!! They do not know how to fix the C2-12383-7 error you will get with every try, they act like they’ve never heard of it, but a quick Google search will show that this has been happening with multiple games over the past YEAR!!!!!!
Aww, can you guys please do the sale for LBP Vita again soon? I just got a psn card for it….and a vita.
Also, why update the sale before Christmas? I’m not saying you guys should have updated it on Christmas, but to just leave the sale on there for a few more days after Christmas. I mean you’ll probably have more buyers since it’s, you know, Christmas. So why take some of the sales off..?
Bummed every week without more PS1 classics and PSP games for the Vita.
I think they would get on that with how dry the current future of Vita titles is.
Dear Santa,
This Christmas I would like:
– SCEA to give us the GREATEST PsOne classic of all time; Tekken 3.
Please can you make this happen?
Lots of love,
Please FIX this new store or give us the option to use the old one. It is BROKEN!
Movie trailers run at 5 fps. Everything is SLOOOOW! It often takes 2 to 3 button presses to register.
My internet is fine, i’m using my ps3 to type this and i just came from the store. It has been like this for some time now. Enough is enough!
The store design is still absolutely horrid.
Simpsons discount is the best thing but because I downloaded it for free when I had a 1 month trial I’m unable to use the discount so PS+ continues to be an annoyance and Sony continues to lose favor. Won’t matter will NEVER buy another game system again anyways.
Nice, glad I waited on Retro City. Also, I might have to finally jump on Journey.
picked up Journey finally, it’s really a great game…I’d love to see Journey on the VITA too
WE DEMAND ANSWERS!!! about our doubts in the last update!!! We are you guys!!!
Sure hope LBP Vita will be added to the PS+ Instant Game Collection soon, since you didn’t let me buy it. Seriously, guys, DON’T END THE PREVIOUS SALES UNTIL THE WHOLE STORE IS UPDATED. Not cool.
Twilight Zone DLC for The Pinball Arcade would have been an epic Christmas gift!
(I bought it with my Kickstarter funding many months ago and was hoping to be able to play it over the Christmas holidays.
You know whats awesome? I bought a Vita a few days ago then I credited my account with 50 dollars with the intent to buy Liberations and LBP Vita but I had to go work. Then I came back from work and it wasn’t on sale anymore. You know what else is awesome? It wasn’t a Tuesday Night. I credited the account specifically for those two games you pulled the sale far earlier than you EVER do.
The most awesome thing of all though? Why can’t I access my PS Vita Save files. Why the hell are they on the card. This is unacceptable. How unacceptable you ask? It is real simple. I am not your usual customer. I literally bought a Playstation on the launch date of the N64 saving up allowance and trading in my Sega Genesis probably the only instance I have ever traded in games. I have literally bought every system you have ever released and hundreds of games for said systems.
I will state again I am NOT your usual customer. I work in the industry. I also review games and frequent various forums under multiple pseudonyms my comments and reviews actually carry weight. I might return my Vita tomorrow and no I am not joking not being able to backup my saves? That might be the last straw. I don’t want to backup the whole game I want to backup my saves. If you lose me as a customer you aren’t going to lose 1 customer you will lose tens of thousands of customers. From my words alone. You need to RETHINK EVERYTHING to do with what you can and cannot do with a VITA YESTERDAY.
I have defended tooth and nail EVERY BS damage control nonsense you have pulled on ALL of your customers because what a few hackers did. I have never hacked my systems excluding a mod chip for the original playstation to play japanese games. You are punishing ALL of your customers for what a FEW people are doing. We aren’t taking it anymore. We aren’t ASKING anymore. All of the Big 3 are spiraling in their own way. All of you are screwing up left and right. You my favorite of them? Are screwing up the most. People talk about when a PS4 is going to come out? You have to get your act together before you can even think of that. You need to stop punishing all of your customers for what a few people are doing I am sooooooo far past asking this.
I was hoping for more stuff in the Christmas Holiday…Santa got a little lazy?
We got a lot more stuff in other normal dates than in XMAS….
But I’ m happy to be a plus member anyway….Let’s wait for the New Year update!!!
Merry (late) Christmas to everyone!
Same here with Motorstorm RC vita error C2-12383-7. PS3 Version works great but the vita version won’t install. Please fix this. Thanks!!!
While not everybody comes to the blog, I do agree that if they are going to break they established dates of store update they should have put on the sale page that the prices are good through XX/XX/XX date just like other retail establishments. However you being in the industry should have known that store do not work on Christmas and new year for the most part and should have anticipated an early or perhaps later update.
You can backup the game saves with the content manager to PC. In addition you can use the content manager on the Vita itself to copy the game saves to the cloud. According to your PSID you do have PS+ which entitles you to 1GB of cloud store for your Vita.
In addition I weep for the industry if you choose to use “do you know who I am” as a threat instead of asking the thousands followers you have for help to find out if you can get a way to work out your issues.
Finally RE6 is cheaper. Time to get it.
That price drop for RE6 is awfully tempting. Maybe I’ll wait until the next update and see what they got. If they don’t have anything better then, I might buy that.
What a great update. I’m going broke thanks to you guys. Luckily I got some psn cards for xmas. Picked up All Stars, MGS hd vita, journey,mafia 2, Hot shots vita, and Motorstorm Complete. for like 90 bucks that is a heck of a lot of value. I am afraid for next weeks sales making me more broke, but I want some good ones and I’ll deal with my fiscal irresponsibility.
I am getting the Vita motorstorm error message as well. Please fix. I’m not in a hurry, but I’d love to play it.
One thing about plus. I would love to see a savings counter we can check. basically a year to date plus discount statement you can view from the store or my account section.
Anyone who works in the industry would have known ahead of time that the new release/store update schedule would be altered for the holiday season.
But it was this statement that really exposed you as a phony:
“If you lose me as a customer you aren’t going to lose 1 customer you will lose tens of thousands of customers. From my words alone.”
Not one single person has that kind of pull. You’re nothing more than a silly troll making empty threats. On top of that, nobody would be as upset over this as you are pretending to be unless they’re the most spoiled brat of all time. The money you’ve (maybe) spent doesn’t give you any credibility either. Only trolls use that excuse. Many of us have spent thousands of dollars over the years on this hobby, myself included, since the mid-80s on Atari 7800 and NES games. So what?
On top of that, you didn’t lose a single thing. You’ve still got your $50 credit. You can use it on anything. You can still buy the same games and just spend more now, or wait for another sale or a price drop later. It’s not the end of the world. (Hey wait, don’t reviewers get advance review copies of games? Hmm…)
And it’s your fault for procrastinating anyway. Not Sony’s fault. You had 6 days. Sony announced more than once that the dates of the updates were being moved to Monday for the final two weeks of the year, due to two consecutive holidays falling on Tuesdays. They didn’t deceive you. If you really go ranting all over the web about that, you’ll only end up making an ass of yourself. Oops. Too late.
You’re either just an ultra troll, or, if you really are a reviewer, you’ve let your ego become inflated to extreme proportions, became lost on the concept of sensibility, and now you’ve got your head planted firmly up your rear.
Last Chance (Leaving on 12/31)
Discount – Metal Gear Solid HD Collection PS3
Discount – Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater HD
Where is the discount for Metal Gear Solid HD Collection as listed on Last Chance (Leaving on 12/31)
There is a discount for Snake Eater HD PS3 but where is the discount for the PS3 version of Metal Gear Solid HD as listed above?
Playstation All Stars 39.99 Cross Buy; that’s definitely the sweetest deal. It’s also a sweet spot for me to buy into a game; 59.99 just isn’t cutting it; never did, never will.
Now where is that Metal Gear Solid HD collection for PS3?
Metal Gear Solid Ps3/PS One never went on sale nor was it discounted for Playstation +Plus members; it’s always been 9.99; what’s up with that?
@ DaveTheOne #191 It’s the vita version of MGS HD collection that’s on sale not the PS3 one.
Motorstorm RC complete edition is not complete!! I bought today the motorstorm RC complete edition. in the description it says it comes with all dlc, but the unlock keys for the Carnival and Pro-Am DLCs are not included on the pack!! Whats the deal? I want an answer about that. Thanks
@179 i agree. Sony not allowing us to manually access Vita game save data to back up is just plain ridiculous. Vita owners shouldn’t have to have PS Plus to store save data in the cloud. That right should be afforded to all Vita owners.
Sony is just so backwards thinking at times. Not as much as Nintendo though, thankfully.
Search function for download history. Do it. Now. Forgive the anger, but i am angry…i wish to swear. But i know how much that actually takes away attention. Please Sony. You do everything well. But i want to be able to find bioshock2, or my old assassins creed when my friend asks me to play with them. But…i have some 300 downloads.i’m spending money, enable me…US to spend more. Give us a search function!
Also. Love retro city. Considered buying it before but just never did. Being lazy pays off sometimes.
Also, about resident evil 6 discount. I can almost guarantee if you did that kinda thing on release, even just $10 off on release. If you could get that kind of agreement with the developers alot…ALOT of people would preorder digital copys over going to bestbuy or gamestop. The psn preorder option is still nice. And i use it, but if bestbuy or gamestop offers something more…gotta get the most for my money. I know its a work in progress, you have to work with developers or whoever owns the games. And its getting better, i can’t wait to see the day when i buy everything digital cheaper or with more incentive then gamestop gives me. Because, honestly i hate going to gamestop i avoid it at all costs.
@195: Just back it up on your PC. :/
Tada, no need for Plus. It’s just not as convenient, although now with wireless connections being available, it is much easier.
@Elvick I think Ryumoau means copying ONLY the save data and not the full game.
Speaking of which I already have this submitted as an idea on PS Blog.share so vote if you’d like to see it happen!